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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Hi Marrob I think the recovery including swelling depends on how much you stretch and aspirate. It is a big commitment post surgery. I dont think circulation would make any different to the size of your calves

I went to see a top surgeon in London for lipo and he said it was muscle not fat which I knew anyway. However, he looked at my leg bone he said it was slightly bent and this meant my calves had to work harder to compensate. He recommended going to a Podiatrist which I did this had insoles made to re-align my feet. I dont think it made any different but might do to my alignment generally.

The only way is to remove the muscle fibre that are genetically there anyway and prone to becoming large.
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I had a friend do her calf reduction at Oz plastic surgery . From what I know, he specializes in that surgery. She ended up doing her face at another place and her legs at Oz. it wasn't terrible post-op
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I had lipo done twice and they told me the same thing about having to do with the shape of the bone. I have both a lot of fat and muscle. Even after two lipo procedures, there is still a lot of fat. This is so strange too because people think Im skinny. My arms are like toothpicks.....upper body totally different than lower.

I finally got everything booked and am so excited right now. I promise to keep everyone up to date and provide as much info as possible.
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Dear Jollyolly

Thanks for that all good to know and the more people with positive stories the better. Dr Park has done the op about 700 times so he is definitely experienced.
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Hi Camber,

Thank you!! I will try to provide as much info as possible.
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Had my consultation was with Dr. Jong and just got back to my room. He was very thorough, taking measurements, pictures, etc... it lasted about two hours. He explained his thoughts and also wanted to know my expectations. I'm supposed to be at the clinic before 9:00 AM tomorrow. Will post update after the procedure.

I am so wiped right now. Wow, drove four hours all night to catch a 7:00 AM flight. Then got lost looking for my hotel and decided to catch a cab. Almost fell over when he came back to almost the same spot he picked me up. I had walked by it a few times without noticing it lol. What a day......but can't complain because I'm so happy to be able to finally get this done.
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I did surgery in 2015 with doctor park, I had muscular calves to begin, as I recalled they were 38.5cm on both sides (I've always concluded I had a bigger right calf).

I recovered really well, but I made a mistake on walking too much or rather I placed too much pressure on my left calf during the first week. Resulting in uneven calf right 32cm & left 34cm.

I waited till I was sure there was no more swelling. But no change. I hate to want to have resurgery since you would need to aspirate again. But doctor park was very kind to offer help even 2 years later.
I sincerely recommend him because he tries to listen to your concern and never dodge any responsibility.

I am going back to see him for revision, honestly if the difference is only 1cm or less I wouldn't be bothered
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Hey Marrob!
Sorry for the late reply! How are you? How is the passport thing going? Ya I kind of get what you're saying about Dr. Park, I've been speaking to him through email and personally, I feel like he's not that much of a caring type and more of 'get this, do that, here is the price' doctor? I don't know, maybe it's just my experience, plus since everything is through email so it might be because of that. Wow four hours! But if you're in the area, meeting up sounds great! Do you know how much groceries in Korea are? Most sites says meat is expensive there. But some say produce is getting more expensive now while others says its not bad. I'm going to stay for a while so thought making my own food would be cheaper that way.
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Hi lovechanel

Sounds like you dont like to aspirate and from what I have read the aspiration is very importance if you want the smallest possible calf size. I wonder if one calf was bigger since you didn't aspirate enough. It seems from the forum that most people have walked a lot following surgery. I also hate the thought of aspiration but I am going to make myself do it.
I have seen a few posts saying Dr Park is uncaring and money orientated. Personally, I dont care I want the doctor with the skill to make my calves as small as possible and his bedside manner does not matter a jot to me. I am sure he has loads of people emailing him asking loads of questions and then disappearing off the scene.
LoveChanel when are you going back to Dr Park for the resurgery. It is scary stuff but it seems like he does it with no medical complications. Your problem is aesthetic complication and I am glad to hear he is prepared to correct it.
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Hi Marrob
If your surgery was at 9am today it should be over by now as it is 10.20 in London. Hope it all went well and you have an ipad with you to keep us updated from your room.
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Hey, just saw this! I'm glad everything worked out! 2 hours? Wow, Dr. Jong sounds great!! You got me tempted cause I'm seriously doubting that my consultation will be that long and thorough from the tone of the emails Park and I are exchanging. Wishing you a smooth recovery Marrrob :biggrin:
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It has been a while ladies, sorry for not updating sooner.

Day 3
Was brought breakfast at 8:30 AM by Dr Jong, so after having that, I asked to be allowed to try to get up and walk a bit (Today was the day I was leaving the clinic, so I definitely needed to practice seeing as I fainted the day before). However, they were rather busy that morning with other surgeries so I was asked to try later in the afternoon. So I basically stayed in bed all day, my right foot still had that horrible pain whenever I moved it. I was given lunch around 12, and just watched some shows until around "dinner" time which was 4 or 5. After eating, I insisted that I be allowed to try to walk around and use the bathroom. So this time getting up was still extremely painful on my right foot but it was definitely a little better than yesterday (Still pretty horrible!) They still put me on the chair and rolled me to the bathroom and carried me onto the toilet. This really was not what I wanted as I wanted to try moving around myself since my friend was arriving later at 7PM to pick me up. So I tried to use the walker and just went around the room in heels, it wasn't too bad but did not feel too great. At around 6 PM I was rolled into the surgery room to clean up my wound and remove these two bottles attached to my calves, and my tube used for peeing. After that was done, I was just waiting around for my friend and practiced a little on the walker. Eventually at 7 PM, Dr Jong rolled me out of the clinic in a wheelchair and with a walker and we hailed a cab (My friend got lost so I ended up picking her up xD) After getting settled down in the hotel with her, rested for the remaining of the night.

Day 4
Went to Wu Fen Pu and Taipei 101 today in Taiwan to shop, I was in a wheelchair LOL, it was all kinds of awkward, but my friend rolled me around. I did get up a few times when going in cabs, shopping inside the stores, etc. I was recommended to stay in bed today, but I didn't listen and went out anyways... (Not sure if I made the right choice) But good news is I didn't really walk too much which is what was asked. I was in 3 inch heels but still walked extremely awkward when I did get up, I did not use the walker. Whenever walking, it kind of felt like the wound was splitting apart if that makes sense, which caused me to have to walk with bent legs. I felt like if I straightened it, I would open up the wound so I walked bent whenever I did get up. Was out for the majority of this day doing a ton of things and eating and didn't get back to the hotel to rest until around 12AM X.X I know.. not good for me, but didn't want to make friend bored staying in the hotel with me.

Day 5
Today is the day Dr Jong said it was okay to start going out and walking a bit. Well, I may have overexerted myself as I went to Ximending and Shilin Night Market on this day. Walked a ton at Ximending and also bought a ton of things, luckily my friend was there carrying everything as I could not hold anything heavy yet at this point. (Felt kind of bad, haha) Legs were definitely feeling very tired and I couldn't walk very fast either, I was walking extremely extremely slow, probably 1-2mph, like a turtle. People were probably giving me funny looks at how slow I was walking, but I can't help it xD. After eating and shopping at Ximending, my legs were feeling extremely extremely tired and I couldn't even stand. Luckily, we cabbed around everywhere in Taiwan so transportation was very easy for us. Cabs are fairly cheap in Taipei, it starts at 70 TWD and goes up from there by time I believe. Our rides were always 100-200 TWD, so each ride is around $4 - $8. The price was not too bad. We dropped off our stuff at the hotel and then went to Shilin Night Market. I wished I shopped around here more, but my feet was really killing me at this point and I did not even have the mood to continue shopping so we quickly grabbed some things to eat and went back to the hotel to rest.

For those wondering, I stayed at FX Hotel, everyone there was very nice and the rooms were also very clean, would recommend this place to anyone visiting. I won't bother mentioning Day 6, Day 7, and Day 8 here because it was basically me going out travelling and exploring Taiwan, really worked out my legs too much these two days I feel. Off topic here, but met a really nice cab driver and booked him for a day to take us to Shi Fen and Jiu Fen, where we also bought a ton of things, so it was great to have the driver with us as we left everything we bought in his car. I probably really explored way too much instead of resting properly... X.X I'll give a few notes in here about what I had to do daily. I had to change the bandages on my wound daily and disinfect it. It was kind of nasty looking at it, but slowly got a little bit used to doing this. I also wore 3 inch heels the whole time and never tried walking flat footed. I was very scared from my nasty experience with my right foot so I never gave it a try. Dr Jong also insisted that I not try to walk flat footed yet either, but try to use something that is lower in heel size. I eventually did that on Day 7, and walked on a pair of wedges that were around 1.5 inches, it wasn't very comfy and I walked bent over like a grandma.

Day 9
I was going to leave Taiwan today and go to Korea at night time. I went to Dr Jong this day at 1 PM and got my stitches removed (FINALLYYY) I did not have a proper shower for days and was very excited to finally get to shower. I got my hair washed at salons everyday but it was just not the same!! The stitches removal was a little painful but it was over pretty quickly. He had to aspirate my left leg as he said there was some water buildup in there. He gave me a numbing shot and then proceeded. What he took out was quite bloody and didn't really seem like water to me, eh, not sure. After this, just got my wound bandaged up and was given some more compression leggings to wear. I also returned the wheelchair and walker I was given on this day. After finishing here, went to Hello Kitty Cafe to waste some time and at 5 PM, headed for the airport. Arrived at hotel around 1 AM, extremely late because our flight was at 7:30PM, so we did not arrive until almost 12AM. The drive from Incheon to Seoul was also extremely long. We ordered an International Cab to Gangnam which cost 75000 won. Feet was extremely tired and also swelled up a bit on the ride so went to rest right after reaching the hotel.
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So I will cut out Day 10 - Day 17 as I was traveling Korea and Japan. I did do a decent amount of walking in these places and in Japan I actually took the subway a lot because the cabs here are quite expensive! I'll mention that I was walking in 3 inch heels outside every time and did not try to walk out flat footed or in lower heels. Honestly, walking in heels was just much more comfortable and I was able to walk faster and faster as days went by. This might've been a bad idea on my part though because walking on heels basically meant working out my calf muscles...

Day 18
I went back to Taiwan on this day for my final checkup before going back to the states. I went to the clinic around 1 PM I believe and they found buildup in my left leg again (which is the leg that apparently had more taken out). Weird but, I was never told how much they took out of my legs, not too sure why, I felt like the question was kind of dodged? They aspirated my legs and they also put a bandage on my wound and told me I would not need to disinfect it anymore. I was going back to the states tomorrow so I had the rest of the day free, I didn't end up doing much because I needed to pack up my luggages. (They were all overweight) I had kept one of my luggages with Dr Jong because I did not want to pay the fee for having three luggages while traveling to Korea and Japan. They were very nice about it and kept it safe for me.

Day 19
My flight was at 3 PM, and it was a long 17 hour flight. My feet got extremely extremely swollen to the point where I could not even fit into my shoes. I was extremely worried so I took off the bandages and massaged my feet. They were still extremely swollen so I also took off my socks and eventually managed to squeeze into my shoes. Didn't think too much about it at the time since I was extremely tired. Finally got home and just went to rest.

As of today, I am 25 or 26 days post op (Time zone differences) My feet are still extremely swollen, quite scary actually and it hurts whenever I touch my feet. I am traveling flat footed each day to work, but it is EXTREMELY difficult to even move in the morning when I first get out of bed. I have to bend over in a very strange position to even get some mobility. It gradually gets better as I stand up more but I really hope it isn't like this each morning in the future. As for walking flat footed, I have been able to walk a little faster each day but I am still very awkward. Maybe I am to blame as I only started trying walking flat footed on 20 days post op. My left leg also has a ton of weird red dots growing around it and it is extremely itchy. As for my legs and how they look, I honestly don't see any change in them... Hopefully that just means it is still swollen and will get better from here, but I am quite depressed with the results at this time. They are not what I hoped they would be and almost look the same as before I get the operation... I will provide updates in a few weeks from now, hopefully with better news on the result.
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