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Posts posted by amber94

  1. well do crazy research then because that is a very small time frame and some might not do it.

    here is what i know from research (my friend is looking into getting a nose job and im helping him)
    So It takes six weeks for the bones to heal completely back together again. By three months, the swelling is resolving more and will look like the final product. While yes they have face treatments to help bruising and swelling it wont make it heal faster...the internal dressings remain in place for one to seven days after surgery. Your doctor also tapes a splint to your nose for protection and support. It's usually in place for about one week. BUT It all depends on how fast you heal because some people heal slowly and some faster. They would probably recommend you stay in korea (if your coming out of the country) for 2 weeks or more but you would have to talk to the doctor about.

    hope this could help!
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