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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Hi all!
After a year, I have finally persuaded my parents to let me have this surgery ! I am so excited, it is crazy haha
I have arranged with Dr. Park to have the surgery on Mid may this year. If anyone who sees this message is having/would like to have the surgery around this period, and would like a recovery-buddy, please feel free to contact me ! :smile:
I am a university student, from Singapore :smile:
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Btw, i have started preparing the list of things to pack for the surgery, and would like to share with everyone who is interested ! It is pretty hard to find surgery-packing information online, as most people seems to be getting facial surgery and the things they pack could be slightly different from what we pack for the calf-reduction surgery (i think haha).
Anyways, i have look through forums and blogs regarding surgery, and have assembled this following list of things that i would personally pack for the surgery. Please feel free to add on/ shorten the list for your own individual needs. I am planning to stay in Korea for a month, hence i would rather over-pack than under-pack haha.

1. Plum juice -- very very effective in helping with constipation problem after surgery
2. supplementary meal - in case of poor appetite after the surgery
3. ice pack and heating pad - to help with the swelling or bruising, i am preparing this just in case.
4. Sinecch medicine - essential. To help with the bruising
5. bromelain - pineapple extract. Pineapple and pumpkin seems to be highly recommended for post-surgery care
6. vitamin c and zinc vitamin pills
7. loose pants/ flowy long skirts/ loose dress
8. load up on pumpkin-related food, Korea convenient stores seems to sell pumpkin porridge.
9. scar-healing cream
10. good probiotics, yogurt.
11. knee guard - In case of weakness in the legs, which could maybe put strain on the knee (?)
12. 2 inch wedges that can fit swollen feet/ ankle
13. 30-40mm compression stocking - Dr. Park seems to be providing one for his patient, but i would prefer to prepare another one so that i can alternate the stocking.
14. Small backpack - for the overnight stay at OZ clinic after surgery

I have also read online, to prevent taking too much vitamin E and any blood-thinning medicine after the surgery. I am not a medical/pharmacy student, hence i am not too sure of the accuracy of this information. But i will just share it incase!
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Hi Diana
This is something I have thought about doing(am from the UK too), as one of my calves is bigger than the other and it makes me so self-conscious I don't wear skirts and dresses. However, at the moment I am considering jaw surgery and would definitely do this first and get that recovery out the way as it can be a hellish one!
I didn't use to have such big calves. Some of it is fat, but the bit I hate most is the muscle - especially in the bigger right one - I can tell it's muscle by standing on tiptoes. It is so ugly. Even though there would still be some chubbiness from the fat, I'd still be way happier!

I would consider doing one calf at a time, to make recovery easier, but not sure if the surgeons would recommend this.

I haven't measured them yet, as I'm sure I'll be horrified :biggrin:, but must do. What are your measurements?
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I am sorry I have not posted in a few weeks. I didnt get any notifications that anyone had posted on this forum. I am very glad to see that it is getting more active again!

Camber, can you update us on your journey? :smile:
So, here is a bit more about ME. My calves are about 16 inches (around 40 cm)
This has most definitely, 100% had an impact on my life. Feeling self conscious.. limiting what i wear substantially.. It is the outer muscle which bulges out for me. I am 5ft 4 and quite slim frame. I do feel out of proportion.

I have been considering this, and using this forum for YEARS. I just need to do it now! So im from the UK, and after reading LOADS of posts, most people tend to lean towards Dr park. I feel like hes probably done alot more of these surgeries. I just looked ay old emails from Dr Jong, and he said, in truth, he only does about 10 of the calf surgeries a year. He said there were only about 5-10 cases of Caucasian people that he had treat. This email was september 2016. This does worry me slightly, as Dr park has probably done about 1000 of these operations by now? THOUGHTS?

I would love to get 3-4cm off my calves.I have tried botox, and although that line of muscle definition softens, the outline of my overall calf does not! The scar does not scare me, more so the recovery. I stretch my calves every morning anyway, so dont think this would be an issue. maybe more so having to be bandaged for 3 months? considering I don't intend telling my friends/bf. OH and ofcourse actually going over there! I would really want to go with someone who is getting the surgery too.

AS a final note, anyone reading this that is in recovery, PLEASE do reply and update us all of how your legs are! this would be greatly appreciated!

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Hi Diane my legs are getting less stiff now only in the morning. Can walk without limp on the right leg, the left leg recovered like a tropper. Dr Park will give you stockings which you can wear out and they just look like regular tights. I actually think they are better than the bandages which are a bit 1920s way of doing it. Also with the stockings they hold the legs in a smoother position whereas the bandages you have to have skill to bandage the leg evenly. The bandages leave big red tracks on your legs and make them itchy. I am sticking with the stockings during the day and bandage at night.
I would not consider Dr J at all as he does not take enough but has apparently good bedside manners. There have been a few girls on here who went to Dr J and they have not been happy but some have put a 'brave face' on it. Some are going back for revision surgery at a further cost of £3K. Well I would not go back there I would go somewhere else.
Apparently Dr J is a sculpture which is great if your legs are not that big but if you risk getting signed up with a nearest rugby team as you walk the streets then you need to go to South Korea .

I would rather have a Dr who said to me give me the money and lie down and then for him to do a good job as someone who had good bedside manners. Good bedside manners don't make slim calves. .
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Hi camber,
As far as i remember you are post op 1 month right? hows is the size reduction? can you see the differences?

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Thanks Camber,

I 100% agree. I would rather someone do a good job than have bedside manners. What do your legs look like without the bandages/stockings? Have you worn skinny jeans? AND finally.. do you think you can post pictures? :smile: I imagine your legs will still be a bit swollen at this point?

It is like 3-4 months off summer here so wondering when the best time is to get the surgery.. im a bit clueless in how much the after care/healing process is going to effect my day to day life. I guess in my head I feel like it would be huge but then again.. I think im being dramatic!!
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Hi Dianna
I have definitely lost a lot of muscle. My legs are not that swollen but I a bit of fat at the time (I did ask Dr P to take that off but he didn't but he was employed to take the muscle anyway which he has.. Not ready for the pictures yet. The main recovery is the stretches you have to stretch every day. Have to get my head around losing a bit of weight. I had the surgery in winter because I felt in summer the banadages would be too hot. I think now the Seoul winter was a bit too cold and February or March would be fine to get the surgery done. You can wear the stockings in the summer and you can go out sometimes without them but bandage up at night.
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Hey Camber,

Yeah I know what you mean, ideally id like to lose some weight before booking flights and going through. I think the first month id be very diligent with the bandages day and night but after that it would be nice if you go out without them now and then. have you tried jogging/running yet? Have you tried wearing different clothes yet that you normally wouldn't pre operation?

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