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Anyone who was considered beautiful BEFORE surgeries and still decided to go under the knife?

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I said what I said. Megan don`t even know u exist. Stop being obtuse. Facts is Megan went overboard with the surgeries & this is one of the reasons(apart from the casting couch), she isn`t getting anymore roles.
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You're beautiful to me, @sdkitty .
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Well... as a French gay dude myself, I must say that, culturally, a lot of French people value "natural" beauty. Nothing is sexier than someone who ages gracefully. ;)
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Not sure why you are so obsessed with Megan Fox. I guess the fact that someone is naturally pretty must crush you.
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You’re already handsome. I think you can benefit from a chin implant, which is subtle and hard for surgeons to mess up. (Genioplasty is more invasive and something else to consider but maybe not necessary)

The other surgeries you listed may change your appearance enough that people will talk. I can understand not wanting to be harassed at work by coming in looking different... new eyelids and nose might do just that. it’s good that you are talking to a therapist to try to figure out if it will make you happy or not.

I think the French are vocal against the idea of plastic surgery but many people get it done anyways. They want natural beauty but also for the sake of saying it’s natural. Nobody complains about a well done or subtle surgery because you wouldn’t be able to tell, anyways.

I had friends who did plastic surgery who came from “backwards” families and the lack of support from their family/friends made their recovery more difficult than necessary. If you couldn’t talk about it or share your journey with your loved ones... these are all things to consider. I believe one needs to truly hate a feature of yours to get through the recovery and the consequences that follow getting a surgery (the gossip, the risks, the touchups later on etc..)
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OP says he already considers himself to be good looking....so why do anything? I get it if you have some glaring defect like a huge nose you hate or a woman with no breasts - completely flat. But a younger person with nice features - why?
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My first post was sufficient to explain my thoughts, as a person who has had surgery and seen a lot of people experience the same thought process. OP can answer these questions for himself if he wants to.
Some people always want to improve, and others will never be happy no matter how attractive they are. My hope is that OP will weigh the pros and cons and make the best decision for himself. I don’t think he’ll get useful opinions from people who are just anti-surgery with no personal experience, only opinions.
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hi @dionysusable,

May I suggest you consider full face fat graft, especially in your upper eyelids as I initially thought you were older than 26. It would soften your features and make them more youthful. A chin implant would also help the side profile.
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You look very handsome, really. Your eyes are very pretty and I would keep mono lid if I were you. Maybe I would consider removing extra fat from eyelid. If anything, I think your mouth area is protruding a little bit, but it honestly doesn't detract from your good looks.
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I think a full face fat graft would probably diminish the masculinity of his face which wouldn't really help with his attractiveness in a western country.
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i think that too much of anything isn't good. I personally had my eyes done and it was the best decision i've ever made. i still have my features but just enhanced. Do you research and never over do anything.
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