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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Queen B thanks for the update. I am going to Dr Park as from previous posts I read Dr Jong was more interested in 'sculpting' - I agree sculpting is necessary but AFTER the volume has been taken our of the calves. I do hope your calves get smaller and the lack of change in size is only due to swelling. Dr Park is said tp create "skinny legs" - well I will never have skinny legs but I would like them to be a lot skinnier than they are now. Keep in touch with everyone as it helps and also helps you to tell your story.
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Day of surgery

Got to the clinic way too early, around 8:00, and waited outside. Dr. Jong came around 8:30 and let me in. He took pictures and measured me again because I was swollen the previous day. Today my right leg is 37 and left is 38. I was then taken into the operating room. I was stripped down and given and bra to wear, sprayed with betadine, and told to lie down......all basic surgery prep stuff. The whole procedure wasn't bad at all except you have to lie on your stomach with your legs elevated in the back. After a while, my back started hurting, but the procedure was soon done after I started feeling uncomfortable. Anytime I started feeling uneasy, I gave the nurse a look trying to hint it was time for more of that medicine they give which helps you relax lol.

Post Op day 1

Slept pretty well all night. Dr. Jong brought me breakfast and gave me all the things I need to clean up (toothbrush, wash cloth). Dr. Jong and his team are so caring. My legs were still pretty numb last night. I started feeling pain in the middle of the night, but nothing unbearable. Honestly, I thought it would be a lot worse. I dont't have much to write because I guess it isn't that bad. Trust me, if it was, I would let you know. The only thing I find uncomfortable is having to stay in one position for so long.

Post Op Day 2

I will be released from the clinic today. The drains were removed and Dr. Jong asked me if I'm sensitive to pain. I told him I definitely was hahahaha and he said he would give me a pain reliever/relaxant, to help calm me, before removing the drains. It was pretty quick and harldy felt anything. I feel less pain in my legs today. The only thing on my mind is my hair and how I'm going to wash it. Let me know if you have any questions. I'm probably leaving a bunch of stuff out because it's been a hectic few days.
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Thanks!! Dr. Jong is great. I also forgot to mention in my post that I met someone who had their initial procedure with Dr. Park and had revision surgery with Dr. Jong. I forgot to ask her name or get more info because we were behind curtains when speaking and I was already drowsy and tired from the procedure.
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Hi!! I just posted an update. I've been just relaxing and healing for a few days that I might have left out a bunch of stuff. Honestly, it isn't that bad at all. Just some itching a leg pain after surgery. I have to see how things are when I'm on my own.
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Hi Judypru!! Glad to hear from you. Yes, Dr. Jong is pretty great. They are caring and make sure you are comfortable. It's best if you get consultations from both. Send pics and see what they say. Visit their websites and see what their procedures are like. I did this for yeats and finally decided on Dr. Jong. It's better to compare and go with what your instinct tells you.
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Its scaring me now. Its too bad cause I already booked by stuff in Korea. Chose Park cause I read that Jong is more into the muscular shape which is not what I was looking for.
Wow, there's all these questions in my head right now. But I know you're healing so I won't bombard you with them yet. And I'll await your updates :smile: Thanks for providing them to us :biggrin: Its really great to hear that the pain is not too bad! Take care of yourself! And if you're bored, feel free to message! Cheering for you :biggrin:
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Hi Judypru,

Don't be scared. I has the hardest time deciding too. If amount of muscle removal is what you need, then you made the right choice with Dr. Park, according to other posts. I wish we could just have an All-in-one choice, where you can get the most muscle removed as well as sculpture.
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Hi everyone!! Just wanted to let you know I'm back at the hotel and feeling good. The nurse helped me into a can and I am walking fine..... extremely slow but fine. I think Dr. Jong was surprised at how I just got up and started walking. He put away the wheel chair and walking aid, saying I won't be needing anything. If anyone is having second thoughts or is scared, don't be. It isn't even half as bad as I thought it would be. The only thing I would advise if, if you ate traveling alone like I am, try to get a hotel as close to the clinic as possible and make sure you have food available. I'm glad I brought a bunch of protein bars and meal replacements so I don't have to get out as much. I thought they would have room service here at Deja Vu hotel, but they don't. Also, don't want to eat too many meals and get bloated or constipated. The weather in Taiwan is rather humid, but for those traveling to Korea in May, the weather should be perfect because monsoon season and the humidity usually starts mid June.

Judypru and Camber, let me know if you need anymore info. I'm sure your surgeries will turn out great. Also, let me know if you need my num so I can assist with any translating, etc when you get here.
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OMG, I meant cab, not can hahahahaha..... must be still kind of out of it.
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You're too sweet! :heart: Thank you for offering :biggrin: Haha I'll take that offer up when I'm really desperate for it, don't want to bother you that much. :smile:
Oh! I just remembered, I spoke to a wonderful lady from this forum about her surgery. She did it with Jong as well, but i believe it was a few years ago that she had the operation. A tip she gave me was when flying back home, she made a request with the airline for assistance as it was difficult for her to walk for long. So the airline had someone wheeling her through the security checkout to boarding, and she thought that really helped her.
And if you get hungry and is okay with fatty food, McDonald's there does delivery.
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Hi Marrob

Thats great news. Did laugh when you said 'can' but knew you meant 'cab'. I am so glad I found this forum as otherwise it is scary stuff. It seems no-one has had many problems with this surgery and these doctors seem to have the procedure off to to a tee. Will definitely be going in May to Seoul, I picked Dr Park as even if he seems to be money orientated he takes a lot out and I need a lot out. Keep us all updated as it is interesting and helpful to everyone on here.
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Thanks for the info!!! I was thinking about doing that. Dr. Jong says to stay off my feet as much as possible and he will let me know when I can start stretching, etc. I'm going to listen to him and just rest all day until my appointment tomorrow. You won't be bothering me at all. I know how it can be kind of scary going somewhere on your own, especially when tou are going to have surgery. Keep your head up though and stay positive because you will be in good hands. These doctors know what they are doing^^
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Lol me too "she put me in a can" omg!! The doctors do know what they are doing. I think that is part of the reason Dr. Park seems commercial, but I can understand because he has done the procedure so many times and is confident in what he does. Just stay positive and think of the outcome and how much you want it. That's what is keeping me focused. Also, I believe Korea has some of the best plastic surgeons in the world. That's why so many people travel there to get things done. If you want to get any small procedures done while you are there, you will be in the right area. For example, I have sweaty palms(hyperhydrosis) and get botox injections. In the states, I heard it costs about $600.00. I had it done for about $80.00. Same thing for any IPL or laser treatments. Just wanted to add that in case anyone was interested.
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Post Op day 3

Woke up and went to get breakfast.... not much pain today. It takes a while to get started when walking, but lasts only a few minutes. Walking is fine....think of it as taking slow baby steps. It just takes longer to get to your destination. Dr. Jong told me to just rest today until my next appointment tomorrow. That's what I plan on doing. Oh, I wish I would have brought a hat. My hair is a disaster. I tried washing it yesterday, but yeah......still a disaster. I give up. I'm just going to rock this "I haven't showered in days" look the best I can.
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Just thought....

I just wanted to add not to take any anti-inflammatory pain killers such as aspirin or (advil) ibuprofen, which may induce bleeding.... I remembered doctors telling me to stick to tylenol after surgery because others may cause bleeding. You are probably saying, "duh," but just wanted to add that because it might be causing more bleeding/fluid build up for some people.
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