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How can I make my calves smaller?

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QueenF I did my procedure with Dr Park. And as I noticed the recovery differs between the two. I think Dr Parks patients start walking earlier because Dr Park encourages us to walk and most importantly stretch. While Dr Jong think it is important to take it easy the first days Iv'e noticed from previous posts.

Camber, I am happy I could help a little. I remember how these post helped me. It kept me motivated and knowing that it does get better. The first days are hard. But it also varies between different people. Majority of Dr Parks patients walk the same day as the surgery. I had to stay over night because I couldn't walk. I was so worried that I was recovering slowly so I stretched almost every 15 minutes 3rd day post op and tried walking around in my room and the hallway. This was great cause then I started recovering more quickly :smile:
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Hi ladies! I completed the procedure with Dr.Jong yesterday, right now is the second day post op, but the day just started so I'll probably get talking about that another day.

2/21 was the date of my procedure. I arrived at the clinic rather early (Around 8:15) and the doctor has not arrived yet. At 8:30, Dr. Jong arrived. I went inside and took some more pictures and got remeasured a bit, he mentioned that my legs were a lot less swollen today compared to the day before when I just got off the plane. From his new measurements, my right was 33 and my left was 34, the day prior when I came for the consultation, his measurements indicated that my right was 33.5 and left was 35.

At around 9:30, I went into the surgery room and they had to disinfect me, after about an hour, I'm assuming the procedure began. My lower body was given an anesthesia shot and then I had to flip over. To be completely honest, I was feeling pretty uncomfortable throughout the entire procedure, I remember asking the nurses if it was done soon every few minutes. It was pretty uncomfortable the position we had to lay in and I also did not like my leg being elevated in the back, all in all, it was very strange and I was barely able to fall asleep even though I was shot with something that would help me sleep.

The procedure completed at around 2:30 to my knowledge and I was back on the bed at probably 3, I laid there and slept until around 6:30. I was not allowed to eat anything or drink anything until around 8 or so and I was not allowed to get up either. Dr. Jong stayed at the hospital overnight to check up on me and around 10 he came in and gave me a shot and some Mediation. Starting at 12AM I became extremely itchy and the feeling would not go away. I'm still not allowed to get off of the bed so I can't comment on that as of yet. I'll come back in a few days and describe the rest of my days post op.
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Since I'm bored out of my mind at the clinic, i will provide updates on Day 2.

Day 2

Day 2 was pretty horrible for me. I wasnt able to sleep the whole night (I mustve slept too much after the procedure), and there was also this horrible itching feeling that I got starting at 12AM all the way until the morning of Day 3. (Basically 24 hours) I was not allowed to walk at all on this day so i was in bed all day. At around 5PM, I finally could not stand it anymore and asked to be allowed out of bed to use the bathroom. They rolled over a chair and carried me onto it, once I was on the chair things started to feel extremely wrong, my vision started to become blurry and I was sweating buckets. At this point, I actually fainted/blacked out, YES, I actually fainted, oh god. I must've scared the nurses like crazy. Once i regained conciousness there were three people including Dr. Jong hovering over me and putting me back onto the bed. Boy, I was freaked out, and I did not try to get out of bed anymore. I ate dinner a few minutes after this and they told me I must have fainted because of low blood sugar. Right after eating I decided to go to sleep because I was not feeling the prettiest. While resting, my right leg would have extremely extremely painful spasms, this is quite strange as my right leg is the one with less muscle taken out. This occurred throughout the night whenever moving my right leg and I am actually quite nervous because even now on Day 3 it is still very very painful. I will get talking about this more on my Day 3 update. I ate two pills three times a day after each meal and this day was pretty painful for me in summary.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey guys!
I'm heading to Korea to meet Dr. Park in the beginning of may. I've been going through this forum many times to decide for this procedure. And yay, I've finally made the move. Honestly, I scared but I'm really excited at the same time. This forum seems less excited compared to when I first followed, but for those who know or have done the procedure, do you have any hints for me?? It's my first time traveling abroad alone so everything is still very new to me.
I'm wondering what the best method for getting exchange rates are. I wondering how to travel around the area, what food is like, if I should bring my brita for filtered water. So so many questions...! If you guys have any ideas or know anything about traveling in Korea, please let me know!

Lots of love :heart:
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Hi!! I actually live in Korea, but am going to Dr. Jong to get the procedure done. Exchange rates are best at Money exchange places, but they are only available where there are a lot of foreigners. Dr. Park's clinic is in the heart of Seoul.....Unless you have a lot of time to travel, I suggest changing money at the airport. If you do have time, you can go to Itaewon (across the river from Gangnam) and they have a lot of money exchange places there. If you take a cab from your hotel, it will probably cost around (10,000 won or $10.00)......depending on traffic. If you are exchanging a lot of money, you should definitely go to a money exchange.

Seoul, especially where you are going, has everything in walking distance. You can try Korean food......definitely try korean bbq while you are here if you can. If there are any questions at all, please let me know. I will try to help as much as I can.
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You're awesome. :heart: Ya I was wondering how it would work too, cause I read that best money exchange places are at myeongdong and some Itaewon. Which, is not really on the way, from the way I'm traveling - plus I'm scared I'll get lost. So I was wondering if I should open an account at KEB since we have one here in Canada - it would sounds easier and safer. But I'm not so sure about bank exchange rates!
If you don't mind me asking, is there a reason why you would prefer Dr. Jong instead? When do you have your operation scheduled? Maybe we can meet up and we can share experiences or I can share mine before you do yours. Sorry if that sounds sudden, don't really know anyone there so... need to make friends ;)
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Hi I was wondering when you had your flight back home, how did you stretch your legs on the plane? Korea back to Sweden would take around 9 hours (haha I googled it). The reason I'm asking is cause I going to do the surgery with Dr. Park as well, but then I don't know when booking my flight it asks if I require assistance, but I'm not sure how I can put that in. Please let me know if you can, super nervous about planning this whole thing! Thanks!
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Would love to meet up. I'm live in the southern part of Korea, about four hours from Seoul. I might not be in country in May.....planning to move back to the states, but let's keep in touch and meet up if I'm still here. I have my operation scheduled for March 16, but just found out I have to renew my passport so if I can't get an emergency one tomorrow, I will have to reschedule. I had a consultation with Dr. Park two years ago and just wasn't "feeling it." Lol He is probably a great doctor, but I have this thing about having to feel comfortable with doctors before doing anything. Plus, my problem has more to do with overall shape and the Sol muscle so I thought Dr. Jong could address these areas better. The overall cost is about the same, even though I have to pay travel costs if going to Taiwan. As for money, I suggest using your credit/debit card as much as possible so you don't have to carry cash. You can pay for the surgery in dollars, just would probably get a better deal if using a money exchange......but you're right, it is inconvenient and you won't be saving that much. Everything else, I would use a card. They accept cards everywhere here, even cabs, so it's pretty convenient. Just make sure your bank knows you're travelling to Korea so they don't decline any charges. The exchange rates at the banks, including KEB, and the airport are the same so I would exchange a small amount of cash.
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I was looking at Hafis, has anyone heard of this place? It seems like Dr. Park or Dr. Jong's clinics is really popular with the foreigners.
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Hi Marrob thanks for the feed back. I have heard before Dr Park presents himself as too commercial and not caring enough. However, he seems to take the most off the calf so I need a lot off. If you want sculpturing seems like Dr Jong is the correct person as apparently he takes little but concentrates on the shape. I thought you had heard horror stories about Dr Park as I see on his website he mentions 'one bad review' and he seems very concerned about this. I think that bad review was to do with eyes as opposed to calves. So your op is soon. Please keep everyone updated on your progress as it gives people who have not yet gone through it encouragement.
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Hi Camber!! I didn't read any bad reviews about Dr. Park. He is probably a great doctor. I just feel Dr. Jong would be better with my situation.... overall shape and sol muscle. I know what you mean about needing a lot of muscle removed.

Do any of you have problems with swelling? I have large calves to begin with and at the end of the day they are enormous. I was wondering if bad circulation is related.
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