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Posts posted by sweetpotato1996

  1. I am glad you had a good experience! This makes me more confident in my choice. I also used Misooda to get a deal at the clinic I like. I am going for surgery next week. They negotiated a good price for my procedures, and are going to meet me on the day of my consultation to make sure things go smoothly, which is nice as I am an anxious person haha.
  2. I would definitely check out the Face Dental - their pricing and quality seems excellent. Many people have gotten surgery there and are satisfied. Also, the surgeon is an experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeon.
  3. I don't think that will be enough time. Rhino and facial contouring usually require general anesthesia. Clinics do not recommend going under general anesthesia more than once a week. So you would have to wait a week after doing your rhino before doing your facial contouring. But then you would need to stay another week on top of that before you can get your stitches out. I think you would need at least 3 weeks.
  4. Yeah, for me if I get multiple procedures done on the same day, I would definitely have a different doctor for each surgery - I generally prefer places that have specialists for each surgery. So I was wondering if in that case, the surgeries would not be rushed.
  5. Do you know what the maximum amount of time you can be under general anesthesia is? Do the doctors really rush more if you are doing multiple procedures, than if you did one? Even if it's a different doctor for each procedure?
  6. No problem! I will let you know how my consultations and surgery goes when the time comes. In fact, I can even pm you right now about the clinics I have in mind.
  7. Yeah, and there are so many clinics out there that do not cater to English speakers, and thus would not have English websites or many English reviews. But from purseforum alone, you can still learn about many popular and good clinics (though as you said, many reviews may be from promoters). Still, based on the clinic websites and other social media sites, you can get some idea about where you want to go. Then when you get to Korea, you can try and visit as many clinics as possible and then go from there. I haven't gotten the consultations get, I'm still deciding as well.
  8. Yeah I have the same problem! I guess just pick a handful (like maybe 5-6) that you like the most and go in the face to face consultations. Only after the actual consultations will you be able to actually decide, as you'll get to meet the doctor and hear their recommendations. If you vibe well with the doctor and like his style, then you're probably in good hands. When are you planning on getting surgery done?
  9. Yeah, SM artists are really pretty. But even if you don't get their specific surgeon to do your surgery, I think you can still achieve a similar result by many other plastic surgeons in Seoul - just bring reference photos of the look you want. Many clinics have very pretty models (customers who offered to share their before and after pictures) whom I find have become as pretty as all the celebrities. Choose your clinic and doctor based on the style they produce, some surgeons can be very conservative/natural, and others will produce more dramatic changes. Cinderella is a good option, but there are also hundreds of other very good clinics in the Gangnam area. Maybe check out more clinics before you decide.
  10. Cinderella clinic is really expensive. They tend to deliver dramatic (rather than more conservative) results. Some people said all that stuff about them doing celebrities is just marketing, and may be exaggerated. I do think though that many celebrities have gotten skin treatments and injections there by the head doctor. I think they have specialists for all the different procedures (nose surgeon, facial contouring surgeon, etc). We can't really know where all the kpop idols and other celebrities go, their agencies would of course want to keep it all a secret. Many clinics in Seoul have probably done surgeries for some celebrities, but the clinics would not disclose that information as it is supposed to be confidential. Some people say that big entertainment companies like SM have their own plastic surgeons. But it must be noted that surgeons tend to put more effort into celebrities and other well-known people (perhaps people with a large social media presence). So just because a celebrity or youtuber got a great result from one surgeon, doesn't mean they will put as much effort into regular people - unfortunately. :sad:
  11. I am planning on doing the same thing, going to 2 different clinics. Not exactly sure how that will work out, but since you shouldn't go under general anesthesia more than once in such a short period of time, I was planning on getting the surgery that requires local anesthesia done first at one clinic, and the surgeries that require general anesthesia at another clinic.
  12. Definitely! All that matters is the patients are happy (and healthy) :smile:. I don't think that's a terrible result, but I can understand why some people would not like it. I do think there are much better places for facial contouring though.
  13. I wasn't necessarily thinking of that one, I was thinking more of some of their other pictures I had seen. So I assumed that was why the others didn't think it was a good result. And this is coming from someone who also love the super small egg-shaped look.
  14. You could consult with all those places, or just as many as you can fit into your schedule. It's good to hear what different doctors say and recommend (if most of them recommend the same things, then at least you'd feel more confidant about achieving your aesthetic goals), as well as compare different prices.
  15. Oh okay, I'll watch their snap stories sometimes then. I kinda want a dramatic change, so maybe Dr Hong would be better. I would hate to spend thousands of dollars for my nose to look not that different. Thank you!
  16. Why do you say that you like Dr. Hong's work more than Dr. Seong? I am just curious, because GNG's before and after pictures don't indicate who did what. I assumed Dr. Seong would be better as he is the head doctor and an expert at revision.
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