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PSA for Australians: South Korea Travel Ban

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The Federal Government has expanded its coronavirus travel ban to include South Korea, and added additional precautions for travellers from Italy, amid fears about the spread of the disease.

The revised bans will be in place until Saturday, March 14 but the Government will review the situation within a week to determine if the travel restrictions need to be extended further.

Foreign nationals who have been in mainland China, Iran and South Korea are not allowed into Australia for 14 days from the time they left those countries.

Australian citizens and permanent residents will be able to enter Australia, but need to isolate themselves for a fortnight.


The Government has also upgraded its travel advice to South Korea and is now urging Australians to reconsider their need to travel to the country.


It has offered stricter travel advice for Daegu, a hotspot for coronavirus in South Korea, and urged Australians to not travel there.

Mr Morrison said South Korea posed a greater risk because it had five times the number of passengers travelling to Australia compared to Italy.

He said Cabinet's national security committee expanded the travel restrictions after receiving an update from state and federal chief medical officers.

"The reason we have taken this decision is because of the high level of visitation we are seeing from Korea, than we have seen come from Italy, and the ability to immediately put in place the enhanced screening measures for Italy," Mr Morrison said.

"To do that [for] Korea would be far more difficult.

"So that ban is put in place because it affords the best protection and enables us to slow down the rate of transmission."
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I arrived in Korea a day before the travel ban was announced.
My flight back, which is suppose to be in 2 weeks time, has been cancelled.
At the moment I’m trying to figure how to get back home in 2 weeks :sad:
If I book a flight that is currently available I’m worried it will also be cancelled.

Anyone currently in SK that is from Australia?
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