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Should I have another surgery?

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Hello, guys!
I had an alar base reduction, and another procedure to make the tip smaller, but I am thinking if I should have another one to make it even smaller.
I really like the result of my first surgery, and that the nose is slimmer now. The doctor said that if I want to have the tip made even smaller, I would need to have the tip raised (something about septum cartilage or ear cartilage grafting), and I might need also silicone if I want to raise it even more. During the first surgery I told the doctor that I don't want any implants nor grafting, but to make it natural, so he just tied the tip. ba.jpg
Here is how my nose looks before and after the surgery.
You can see that the tip is still a little wide.I like the line that the nose makes between the alars and the tip, but I am afraid that if I make it even smaller it will look too pointy.
Should I have the tip made smaller, or it is ok like this? T.T
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