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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Hi Camber,

Yes, I'm two weeks post op now and walking fine without wedges. The swelling is still there so it's hard to tell what the final result will be, but I'm happy with it so far. The first week, I think healing is key and it's better to take it easy and not push yourself too much. Aspiration is essential in keeping the swelling down and helping the healing process. I hate needles and I swear it made me nauseous each time Dr. Jong aspirated. There wasn't much to aspirate, but Dr. Jong said it's better to aspirate. I stretched against the foot of the bed by flexing my feet the whole first week. I began more extensive stretching and walking without wedges the second week. Now, I'm going into my third week and everything is great, except wearing the stockings can be so uncomfortable at night.
Since you're traveling a ways, it might be a good idea to ask Dr. Park for a doctor's note so you don't have to walk too far and can get a seat with a lot of leg room. It makes a big difference. I noticed walking wasn't as uncomfortable as having to just stand. Also, teas and smoothies helped me a lot. I usually get bloated after sugery, but didn't have any problems this time around.
Please ask if you have any questions. Honestly, it is so worth it and I thought the pain would be a lot worse. I know what you mean.... when I first heard of this procedure I was like "omg no way," but now I wish I would have gotten it done sooner.
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Hello girls, so I'm almost 6 weeks POST-OP now, and sad to say, my legs look almost exactly the same as they were before the procedure. A little side note... At my last checkup with Dr Jong before going back to the states (About 3 weeks Post-Op), they measured my calves and they were actually the exact same size as before the whole procedure. At the time I didn't think too much of it... But now, I'm really starting to regret. Getting up in the morning is still quite annoying as we are not fully mobile until after about 5 minutes or so. My feet are still swollen and my legs have seen no improvement. I am starting to regret not getting my procedure done with Dr Park, if the results I have right now are really what I'll most likely be getting permanently, then I really made a bad mistake in getting the procedure with Dr Jong as there is really no change... I'll keep everyone posted if any changes happen, but as of right now, big regrets!!
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Sad to hear that QueenF. I suppose Dr Jong is good if you have little to lose and just want a better shape. That is what I have taken from all the posts I have read. Did you not ask Dr Jong why you had paid for a procedure and your legs were exactly the same. It is Dr Park for me. Glad to hear Marrob who used Dr Jong is happy.
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At the time I did not think too much about it, if I did ask I assume he would have given me a very "staged" answer claiming it would need time for the swelling to go away... Dr Jong was very caring and the language was obviously easier for me since I knew Chinese. However, at 6 weeks post op with 0 change whatsoever, really makes me regret my decision to go with Dr Jong, I will probably have to get this redone next year with Dr Park. Going to stay positive for a few more weeks and hope for the best, but I don't see it getting any different from this point on. For some side info incase any girls here are on same boat as me. My calves do not look big from the front or the back, they only look big from the sides.
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So now at almost 7 weeks post op, my calves are actually getting bigger and bigger each day, actually bigger than they were originally at this point... Still having those sore pains first thing getting up in the morning which take a few minutes to adjust in. For some side notes, I wear flats all the time now to work, etc, maybe heels once in a while but not often. At home, I do have stairs to walk so I do work out my calves a tiny bit. However, it really shouldn't lead to my calves going back to before. I also kept my legs wrapped until the end of week 6, this is the first week I have them unwrapped, considering wrapping them again. I have also emailed Dr Jong with the pictures of my calves as he has asked for them once I informed him of what's going on. Will keep everyone's posted on what he says!
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Los Angeles patient that is very worrying email. I have heard he is uncaring but really if there are major problems it says a lot about him if he does not respond. As you say when you are anxious that is the time you need to speak to your doctor. I read good reviews at first but lately there has been a lot of bad news unhappy patients on here. If you are from Los Angeles did you not consider Dr Liu. I had email conversation with him and he seems to prefer to do RF. From what I have read RF is not worth it and a bit hit and miss. Thinking about things now. I dont think he has enough skill to do resection.
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Hi QueenF
What has Dr Jong advise if anything. Is it that your legs are experiencing swelling. It seems odd that they are getting bigger so soon after surgery. From what i can see at the moment Travelbird is the only person who has been happy with result. I am starting to think about this more carefully.
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I understand you got angry when you couldn't get your reply.
But you seem to have some misunderstanding with the doctor.
Sometimes, email couldn't be delivered without obvious reason.
Why don't you email him again or post on his board ?
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Hi Camber,

This is definitely a big decision to make, and the first few weeks are very tough, so you should be mentally prepared before making the leap. As of right now, I am a little over 8 weeks POST-OP, I sent the photos of my calves over to Dr Jong and he suggested that my legs are most likely still swollen and for me to continue bandaging them. As of today, I have started wrapping them again. And boy, do my calves feel terrible when they are bandaged!!! I have no idea why, my whole leg feels like it is asleep, numb, just all sorts of uncomfortable. Maybe this is a good sign? Fingers crossed.

I'm literally forcing myself to keep these bandages on right now, I'm about to give in and just take them off any second because it is really that uncomfortable, makes me have some hope that perhaps my legs really are still swollen. I'll keep everyone updated on what happens in a week or two, hopefully my legs become thin (At least some difference from before)...

As for the responsiveness, Dr Jong is definitely very responsive and I do appreciate that, I am also assured that if I were to go to Taiwan again, he would gladly see me and help me with my problems. I haven't dealt with Dr Park at all, nor asked him for a consultation so I can't comment on that, but seeing the things people say here do make me quite worried, if I do end up having to go in for a revision, I will most likely check out Dr Park either way, just because he is specialized in slimming down the legs most.
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Hi QueenF

I hope it is swelling and they do go done. Dr Park does not seem to care as much about patient but he does seem to get the slimmest legs. It it too much to go through and then all the bandages for no results. I wonder if Marrob is around. She had hers done with Dr Jong as well. Starting to think more about this as when I first came on the forum everyone was happy but now seems to have taken a downward slide. At least you not have your bandages on in the heart of summer. Unless you are down under of course.
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Hi Queen F
I have been following the discussion on here for years now and still plan to go to Dr Jong for surgery. I am sorry to hear of your difficulties and hope that things quickly improve for you. It must have been hard taking the decision to go through with this so I hope that eventually you get the results you hoped for. Please keep posting about your progress.
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Dear Los Angeles
Oh good thanks for confirming. Are you going for a revision then? Will he charge you for the revision. My legs are like tree trunks so he has his work cut out. keep us updated as it really helps everyone to get over this scary stuff. I wonder why it is not more popular and done more often in UK and LA. I did email Dr Liu in LA and he was trying to push the nerve ablation. I am not interested as it seems to be a hit and miss operation. Will definitely be going to Dr Park as Dr Jong sounds lovely Dr Park gets the job done.
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Hi Los Angeles,
good to hear from you! Now i really feel better, I was worried about your message, but I'm happy to know it was just a misunderstanding. Thanks a lot for telling us! :smile:
Hello camber!
I read that you also wanted to go to Dr Park in May. Will you still go in that period? Cause I'm planning to go in the beginning of June! Did you already made an appointment with him?
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