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DES Eyes and Nose ( Primary) - South Korean

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Hi Everyone,
First, I want to say thank you to all that have contributed to educating us all on the South Korean clinics. This information is so valuable.

I am a 37 year old Korean woman. I got my first DES at age 18 in South Korea from a country side doctor on a random Tuesday for 600 USD. < Insert mouth Drop > It was my moms idea. Thankfully I didnt go blind, however I did not heal the way it should have... It was slightly a botched job ..I have one eye that scar thicker than the other and never got it fixed. With time... in my 20s the scar got less noticible. The DES looks like he cut halfway and it doesnt fold all the way under if that makes any sense.

I am now at a point in my life, I have had the DES for almost 20 years ( WOW! WTF I am old) and I would like to get it redone. I am not sure if I sure be getting the EPI ( I think this is when the cut the actual eye socket area to get it bigger) or just the DES again.

I also have a long bolbus, hook nose... I am looking for a natural refinement where the Surgeon can slope the nose, made it less bolbus wide and turn up the nose very slightly....nothing too dramatic.

I have been obssesivly reading through the threads and I have been taking notes but I am confused as to where I should go, who I should see... so many mixed messages on different threads.

Can anyone recommend someone that is good for what I am looking for? Or is this an ordinary easy case? I am not looking for a V faceline or anything big or dramatic (yet).

Also, as far as communication, do you just reach out to the centers on KKT?

Thank you. Picture for references and any recommendations or tips on what I should ask the surgeons during consultations.
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