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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Post Op day 4

Not much pain today so decided to walk to the clinic. Dr. Jong checked my legs and said there was only slight fluid build up so didn't aspirate. He showed me how to bandage my legs today, telling me I should apply the bandage over compression stockings if I'm out and about. He said to just wear the stockings if I'm resting. My next appointment is on Wednesday. I wish I had more to add, but it's pretty much been an uneventful day.
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Dear Marrob

Good point on the bleeding. It could be people who need to aspirate a lot are talking those pills. An uneventful day is a good day as otherwise an eventual day could be full of pain and cramping. Prefer the uneventful day.
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Awww thats so sweet. He brought you breakfast!!
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I'm almost a month post OP now, and something strange is happening with my legs and feet. My feet are extremely swollen, twice the size they normally are. My legs are growing these red dots all around that are extremely itchy. These red bumps are popping out of the skin, I'm not sure how I should feel right now. I will probably give Dr Jong a call tomorrow about the issue.
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I totally agree, Camber
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So sorry you are going through that. Dr. Jong should know what the problem is.... have you been elevating your legs? Try not using the bandages because they can cause your feet to swell. You probably know this already.....hope you feel better. Hang in there!!
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Isn't it? He also left snacks before leaving at night, worrying I would get hungry in the middle of the night. The nurses are so caring and sweet too. Awesome people!!
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Post Op Day 5

I'm just going to be lazy today. I stopped taking pain meds and feel more tightness, but that is normal. Have another appointment tomorrow so just going to grab a huge smoothie and watch youtube or read some books.
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As for swelling, some things I have used that help with swollen feet are potassium, green tea, and parsley..... Also, soaking feet in epsom salts helps too. That is, if it isn't caused by something else. Hope you feel better.
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Hi Marrob

Those are for water retention and epsom salts helps with bloating so I am not surprised they work well. I use Epsom Salts for bloating and it is brilliant, like letting down a balloon. Good tips to soak feet I would not have thought of it. Is Epsom Salts available in Korea and where would you buy it.
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Hi Camber!! Epsom salts are imported and are a little expensive in Korea. You can bring some with you, but since you need to travel light, I suggest waiting until you return home. Also, it might be a good idea to start a few weeks after surgery. For now, I've been taking a parsely capsule, potassium, staying away from high sodium and processed foods, elevating my feet as much as possible, and trying to flush out my system with smoothies and teas. You also might want to bring a little fiber with you. Anytime I have surgery, being constipated just makes everything worse. I wish they had a smoothie king here. Korea has everything.....I will double check on the epsom salts.
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Hi!! I can't really tell yet. Dr. Jong said I should see the final results after 6 months. He said I didn't have as much muscle compared to others that had the procedure done. I have a combo of fat and muscle. Plus, my skin is very thin and not as firm as it used to be so he was concerned about loose skin if too much was removed at once. He removed 50g of muscle from each leg. Not much, but he concentrated on the shape. He said he did my left leg first and could see a significant difference between the two. He did lipo on my lower leg and ankles and I can see a big difference already. If you want a lot of muscle removed, you made the right decision to go with Dr. Park. Honestly, I agree with you about wanting to have as much removed as possible. If I'm not happy with the results, I will probably get it done again. I hope I'm happy with it though because it isnt the easiest procedure to get done. My advice Camber, stick with your instincts. Doctors are always going to want to stay on the "safe" side, but if you know what you want make sure to be insistent when speaking with the doctor, like "I get your point Doc, but this is what I know and what I want and that's final." .....of course staying on the safe side. I kind of regret not asking to remove more, considering my recovery.
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Oh one more important thing, right after sugery try to keep your legs straight. Dr. Jong said some are worried their stitches will open and keep their legs bent. I kept my legs straight and flatten my feet against the foot board every once in a while. I think this is why I was able to walk straight because Dr. Jong said people that bend their legs have trouble walking with their legs bent, slowing recovery.
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Dear Marrob

You have confirmed what everyone else in this forum has said that Dr Jong does not take enough. At least he did a bit of lipo as well. Dr Park said he would do lipo as well if needed for free. As said I am interested in results and not a good bedside manner so if one doctor is rude but gets the results I am going with that rude doctor. What a shame and you actually live in South Korea and travelled to Taiwan for this.
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