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I've looked into getting facial contouring and v-line surgeries this past couple of months,
because I wanted to change my squarish jaw (I'd like a little rounder, not too sharp, just something really natural)

I looked around the post-op reviews and such of the clinics I was considering,
and I noticed people saying that it only lasts three years or so and after that the muscle start to sag.
Some people around me were quite against it (cuz it's risky)
and if the results aren't what I wanted, I'm not sure I can live with that (it's just a really risky and heavy decision for me to make right now)
So I've decided not to get any surgery (for now) but I do want to make small changes during the time I have off from college.
I took a semester off and I'll be going back next year, so I have half a year (and I also hear that winter's a better time than summer to get procedures done?)

So I've been getting some advice to look into face lifts/ botox. (I know pretty much nothing in this field so all tips/advice/suggestions are welcome!)
Thank you :smile:
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