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Anyone who was considered beautiful BEFORE surgeries and still decided to go under the knife?

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I have been doing a lot of self reflection and speaking to close friends and psychologists/therapists in the past months. I have always been considered as above average (often a 7 if you believe in such rating system). Even after my research and conversations, I am still 50/50 about going under the knife and am still not sure about what I am going to do.

I will have one month off this September and was going back and forth whether I should go to SK or not.

My question is, has anyone who was considered good looking before your surgeries and come back home looking much better (or worse)? What are your view on this?

Moreover, if I am still 50/50 on my decisions, should I simply forgo my surgeries (I have yet to book the tickets/hotels)?

Thank you so much on your intake! =]
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If you don’t mind,can you pm me your picture?because if there’s any thing on your face that makes you not satisfied,you should fix only one of them,don’t need to change all the structure of your face because maybe after the surgery,you are not you anymore,your face will become a very popular dolly plastic face
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what are you considering? nose? lips? breasts? are you young?
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My advice if it's facial surgery: don't do it!! If it goes wrong, which you have a 50/50 chance of it going wrong in SK, there's no turning back. It'd never be the same and it'd be very challenging to fix. You'll end up regretting it. This happened to me.
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Only do surgery if you are close to 100% sure you want it. And even then, make sure you research enough. Know what you're getting into. There is always a possibility you come out looking worst. Thus why there are so many unhappy people who are seeking revision. 50/50 of wanted to do surgery is not good enough.
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I mean if you look at kpop idols they all have to pass an audition that is very looks focused to get into their companies and lots of them end up getting something done still. Obviously only get something done if want it and not because someone else told you that you should but there is no shame in improving your looks even if you aren't considered unattractive.
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Why are you considering the surgery if you think you're beautiful?
I am glad to read that you are speaking with a therapist, which I am sure will help you make the right decision in the end.

I guess my word of advice would be that of all the people I know who have had cosmetic surgery, the vast majority of them don't look any "better" afterward. They often look "different" and, unfortunately, sometimes look "fake." I would never say anything to them because I want to be supportive (what's the point of criticizing after the surgery?? They can't do anything about it then... unless they have more surgery).

Best of luck whatever you decide to do. This is a big decision and you're right about thinking it over carefully.
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remember when jennifer grey had her nose done? she looked like a different person. I think it damaged her career
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Hi, I was generally considered above average before I got my nose done. I think it's tricky because if you're really stunning beforehand, altering your looks even slightly can throw your entire face off balance, like Megan Fox for example. In my case, my nose was fine, but definitely needed some improvement. I wouldn't have cared if it weren't in the center of my face. I think my looks have improved a lot, and more importantly I feel more secure in my appearance. It wasn't a case of greed because what I did was actually pretty subtle. If you're already pretty and you think it will make you prettier, you should go for it. But there's a certain point where it becomes greedy and unnecessary. Megan Fox always comes to mind, she looks worse. Still stunning, but lost some of that natural edge. I think it's important to not go overboard though.
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kind of contradictory to say nose was fine but needed improvement....but you're happy so....
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Im not sure what you mean about Megan Fox. She looks the same just with a slightly less full face which tends to happen as people age.
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If you have a complex about a part of your body, then you could go for the surgery, but if it's not something that it bothers you, I wouldn't recommend the surgery. If you are already pretty and it's not something that you really need it, I am pretty sure it will help your confidence just for a short period of time...
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Yes. I was considered pretty before surgery. I would frequently be the most good looking person in the room, and everyone knew me as the pretty one. (All of that sounded so vain... But thank god this is all anonymous.) However for many years I still wasn't satisfied with my nose. It was my one gripe. I thought if I could just fix that, then my face would be perfect. Yes, it sounds unhealthy and vain. I realize it, but I really wanted it done, and it was something that I thought about for years. So I did it.

Let me just warn you of the mental instability you might go through right after the surgery or for a few days. Of course, right after surgery the nose is swollen and of course very different. I was actually a mess right after. I kept thinking "I was so good before, why did I even go through with the this" or when I looked in the mirror and my nose just jumped out at me as alien. I genuinely considered killing myself. I cannot believe my mental was that deep in the ditches but it was. I seriously thought multiple times "oh god if I could turn back time I wouldn't do this I wouldn't do this at all". But in the end what got me through was the fact that I remembered I had wanted this for YEARS. And that I trusted in my surgeons skills and therefore to grit my teeth and wait for it it to heal into its final shape. Of course now though, after a bit more than a month of healing, I think the result so far has greatly improved and I cannot wait for the final look.
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Nah. Megan was gorgeous b4 then she had rhino, cheek & lip fillers & that was the end of her career.
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May I ask what procedures you are considering? There was a lady here on PF who committed suicide after botched surgery. She was a model, beautiful but wasn`t happy about her nose. She had primary rhino in London which was a disaster. She went to Seoul for a revision but I believe she couldn`t find one. Here is a link to her story:
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