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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Hi aremwellness,

Calves are different from other parts of the body like tummy thighs arms etc. Calves have alot of muscles and they can be big and if so, liposuction would not help as lipo basically removes fats. Tummy thighs arms etc would fare better with lipo.

And that is why i suppose several of us who are on this thread are contemplating or have done the calves reduction surgery to remove parts of the muscles.

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I agree. It wouldn't be called LIPOsuction if it sucked out anything, but FATS (lipo - comes from LIPIDS which mean fat). Calf reduction surgery would be the best option I think, unless she/he is making up a new device..hmmmm perhaps a myosuction? :roflmfao: just kidding.
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Hi, I'm 2 days post op, I had calf reduction at the Oz clinic. I will post a diary of my recovery at some point. Dr. Park and his team at Oz clinic are very nice and very helpful. I have come on my own which I would say isn't fantastic as you are not very mobile post-op and it would help if I had someone here to make food etc. and help me get back on my feet quicker.

If you want anymore info. just let me know.

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i would love to hear your experience !
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pcc1, best of luck on a quick and smooth recovery! Whenever you're feeling better, I'd love to hear how you're feeling. How many cms did you get off?

fxlulu, I hope to go to Oz Clinic early June, maybe we can see eachother if you're going late may. Also, the first post you made about hearing about that one person who went through the surgery..... where did you hear that sad rumor? And what doctors did you contact in the US about the surgery?

Thanks so much everyone! This forum is so informative and definitely provides the support we all need.
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Hey, I was planning to do this year, but something came up and I have to delay this plan to next year. which is really SAD, (another summer I have to wear pants) I heard this sad rumor from another forum, unfortunately I cannot find the link anymore. Hopefully the rumor is not true. I did not contact doctors in the US about the surgery yet, I was wondering if you have. But many of the are against this type of surgery. Thats why I'm still hesitating to go. Another problem for me is that snowboarding is one of my fav sports, I'm really scared I won't be able to do this after the surgery.
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Hey ffxxlulu, I'm sorry that you had to reschedule for another year :/ I'm so nervous as well, but it seems that most of the girls who have posted in this forum were able to recover after a month or so. I love to snowboard as well. At least for me, I usually feel my quads being used when I snowboard. I'm sure you use some of your calf muscles as well, but perhaps not as much?

I found one doctor in Germany who performs this: Dr Schumann, and one doctor in USA that does: Dr Perry at Pacific Aesthetic Institute in LA, CA.

I live in the US and it would be easier to fly to california or europe to have the surgery but both these doctors are not as experienced as Dr. park in Korea, so I think it will still go to korea. Since this surgery is probably only 6-7 years old, its important to have someone experienced. Dr Park has done hundreds of surgeries where as the Dr in germany said he's only does 2-3 a year (2 last year).

It's so incredibly nerve racking to think about actually getting this done...but if I think about how much less stress I'll have in the summer when people aren't staring at my huge calves ... I think it may be worth it.

Is anyone else planning on going this June/summer???
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Ya, I'm very positive I will be doing this surgery. I am sick and tired of wearing pants and not pencil skirts at work. How long are you planning to stay in Korea and how much you planning to spend (including surgery cost)? Do you think 10K USD would be enough?
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I would love to wear pencil skirts to work as well....hopefully one day!!

I haven't figured out the details quite yet. I just emailed Dr. Park some pictures and am waiting for a quote and a post-op virtual simulation of my calves. I am expecting to spend 10K at most...ugh which is so much, but it's a long-term investment! I plan on taking 2 - 2.5 weeks off from work. I hope I can walk normally to work after that. I don't plan on staying extra to site see in Korea. I will do that if I feel up for it during my recovery 2 weeks-ish there.

pcc1 -- we'd love to hear about your recovery! Hope its going well!!!
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