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Posts posted by alexandra-huey

  1. It has been 5 weeks post op since my breast augmentation with Dr Barn Jae-Sang. I can most definitely feel a difference this week from the 4th week in regards to softness. The breasts are softening up more and they feel more like they are “a part of me” and natural. The stiffness has softened up. I can comfortably lie on my side now, at 3-4 weeks post op, it was a little too stiff and felt somewhat cramped. While I was lucky due to my surgeon, I never had that high/hard round look, I have noticed that the upper pole has settled down. This is probably due to swelling diminishing and possibly (I hope) the implant doing “drop and fluff” which is great as they look even more natural now.

    For once in my life, I have been able to enter clothing shops with the reassurance that tops and dresses will fit me. I have been shopping a bit since my successful surgery. Whereas beforehand, I would see clothing that I knew I wouldn’t even bother looking at because I knew that it would not fit me around the bust or at least, it wouldn’t accentuate that area. I am still wearing the nipple protectors and no bra. However I am allowed to wear a sports bra if I wish. I’m incredibly excited that by next week, I can start looking at bras to buy. I believe I will buy a few and then a couple more in the next few months just incase my bra size changes.

    I have been taking my medication and religiously wearing the silicone sheeting 24 hours a day besides showering to improve my scars. It is very much a true statement that every week, the recovery gets better. Thank you for following my journey!

    This is before..

    This is after one month!
  2. My friend got it done by Dr.Oh in Banobagi for jaw, chin and cheekbone. Her result is pretty good!!!
  3. my friend got it done 1 year ago, and i saw her recover. she did cheekbone, squarejaw and front chin reduction, and very satisfied now. well, numbness is something that takes time, especially on the front chin area. but about 2-3 months later, she said it is back to normal. if you do cheekbone reduction, chewing hard food is not suggested for 1-2 months because the pin in the cheekbone area can be moved, and that's not what we want to happen,, now, she gained weight, and have more fats on her face than before the surgery, but she seems pretty satisfied until now.
  4. Hello Clouds16, i've done consultation with him and was diagnose to get pre-orthodontic treatment before i decide for face contouring. he said my upper jaw is protruded with orthodontic required teeth. i need at least 6 months to 1 year treatment in order to get re-consultation for face contouring..
  5. I dunno how to continue with the list of my review,, so here it is !
    I went in for my 2nd consultation on the morning on the surgery day, I was accompanied by Jess, the English translator who made me sign some documents. We then went up to the breast surgery floor where I got changed into the banobagi robe, my clothing was put in a bag and I waited to have my last consultation with the doctor before my surgery! The consultation was quick, smooth and thorough. A lovely American Korean English translator (Rover - I think?) took me down to the pharmacy just before my surgery to purchase the medication and made me feel at ease before the surgery. Once the medication was bought, Jess put it in my bag and took it to the recovery house. We parted ways and Rover took me to the surgery floor, I was weighed and into the surgery room I went. My nerves were not particularly high, I felt quite calm because rover was there reassuring me. A few questions for the anesthesiologist and I do not remember from anything after that.
    I woke up a few hours later in the recovery room feeling quite cold, the nurse turned on the blanket warmer and I then vaguely remember feeling nauseated and my vision was blurry. As far as the breast pain, not a lot of pain, just immense amount of pressure and ache. A particular tight compression bandage was placed on my beasts to help with the swelling ecterca. This was quite uncomfortable as well. Was then taken to the recovery floor which I was hospitalised for a night with a drip, that night was hard as it was difficult to sleep and I had a fever.
    I was well looked after by a particular lady (a pregnant woman - can't remember her name?) who had a very warm nature. That morning the nurse came in with breakfast at 6 and removed the compression banadage which was such a relief. I had a brief look at my breasts which I was so satisfied with and it hadn't even been 24 hours! I asked if I could be discharged and left around 9 that morning.
    It is now day 3. The pressure has eased, my back isn't as sore and I can move my arms more freely. I do believe the first couple of days are the worst and it can only get better.
    The past couple of days I have resumed normal life which has helped.
    I have been walking and went to a food market last night. I feel much better when I am out and about.
    The discomfort is at its peak when laying down and immobile.
    Today, at 3pm I am scheduled to have my dressing.
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  6. Hello all !!
    I thanked all the reviews written for people like me, so here is my story for others to give ideas for choosing the clinic and surgeon for your surgery!

    I made the descision to fly to Korea and have my breast surgery with Banobagi.
    The reason I have chosen Banobagi is because of their good reputation, reviews, before & after photos and through word of mouth.
    I have heard nothing but good things about the clinic Banobagi.
    Their before & after photos are drastic and cannot lie.

    For as long as I remember, I have always wanted to increase my breast size.
    I want to feel sexy and feminine about my breasts and be able to wear revealing clothing that emphasise my breasts. Because of this I tried different bras, including push up bras but nothing has worked. It is very annoying and disheartening, shopping for bras and particular clothing that is supposed to accentuate the breast when it ends up looking out of place, as there is no real cleavage. This is obviously a blow to the self esteem.

    I arrived Korea and too taxi that was previously arranged with consultation i was welcomed by the staff at the front of the Banobagi clinic and was escorted to the guesthouse which is lovely, has everything and spotless.

    I had my consultation on the next day with Dr in the late morning. The clinic was very busy. I changed in the locker room into Banobagi's gown. When meeting with the Dr.Barn for the 1st time, I was very impressed with his warm nature and how I felt immediately comfortable. Not once did I feel uncomfortable showing my breasts despite being unhappy with the size.

    We discussed what type of implant I would be using and what would be best for me as I also have some asymmetry on my left breast. I hope to go for a Double D. My surgery is scheduled on the next day of consultation at 9 am, I am writing the night before, I am somewhat nervous but very excited!

    I have my 2nd consultation with the Dr tomorrow before the surgery which is great that Banobagi allows us to see the surgeon that one more time to clarify and answer any questions that we have.

    For anyone considering a consultation or surgery with Banobagi clinic in Seoul, I thoroughly suggest it. They do not disappoint!
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    My next review is coming soon!!
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