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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Hi Chococatz
How are you feeling now. The sides of my feet hurt but are not purple. Think I am getting my right leg moving better but this morning my left leg got stiff. No option to keep getting against the wall on a regular basis and stretching. Just glad it is over, they still work and they do seem a lot slimmer.
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how much is Dr Park charging now for calf reduction? In English pounds if you can? If not I can convert. I went to the bank today for a loan and cant get the one i wanted. ALSO how much did it cost you to stay the week? (accomodation, living costs, food etc)

It would be so helpful if i can get an idea of costs, as this often dictates everything else (sigh)

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Cost just over £5K
Stayed in Kimchee Gangnam as it costs around £25 per night and you have your own room with shower cum toilet basis. Also TV in room and wifi. Free breakfast not great but OK. Best feature underfloor heating was fantastic as it was cold there. Looked forward to going in at ngith for the underfloor heating. Did the job and it was two stops to Dr P office. I was able to walk there even after surgery. Better to stay two weeks so you can have follow up appointments, wound dressed and aspiration.
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Thanks Camber! I really really, really want this, I just wish that therw was soembody else wanting to go and we can go together! I wish I went when you did! My family say its dangerous.. to go alone to korea. But id surely be in my hotel room most of the time? Id hate to do it alone. how are your legs doing camber?
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Hi Diane
I confirm south Korea is a highly civilised country. It is just the same as walking down any street in the UK except with more South Koreans. There are tours you can do out of Seoul - I would not go on the dematerialisation zone tour i.e. to the border of the North but just stick around Seoul. You will know the winter Olympics is being held in Seoul shortly and the Foreign Office are not advising against travel there. I would avoid the Winter Olympic period as it will be very busy and accommodation will get expensive. I appear to have lost around 4 to 5 cm as the Dr took a lot. They look like the legs of a woman and not a man training for the six nations rugby season. I had been lazy doing my stretches and it is not a good idea. I do stretches regularly now and can walk normally now but as others have said stiff in the morning.
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If you stay at Kimchee they have a kitchen so you may make your own food. There is a lounge downstairs with TV, table other people will likely chat to you or at least it will feel social. That is the difference between staying in hostel type accommodation and a hotel - people will talk to you. If you do stay there speak to Brenda the manager and ask him if he remembers the lady who walked funnily. He speaks good English and wonder why I was walking so slowly. He would as well if he had done to his legs what I had done. From the airport take the limo bus to Imperial hotel, driver will tell you were to get off and Kimchee is not far. If you ask any young person on the street most will speak basic English particularly coming out of the offices etc. I found them very helpful for directions, using the metro etc. When I was going to Kimchee one guy actually carried my bag and took me there. The older people will probably not speak English. I did not travel much around Seoul but stuck mainly to my area. There is a MacDonolds and Starbucks of course close by and sometimes in the evening I sat is Starbucks as a lot of people met there in the evening after work and it was a pleasant atmosphere.
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Diane one more tip. When you come out of arrivals go to information and ask them to write the name of your stop Imperial Hotel and the address of the hostel in Korean. When you get to Kimchee ask Brendan to write out the name Gangnam Gu Office (your stop) and the stop for Dr P - can remember what it is called but it is two stops on Line 7. Hold on to the Korean spellings it will help you if you need to ask for directions. Also Kimchee will call a cab if you want to on the first few days which will cost no more than £2 to £3 to Dr P office.
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That's very helpful. I will be able to look back and read these again in the future :smile:

What were your original calf measurements? I would be very pleased with that loss. I looked back at some posts and saw you went 26th december, so about 5 weeks post op right? How long do you have to bandage them 24/7 for?

Its a shame more people aren't posting on here.

Thanks again
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Is there anyone else interested in getting this procedure actively using the forum? Im very interested in going over and getting this done, but would love someone to go with. I'm from the UK but if your not we could still meet there. Would be good to be able to support each other.
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Hey, I saw that you are going back in December for a revision, how has things been? Are the results much better this time? I am considering the same as I really don't see much of a difference in circumference.
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Hi Diane, I haven't posted on here for ages and I'm planning to do the op, the issue holding me back is travelling alone, I'm from the uk too. I'm looking to visit Taiwan, have you definitely decided on Korea?
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