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Posts posted by hj88

  1. Yep I had one done back in 2008. I was really young at the time and was told the results would last about 10 years before it would need to be redone. That's probably about right based on what my brows look like now.

    My endo lift definitely lifted the height of my brows, which genetically sat quite low (not due to ageing).

    The only thing I regret is the scars. They were really painful and kept twinging on and off for years. Even though they are in the hairline, they are quite big. Hair didn't grow back around them properly for about a year (which was quite hard to cover) and even now my hairline is not what it used to be. When I wear my hair back, sometimes I "paint" over my scars with eyebrow gel so they aren't visible and blend into my hair.

    Put it this way - your hairdresser will definitely know you got surgery!

    That's the only thing I really wish someone would have told me about. I definitely would have had serious thoughts about getting it done if I knew about the scars. The doctors all tell you "they're in the hairline so they're invisible", but that's not entirely true...

    I even had scar revision surgery on them to make them smaller, which helped a little (but was so! painful). I was told I'd need a few rounds to make them much smaller but I chickened out after the first round because it hurt so much (and I could hear this horrible scraping sound during the procedure... EWww!!)
  2. Agreed.

    Based on my own experience, I personally think chin implant is best left to those who have seriously weak / recessed chins (I.e the first guy).

    People who are just looking for an improvement to chin shape to a chin that is not severely recessed (I.e Hilary Duff / Emily Blunt) would probably get better (less bulky / manly looking) results with genio or v line.

    I definitely fell into the second category. Chin was mostly fine but I just wanted it to be a more angled shape and also get rid of my cleft. Ended up with far better aesthetics overall with vline, even though there was nothing texhnically "wrong" with my implant.
  3. It's seriously awesome.

    They have thousands of people who have done reviews with photos, plus the clinics can advertise their specials there etc. It is a really great resource to use for research.

    I can read Korean:smile: that's why I post some of the ads here from time to time so other people who can't read korean can get an idea of the actual prices the clinics advertise to use as a basis for their bargaining.
  4. I had a Medpor implant, rather than silicone, to prevent it from moving.

    These two pics pretty much sum up the aesthetic problems I ended up disliking about my implant many years down the track, which resolved when I had vline with implant removal:

    The "witches chin" look:

    The added "heaviness" in the lower face:

    This is what I mean about an implant being obvious at certain angles and adding bulk.
  5. Final results for most surgeries are visible at 1 year post-op.

    Yes, but in those vline cases you are referring to that was the look the girls were going for.

    All of the doctors I consulted with said that there is absolutely no way you would come out looking like that Japanese girl unless you were trying to achieve that elf look. The fake, sharp vline look is actually what some Korean girls are going for, as crazy as that is(!) m

    I was scared of coming out looking like that too before I had my surgery:smile:

    However I definitely don't deny it is *possible* to be botched in any surgery.
  6. How far post-op are you though? And how old are you?

    Many of the problems I mentioned did not manifest themselves for many years (5+ post-op).

    Also, some of the things I mentioned would not be obvious when you (and your skin) are younger. However, as your skin thins out with age, certain things with implants can become more obvious. This is not just unique to chin implants either, but can happen with any implants over time.

    Another thing - many of the "bad contouring jobs" you are referring to are related to zygoma reduction (and the problems related to sagging and over-contouring). They are not patients who have had sliding genio.
  7. Try this as a starting point. Dr Jong of LR Clinic in Taipei is very famous for hair transplant:


    You might also have more luck on the Singapore Expats Forum (Health and Beauty) section for people with first hand experience.
  8. You can get hair transplanted pretty much anywhere (eyelash hair transplants are also very popular, esp in Taiwan), however the only thing to consider is that the hairs will keep growing long (as they are taken from your head) so you have to continuously trim them.
  9. No worries:P I was thinking maybe you have a different idea of young looking hehe. I was like "nah, pretty sure he looks old to me!" Lol

    Yeah ignore the quotes in emails. They never help. I Think anywhere between 1.5 to 1.75 is potentially possible for TL.

    I would definitely take in the other Babi ads though for your bargaining. Also check the Korean version of TL's blog and FB page as they advertise monthly specials there (and Power V is one that crops up from time to time). You should even be able to find old ads where they have had a discount for Power V.
  10. Because an implant is a foreign body that is essentially being stuffed into your face, they can move a little differently and look slightly unnatural in some angles. They can also change your smile. You might not notice it 85% of the time, but in some lighting, some angles and some photos you can see that your chin "steps down". This is unavoidable because your chin is a bony extrusion. BUT - This is not something anyone else ever noticed on me. I could see it when I was looking very carefully and when I saw myself from odd angles (ie 45 degree and 90 degree behind me).

    [to see what I mean by this Google G Dragon's implant. When he is singing and his mouth is moving you can notice it at some angles]

    Implant can also exacerbate and cause "witches chin", which I certainly started noticing years down the track.

    Also, I was lucky but some people have problems with the implant moving and becoming crooked or the implant being rejected by your body and causing infection (in which case you have to remove it).

    Essentially my problem with my implant was cosmetic only and I admittedly have a very eagle eye- i found that years down the track I felt like the implant added unwanted "bulk" to the lower half of my jaw, which made my face look a little too "bottom heavy".

    Once I had vline surgery and removed the implant, I ended up getting a better chin shape than I had with the implant, a much softer and daintier lower jaw and the witches chin dissapeared. I also notice that my chin now looks perfect at every angle. There is no weird "step down" in some lighting or angles. And my smile looks 100% natural from every angle.

    However, implant is actually a very easy procedure to perform - more so that genio or T-osteotomy.

    No Fat Graft is not like Botox (which freezes wrinkles), it is more like Restylane, Juvederm or Radiesse (hyaluronic acid fillers which add volume to your face). Except Fat Graft is obviously natural since it comes from you. Fat Graft is also permanent (if grafted properly).
  11. Fillers, implant, sliding genio, potentially even fat graft.

    T-osteotomy might be an option depending on where you chin is short.

    I had an implant placed and then removed it 8 years later and got vline surgery instead to give me a better chin line.

    If yours is recessed though, sliding genio is probably the best option.

    I'd avoid an implant if at all possible.
  12. My donor site was the back of my love handles. No issues and you can't even see a scar because the needle was inserted at the top of my butt crack ahaha:P

    I almost couldn't get FG done though coz I didn't have enough fat. I asked if they could take from my stomache but they said it doesn't last as long. Upper thigh should be fine though. I don't think they take enough fat to leave the donor site lumpy and uneven (but they did warn me that that was a possibility).
  13. BabiTalk is a Korean plastic surgery app. You can download it on your iPhone or iPad etc. But it is all in Korean.

    Dual Clinic is really popular for lipo and breast. The reviews I have seen for them look awesome (for Lipo) and their breasts look very natural and soft.

    Sorry on closer look the price must be so cheap because they do fat harvest to breast (not implant). But some of the results look as big as implants.

    This is their website: http://m.dualclinic.co.kr
  14. In fact I stand corrected!

    I just had a quick look then and there are heaps of clinics that do it for under 3 million.

    If you go into the Breast Specials page on Babi you can find their ads.

    Ruby PS, Ri Yeong Clinic, Korea PS, Cinderella PS are all doing it for about 2.89 million won.

    Song Yeong Ju is doing it for 2.5 million won.

    Dual Clinic is even doing it for 1.69 million won(!)

    The more well known clinics seem to be a bit more exy - Regen is 4.5 million won, Item is 4.3 million won, ID is 3.5 million won, TL and Opera are 4 million.
  15. I'm not sure about promoters on Babi but some of them are definitely 모델 모집 I think.

    2.9 is a great deal though!

    Most of the deal prices I have seen for breast are about 3.5 - 4.5 million won.

    I've never had BA but I was thinking about it for years and there's a price difference depending on what implant material you get. Saline is the cheapest and then you pay more for cohesive gel ("gummy bear implants") etc

    Do you know what material she got??
  16. Oh my god that is truly hideous that they did that to you with the passport. You poor thing! That must have been super stressful at an already very stressful time.

    Especially considering you paid such a high price for your surgeries in the first place!

    I had a similar thing happen to me in Taiwan for my first surgery where the ATM would only let me withdraw $1k a day so I had to pay for my surgery over a week. The clinic never once made me feel like a fraud or like I was trying to take advantage of them - they simply recognised it for what it was - the reality of ATM caps! They let me have my surgery straight away too, no questions asked.

    Even in Korea, where they usually ask you to pay the whole amount upfront when I was a little short on the day the clinic actually just gave me a "discount" for the amount I was short by rather than make me pay by card...

    Honestly a little discretion wouldn't have gone astray.
  17. Are you sure you have the right clinic?! There is definitely a TL website in English. I'm pretty sure they even have a blog in English.

    And most of the doctors I saw were at least middle aged (Dr Kim who did my vline def had wrinkles)

    TL and The Line used to be one clinic but some of the doctors split away apparently.

    I actually don't think TL is that cheap either.. It's pretty averagely priced by Korean standards. There are plenty of way cheaper clinics out there (esp on BabiTalk etc)
  18. Yikes that's not ideal is it.

    I understand why they might be frustrated if you post about potential "complications" with your surgery results when in actual fact it is far too early and you are just healing but on the other hand, the way they've dealt with it is not great.

    I do see a lot of people post "OMG I'm botched!" when they are 2 weeks post op (which is like...months too early to be able to say that) but trying to threaten or silence you just doesn't fly outside of Korea. In Korea, there are laws about what you can write about clinics.. Maybe that's where this mentality comes from.

    But I'm glad to hear your results are good:smile:
  19. I had my FG done at TLPS.

    I'm absolutely happy with my results. My forehead FG especially has made me look so much younger and less haggard haha:P

    However I will say that the recovery has been a bit more intense than I thought. The swelling really did take a long time to come down and then I broke out majorly in pimples on my forehead after my top up graft. However, no pain, no gain. It looks awesome now and thats what counts in my books!
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