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How can I make my calves smaller?

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I'm going with dr jong bc i have a wide soleus that is buldging on the lateral upper portion of my legs and he's the only one that can work with that. no point in going with dr park if he can only make the medial part smaller. I'm planning on going either may or june
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Hi Deusch, just emailed you :smile:
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Hi jackki

I'm also considering dr Jong as he takes into acc the whole shape.

U can email me at deuschs@gmail.com and we can liaise.

It's only bcos he doesn't have much reviews here that I'm not sure. But otherwise I'll be ok doing with either. I just would like to find out more on cost wise how much in total including accommodation and transport before I decide but I'm definitely going to book for end may. First wk june :smile:

Hope to see you too!
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jackkki, you are right. im really touched by the bit where you say even though you may go through it blind and ignorant, you feel you need to do. i sometimes feel that way. i think a lot of girls here will be happy to support you online. i for one check the forum whenever im not travelling. im gg to PM you so i dont go on and on here
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Sorry for the late reply! I am extremely satisfied with the results. 15 months on it looks better than ever
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Hi ginger! Can I ask how long did u say post op in korea? Did u have to do aspiration yourself?
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Okay so I was reading this thread sometime in the middle before the op discussion, and I just wanted to let the people who are reading this thread know that for me, a never-exercised person, about 5'7 115lbs .... after starting an exercise routine where I jogged for 15-20 minutes on a treadmill, by the third jog, my calves became noticeably smaller especially the lower region. Pretty huge surprise, especially because I always thought that it would give me bigger calves not smaller.

Anyhow, I think using exercise may be a less time consuming way of reducing size/adjusting shape, but this may only be working for me because I never exercised previously.

But if you're in the same scenario, and you have a similar body-type (mine being a subtle hourglass with a super small waist and slim hips, and fat distributes around lower legs/shoulder), then this might be a good way to see results fast!
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I am booked with Dr Park for next week. I am so happy to have the surgery, but also worry . How do you feel so far. Are you able to walk?
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Hi Deusch,
I think I stayed for 13 days post-op and Dr Park aspirated my legs about 3 times. He showed the family member who came with me how to do it so I never had to do it myself so I aspirated another 2 times after getting home.
I wish you the best of luck - I am so glad I did it
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hello all,
i just had the procedure done yesterday and stayed overnight at the clinic, longest 20 so hours of my life it seemed. Dr. Park removed more muscle from my right calf so my right has been verry painful. Im not much of a complainer so for me to say it hurts, it really does. My left calf doesnt hurt so much but the stretching is very hard. I tried to sleep off the pain but I kept waking up every hour. I considered bringing ambien bc i knew it was a possibility i couldnt sleep bc of the pain and i wish i had. Right now, i cant tell any difference bc my right calf is swollen like a balloon but hopefully by day 4-5. Walking is very difficult but i was able to go to the bathroom by myself about 5 times throughout the night without the nurses help. I wish everyone planning to go through this better luck than me. I will be back for my first checkup on monday and will update you all then. One last thing, it was advised to bring lots to do for the overnight stay but my pain was so bad i couldnt focus on anything else. But no worries, it was really only bc so much was removed from my right calf. My left calf is not so bothersome at all.
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i hope you feel better soon. did dr park give you any pain meds? what was your before calf cm and goal? did you mean 2hrs or 20 hrs
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any regrets? :smile:
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hi could u possibly pm me with what airline you flew, how much everything cost, hotel cost, how long you stayed etc as well please? just trying to figure out if i can afford this!!! good luck with everything :smile:
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