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Incisional Double Eyelid, Lateral and Lower Canthoplasty - Hospital Reviews

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi @Isotope360
Thank you for sharing a super detailed consultation break down. I find it very helpful as I don’t read Korean to be able to navigate through Naver, neither Chinese to navigate through Soyoung.

I’m trying to find the right doctor for me as well. May I ask you a few questions to help me narrow down my research:
1) I want natural looking bigger eyes, not necessarily bigger eyelids. Is this what lateral and lower canthoplasty for?

2) How come you didn’t get epi? Would epi help you achieving the parallel eyelid crease?
3) What are the differences between in/out or in-line crease? I came across these terms but never knew what they actually mean?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Sorry for the late reply! I will try to answer your questions to the best of my knowledge.

1) I want natural looking bigger eyes, not necessarily bigger eyelids. Is this what lateral and lower canthoplasty for?

I think so, this can be achieved with canthoplasty. Lateral canthoplasty is when they lengthen the outer corners of your eyes so that it is longer. Lower canthoplasty is when they reduce the upward slant in your eyes. But each person has different facial structures so a consultation with a plastic surgeon would be best to give you a definite answer.

2) How come you didn’t get epi? Would epi help you achieving the parallel eyelid crease?
I didn't get epi because the space between my eyes is of average distance and I didn't want to make that distance shorter. I was also worried about scarring as epi scars are sort of inevitable. Epi helps more with the tapered or what the koreans call "in/out crease".

3) What are the differences between in/out or in-line crease? I came across these terms but never knew what they actually mean?

In/out creases look like this, where the crease starts at the inner corners of your eyes, sort of hidden by skin then it peaks out above the eyes like this: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hP2vwoggI5A/maxresdefault.jpg

I am not sure what an in-line crease but from what google images is showing me, I think it is another term for the in/out crease (but someone can correct me if I am wrong).
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Hello everyone!

I am back post-op surgery and I wanted to share some details with you as I am now on Day 2 of recovery!
As a recap, I had DES, lateral and lower canthoplasty with Dr. kim at ITEM Plastic Surgery on January 10th and the operation was smooth.

Before the surgery day, i had to fast for 4 hours prior to my surgery time. No food, no water :sad: I made sure to have showered as I cannot shower for 7 days until my stitches were removed and I made sure to stay in an airbnb that was in walkable distance to the hospital. I ended up staying at a guesthouse that was only 2 minutes away which I realized was a total blessing after the surgery!

On surgery day after paying, signing documents and meeting with Dr. Kim for the initial design, I waited for a little while. The hospital was BUSY with local Koreans and foreigners. Some were Chinese, American and Spanish (according to the staff that were helping me).

I got into the operating room (yes i was hella nervous) and they strapped me to the operating table and I think they drew my blood. Dr. Kim drew a more accurate design on my eyes and then they put me under sleeping anesthesia for 5 minutes (that was a wonderful trip, I loved it) so they can inject the local anesthesia to my eyelids.

Mid way through, I was awake but I could feel the doctor doing his work on my DES. There was discomfort when he was removing the fat on my lids but he assured during the operation that this was normal.
I could feel the local anesthesia wear off and I communicated that to the doctor and he immediately gave me another dose so I wouldn't feel any pain.

After DES, they knocked me out for the second time (I was actually pretty excited for being knocked out the second time because the first time was a fun trip lol) but this time I don't remember how long it had been that i was knocked out for. At this point, they have also completed the lateral canthoplasty and lower canthoplasty on me and when I woke up, it was hard to open up my eyes because they were so swollen.

The consultants helped me off the operating table and into the recovery room where they gave me an ice pack for my eyes. There was no dizziness, no pain or nausea. I just felt like a frog because my eyes were bulging from being swollen and I was dehydrated.

I changed my clothes and my consultant ran through the aftercare procedures. They gave me pills, ointments, ice/heat pack for my eyes, some masks and instructions on how to take care of my eyes. I had to stay over night because the next day I had to come back to get my stitches cleaned.

It was so tempting to close my eyes and just lie down but they encouraged me to be lightly active and sleep at a 45 degree angle. But after taking the medication and drinking the pumpkin juice they provided me, I felt normal!

It was a little difficult to open my eyes after sleeping because of the gunk but the nurse was able to clean it off and I was able to open my eyes freely again. They also gave me a deswelling injection (in the butt!).

They gave me extra medication for my eyes because I guess my eyes were extra froggy (more swollen than average and possibly had more gunk due to the canthoplasties).

No pain, some soreness, still felt like a frog but felt normal and could walk around with no issues.
I even went out with friends for dinner and dessert as soon as I got back from the hospital!
At this point I am now back home in my apartment (reminder that I live in Korea currently) and prior to sleeping, I took all the medications and covered my eyes with the gauze the hospital has given me to protect my eyes while I am sleeping.

I had no difficulty opening my eyes and put on the medication as advised. No blood, considerably less soreness, I can also see that the bruises have started to pop up. They had warned me that additional swelling and bruising will appear 2-3 days after surgery but all in all, everything looks good. My stitches itch from time to time but nothing unbearable. Still no pain, no soreness, minor bruising at this point.

Day 1 of recovery: hard to open eyes, no pain, soreness, gunk in eyes, no blood, stitches cleaned, deswelling butt injection
Day 2 of recovery: easy to open eyes, no pain, no soreness, barely an gunk in eyes, no blood

I am taking photos every day on my recovery journey.

Stay tuned for the rest of my recovery journey!
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I’m excited to see your results! Glad that you’re surgery was smooth.
I’m looking to get my 1st double eyelids surgery done at korea. But I still can’t decide on the surgeon as I’m really confused ):

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What are you confused about? The great thing is, 1st DES is a very common surgery so it will not be as hard to find a good doctor for it as opposed to revisional DES :smile:
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Yes it’s very common but I’m unsure which doctor I should go to as I’ve seen many unsuccessful cases which required revision. So I’m not sure which doctor I should pick for my surgery? ):
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When i was fist figuring out which hospital to do my revision DES, I searched high and low throughout purse forum and I suggest you do the same. Write a list of all of the clinics that were mentioned, and make a separate column for blacklisted clinics. Then as you read more reviews about these places, narrow your search even further. I suggest having a top 3 or 4 and not going beyond that. Then you can set up your consultations.
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--------------------{{{{{--------UPDATE #2--------}}}}}--------------------

Hey everyone, it has been 7 days since I got my surgery and I got my stitches removed! Overall, I am very happy with the result, but there is still some swelling.

When I went into the hospital today, it was SUPER busy with a lot of local Koreans. I am adding this point as a confirmation that ITEM is quite popular amongst Koreans, not just foreigners. I would also like to mention that my original consultant, S**** has left the hospital literally one week before I had my surgery but I was taken care of with another consultant, named S** who was attentive as well.

I have shown pictures to close friends and they have mentioned that I look totally different :biggrin: which was what I was aiming for. I have also met another PF member here and they were totally awesome as well!

I will post a detailed update soon describing soreness levels and observations. I will not be sharing photos until maybe the 2 month or 3 month mark due to swelling so please do not ask me for photos for the time being. I will share them when I am ready.

Stay tuned!
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--------------------{{{{{--------UPDATE #3--------}}}}}--------------------

Here is my healing journey up until I got my stitches out:

I had some bruising. The bruises were supposed to be purple but I guess my skin is really thick so I didn't notice it being purple but it is now noticeable that there is yellow bruising and it is mostly under my eyes.

Eyelids are still heavy when trying to look up but there is no soreness or pain.
My stitches are starting to itch a little bit more (but manageable) and the redness in my eyes have decreased (redness in eyes is very normal after canthoplasty surgeries).

There is some swelling in my cheeks.

I can feel the swelling going down slowly. It feels like my eyes or stitches are twitching.

Yellow bruising is way more prominent.
There is still some heaviness when I am trying to look up but not as much as the first 3 days.
Redness in my eyes have continued to decrease and eyes are deswelling faster.
There is still some swelling in the cheeks but not as much after nightly facial massages and drinking lots of water and pumpkin juice.

I would say that 70% of the swelling has gone down (I walked A LOT and was super active during this week). Bruising has gone down considerably and feel comfortable wearing my glasses instead of my sunglasses out in public.
Minimal heaviness trying to look up.
Still a little bit of redness in eyes.
I can still feel my eyes deswelling at this time at a faster rate.

This process takes less than 10 minutes. You have your photos taken then you go get your stitches removed. They first started on the stitches on my eyelids and it felt like my eyebrow hairs being plucked. It was a little uncomfortable but it was manageable.

The most uncomfortable part was having my canthoplasty stitches removed. It was a little difficult because they shined a VERY bright light as they're removing the stitches so it was very hard for me to open my eyes when they asked me to. For one eye they removed the stitches with my eyes closed but for my other eye, they asked me to open my eyes. This would have been fine if it had not been for the very bright light.

After they remove the stitches, you will notice some redness where your stitches used to be. This is very normal and they also tell you about this on the papers they send you home with after your surgery.

I then met with Dr. Kim for 2 minutes where he asked if I was satisfied with the result and checked to make sure that my eyes were healing properly.

Overall, very good experience at ITEM and their after care policies are pretty good. Even if it has only been a little over a week since I got my eyes done, I am really happy with the result. However, I will wait until 3 months to make a final judgement but so far, I wished I had gotten it sooner! If I ever need to get my eyes redone again, I know that ITEM will be able to do so due to their after-care policy.

I forgot to mention the medication that they have given me.

After my surgery, they sent me home with 12 pumpkin juice packets to be used twice a day.
  • pills to take 3 times a day
  • eye drops to be used twice a day.
  • ointment to put on my stitches twice a day
  • an ice pack to be used 2 or 3 days after surgery to help with deswelling.

The day after I got my surgery, they gave me additional medication to be used in addition to the list above:
  • Another type of eye drop to be used 3 times a day.
  • A gel for my eyes to be used before going to bed.
  • Tape and gauze to cover my eyes when I am sleeping.

I really made sure to protect my eyes while I am sleeping and to take the eye drops and ointment. After care for your eyes is super important for the best result. I also avoided spicy and salty foods as they mentioned how this can cause more swelling.

My mom also mentioned to avoid peanuts because it causes your stitches to itch, seafood and any dark coloured foods including coffee as well.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi Isotope360,

I am wanting to get my double eyelid revision in beginning of March and I came across your post. I had previous gotten my non incisional eyelids done in Korea and now it has faded and will need to redo it. I am super excited to see your photos and so happy you found a good clinic. I want it a little dramatic but at the same time natural. But from hearing from you experience I really want to check out Item. Are you able to DM me a photo a bit earlier? Just ur eyes is okay if your uncomfortable showing the face.
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When are you planning to come to Korea specifically?

My eyes are still swollen and I can see that my eyes are becoming more and more natural each week. My eyes have changed dramatically but in a natural way, like you described. I am worried that because it is still quite swollen, that the results that you see will be very skewed.
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I’m planning to come in April.
Omg I so excited to see it. Please update me . Which doctor did your eyelids. I saw a lot of good before and after photo. Are you able to dm and update your results?:smile:
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