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How can I make my calves smaller?

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No, I am from US! Yes I do plan on posting photos when results are semi-noticeable. Are you planning on going for surgery anytime soon?

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Day 8 - Post-op
So I got in midnight the night before, changed into flowy jammies and watched some tv before dozing off at 2am. Walking was still painful, and now that I was around family there was no hiding it. My brother fortunately settled with just questioning once “what’s wrong with your feet?” which I replied “it’s just swollen.” But my mom, one look and she knew, although she thinks it was liposuction since nobody knows about muscle resectioning unless u tell them lol. She did not pry. I almost cried! She is a doctor herself, so her questions are mostly about how I am recovering vs. why I did it.
Anyway, even in my own bed I could not sleep straight. My jetlag is still severe. So I napped twice until about 4pm I chose to get up. I stretch when I can but the back of my knee is painful when my heel is flat. Walking around apartment is still hard. I ate more today than in the last 10 days and my mom noticed I lost weight lol.
Then around 7pm the guy I am dating asked me to come over. No way, with all my bruises and my limp it was impossible. But I managed to convince him that my feet swell when I am super jetlagged so we can’t fool around much lol but I got up showered and went to see him. I kept my sinecch bromelain and ibuprofen in my bag in case I slept over. He didn’t inquire further and my bruises and big feet were well hidden under leggings and socks.
Another piece of advice, even when it is a struggle you should try to do normal stuff again. It really lifted my spirits to be having dinner around family, and then seeing person I am dating, as if no big deal, I am just sick from travels. I now believe a lot of the psychological and mental hardship came from the perceived loneliness of traveling undergoing surgery and recovering ALONE, but again I also believe I needed my privacy in those trying times. I might be ashamed in another person’s presence even if they are aware of the whole ordeal. Perhaps if I was married or was best friends with someone undergoing the same exact surgery then it would be a different story. Pain that day morning was 8.5 down to 7.5 that evening.

Day 9 - Post-op
I slept over his place in a very uncomfortable position. Still super jetlagged so I got up even with less than 5hr of sleep I feel rested. I force myself to stretch and walk to his bathroom. The pain is dull now but striking heel still puts jolty pressure in back of my knees.
THEN! HERE IS EXCITING PART! After breakfast and a lot lot lot of stretching, pain has now dulled to a good level 6.5-7!!!! I’M ECSTATIC!!! The usually worst part which is getting up and putting feet flat on the floor now is super manageable. I am happy. Tomorrow I go back to work and I want to still take it slow since I live in new york and my commute is a good 20-30min combined walking. My feet are still swollen and my bruises are for sure dark but for the first time I am super happy and hopeful.
And as I kept repeating, my calves even with bandages look 2x better than what they used to be. I stare at it many times to lift my spirits. I will make sure to adhere to post-op care instructions as best as I can even at work.

Thank you ladies for your support. I will continue to update in coming days. Even if some pain will return, i will remember the memory of today and be hopeful.

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Thank you so much for your detailed updates!! Its great!

Yes planning on going for surgery with him but maybe in a few months, need to get some money together and get timing right. I put alot of emphasis on recovery and not being able to do much so its great to hear you are back doing normal stuff/noone would be none the wiser only 8 days post op. Apart from your limp ofcourse.
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Day 9.5 - Post-op
After writing that post, I spent the morning stretching more. Then in the afternoon, went down to go foodshopping at my snail's pace. Overall pain is now manageable 3, but I will start differentiating with walking pain which for that day was a 7. Best part about that night: my first 8hr uninterrupted sleep since night of surgery.

Day 10 - Post-op, back to work!
I woke up in the same oh-my-lord tight and hard to walk pain thinking I should definitely just work from home. Mornings really are a biatch. I am from NYC and the idea of walking to the subway, going up and down the tracks and standing up for the ride is waaay too much this early. I decide to shower, get dressed and see how I feel. Once my joints are warmed up, I feel energized. I took an uberpool to work. Thankfully I have 50% off discount this week so that was a godsend. Then at work, I am feeling so good EXCEPT for the fact that I walk like a zombie and its super noticeable. I don't even avoid stretching every 30-45mins because it has now become necessary, lest I want my next time getting up to be more agonizing. I spit a story about tearing my calf and nobody bats an eye lol. But it is getting old to tell. Then after work, bf picked me up so we can have dinner at his place. So I had to ride the subway with him. Holy ****!! Taking an uber that morning was best decision ever. I now see I CANNOT go down stairs properly. Also, what makes walking slow more difficult is when somebody is there walking with you and I'm trying my best to keep up and not look weird.
So yes, going back to work is possible I would say even yesterday, day 9. Just the whole commuting part is a nightmare. I cannot imagine being in subway both morning and afternoon where I have no seat and then people might step on me or push me and I will just topple over lol. Nobody likes slow people on the subway. Also it might help if I am visibly disabled but my bandages are so unnoticeable under slacks. My slippers and my limp may be a good clue but most people just walk past me. I'm not self conscious on the sidewalk at all because there's nothing to see after they take one look and it registers that oh this girl is injured and cannot walk properly.

  • Bring comfy FLAT and PLATFORM shoes wherever you go
  • Stretch religiously
  • Take it easy on the walking. Standing for more than 3mins hurts, walking is fine except the heel gets tired so much more easily because it holds all the pressure.
  • Buy an umbrella for a cane if you need
  • Take 20mins every morning to loosen your calves up
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Thanks for posting :smile:
One of the things that is stopping me from booking is not being able to see more before and after pics on the website. Does anyone else feel like this? There isnt many, and the best are sure to be on there. Julia what are your measurements? xx
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Day 11-13 - Post-op, work and school
So I still took Uberpool going to work on Day 11 and 12. I prefer the discomfort of sitting in place for more than 1hr than potentially being nudged and toppling over the morning rush commute. There were some extensive walking because I had to go to a client in the city, and I also go to night class. Of course I did Uberpool everywhere but the walking inside buildings itself is so laborious. Although my calves are stretched and warmed, it is my feet that make walking all the more difficult. All sides are swollen and sore. Then all the pressure is at the heel so both prolonged standing and walking is painful. I managed to inch my way to wherever I go. Every uncomfortable step or distance I just remember how far I've gone since the first few nights where I literally crawled from my room in my guesthouse to the toilet. I remember the pain that woke me up at night. This is far from that, though still difficult, so I feel better. At work, I stretch whenever I can. Limp is still 100% obvious.
I have a pattern in the morning where I am sooo sure I can't walk, or that my walking the day before aggravated my swelling and put back my recovery, but a good 20-minute stretch takes that feeling away and puts pain and walking at manageable level. Calf pain now varies from 4-6, while walking pain was still 7-9.
I also tried to aspirate myself but very little came out. I lie down in my tub with feet outstretched, poured antiseptic all over, put the needle at an angle and tried but not much fluid was there. I even had sunglasses on to mask the blood so I wouldn't get nauseous like last time lol.

Day 14 - Post-op, new shoes!
My mom got me new shoes so I stop using Dr. Park's platform shoes (which made it easy to walk, but were so uncomfortable). First time I feel like a person when walking as it allows me to hide my limp down to 50% obvious. I still cannot stand or walk too much because my heels still dig but at least I am better. I ride the subway in the morning and it is torture not having a seat. Nobody can tell I am injured so nobody offered a seat lol. Also, I am late this whole week but people in the office understand.
So it is true that if you have time you should stay in Korea for 2 weeks. But I'm glad I went back to resume my old life this early. Yes, it is mentally and physically challenging to try to mask the surgery and the fact that you are slightly disabled around everyone that knows you. but then I feel like my old self when I am not walking lol. My coworkers, family, bf still regard me the same. I don't feel alone or too self-conscious. My pants fit so well without a bulk.
Sorry @dianna22 no pictures yet because of cankles and swollen feet, the shape is not perfect. What I will guarantee, however, is that my legs are now straight unlike before when muscle bulge was obvious from back and front, making it look like it was only slightly smaller than my thighs. Now I have womanly calves and despite the swelling and my ugly limp, I feel so beautiful. I am happy. I never ever felt like this ever before. 25 years old, been social creature since I was 13 and know I looked different. Now I am so excited to wear everything I couldn't. Even just the pants, even if they don't show off my legs, they will for sure fit well. My body is not perfect but only now I am confident enough to flaunt it without feeling "fat." I am actually very fit but my calves made me feel self conscious as if I was obese. Now I don't care that my arms aren't supermodel slim, or that my shoulders are broad. I can rock my own style and not feel fat!
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Day 15 - Post-op, sharp pains
Not much update on this day, except for my subway ride home. Going down stairs is so hard, while going up is 90% normal. Anyway, my commute was long then I insisted on doing food shopping and my feet gave up early on. I was in extreme pain and discomfort and still had to walk about 8 blocks to my apartment. When I got home I had cramps in addition to the swollen tenderness and bruised feet. Again I feared regression but I put on a brave face and just rested elevated my legs. I realize I can't rush my progress. Yes I feel incrementally better every day, but the process is not as simple. While there is swelling, there are many things I am not able to do such as walk long and far, go down stairs, and even wear any of my own shoes!

Day 16 - Post-op, getting better
So I forgot which poster it was but somebody here said they finally started walking normally after 16 days. When I read that I just wanted to blink and be at day 16, walking normally. Now I'm here! How am I? Very tight mornings, painful but satisfying stretches. I walk straighter now, and putting heel on flat surface the first time getting up is not agonizing anymore. My calves and ankles are still bad and i don't fit into any of my shoes. However, I'm so happy whenever I look in the mirror knowing my calves will still de-swell and improve. Yes, they may stabilize to a few inches more than now but they are proportional to my thighs. It might take a while to look and feel completely normal but it is a small price to pay for the confidence I earned.
I will try to keep updating daily journal, but let me say now if you are still unsure: depends how badly you want it. I am part of those who knew since I was 13 that my calves are my biggest insecurity. They were not just muscular, they were very disproportionate to the rest of my body. I used to be able to wear skirts and shorts, but when my curves evened out, I got into working out and managed to get abs, nice butt, but my calves also got more bulk. So I have avoided anything that will expose them for a good 5 years now. This surgery was a must for me, and I'm not just saying that as a first-world insecure 25 year old. I am saying that as someone who wants to feel ok in a dress, so I can enjoy social functions that I had long avoided or at least not looked forward to. I had a chance to change my life, and I did it! So yes, the first few days were so horrible that it sent me into a slight depression, and then after that its been tough to function normally, but I'm willing to go through it all!
I promise pictures next week, whether or not my cankles go away lol.
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Is no one going to call this woman out? Okay I will. I’ve gone to Korea 3 times, two of those times I’ve gotten major surgeries. I consulted with Dr P. twice and it was just not for me. I decided to go with Dr. Jong for various reasons.

First of all, it’s not about manners or bedside etiquette. I grew up with surgeons, one would be the most blunt, impatient, stubborn person I’ve ever met in my entire life, he’s also happened to have performed unprecedented operations - he’s also made mistakes and had failures that were not particularly “his fault”. Bedside manner isn’t the end all or be all - I know it’s more than about that when I made my decision.

We each take this path for our own reasons. Just because you are happy with yours and stick by it doesn’t mean you need to consistently put the alternative down.

I’ve also gone through and read over this thread twice over before I did my surgery. Did you know that it is your own doctor who said that within the first 12-15 months, the swelling goes up and down as the body adjusts and it’s not just the swelling, the muscle itself is trying to adjust. So no, just because you can find one case you deemed is bad from Dr. Jong to support your confirmation bias, does not make it empirical evidence. As I said, I have gone through this thread at least twice now. I started researching into this nearly 7 years ago. There is an earlier patient of Dr Park named marshmallow something (first 50 pages) who had her calves reduced then they went to BIGGER than her original size within 2 years. These things happen. Do they happen often? No. When I sat down with dr Jong, he spoke without being prompted 2 of these cases that he is aware of in his entire career, since 1999.

I followed a similar case from Dr Parks patient (I have email records if you’d so like) similarly they went back up and eventually she went to dr Jong who was able to treat her sol muscle which was the main reason for the adverse effect with Dr. Park.

Also another thing, Dr Park is highly marketed to Westerners. Which is fine. My mother being American Korean, I am fine with that. But with locals, most people haven’t heard of him. One person I mentioned him to instantly said, “oh the butcher?!” Now I’m not saying he is or isn’t. But that’s what you’re doing, using one story to support your own decision to make yourself feel better and running your mouth with that. I’m not talking about one post. Look at your post history. Anytime someone come with a less than positive position from Dr Jong, even though they’re in their first few months post op which is known for fluctuating differences, you put words in their mouths to others and say “Dr Jong doesn’t take off much, just a sculpture - people who have gone to him is just trying to put on a brave face” WHAT THE F! Shut up, seriously. No one said that, you literally just made that up and spread it around to make yourself feel better.

I don’t care if I get banned for this or whatever. I see you’ve been supportive of others who have gone to Dr Park and I’m glad that those ladies had you and other companion to get through this tough time. It is a really tough time.

But don’t do that by putting other people’s choices down whether you are doing it on purpose or not, you’re doing it. So just please so kindly stop.

I have been corresponding back and forth with some of these ladies for about 3 years and the oldest is like 7 years now. Both have been with Jong and Park.

I’ll attach an example here. Let me know if you want to see more or need more support as I remember how difficult it is.

As for me, I went with Dr Jong even though i met and was going to go with Dr. Park and am glad I didn’t. But that’s not to say he’s a butcher or a sham or what have you. No, he wasn’t the right choice for me. I know he was the right choice for many others, no doubt. The reason I went with Dr. Jong is because he was able to address the sol muscle for me, Dr park told me what my measurements would be as he would not be addressing the sol. I was not satisfied. That’s my reason.

Oh and he’s called it muscle sculpting as he touches 3 muscles altogether at the same time in cohesion. It is acceptable in cosmetic surgery for that purpose. He’s not meaning like ceramic pot sculpting or whatever the hell youre making it out to be.

Anyway, if anyone reading this thread earlier is freaking out like I was, here’s my recovery road. It was bumpy and it was hard but it was full of support from a lot of people that I reached out to, no matter what doctor they went to. Please reach out to me via PM as some of you already have if you feel the need.

I was 38cm and 38.5cm. It’s been 1.5 years or so since my surgery. It went bigger around the 6 months mark for god knows why. I freaked out to be honest but thank god for SUPPORTIVE peers, most of whom went to Park but gave me encouragement and their own experiences. I was around 37cm-38 around 6-9 months post op. I was quite down thinking I was screwed. Today, 1.5 years post op, I’ve settled at 33 and 33.5 respectively. It’s been like this for about 6 months now so very happy. PM me if you’d like some support or pics or if you’re unsure how it’d be, I know it can be very dark.

Case in point: everyone is different and just chill. Don’t shat on other peoples decision just because they might differ from yours. I don’t care if I get banned or downvoted for this, I’ve been in the Asian cosmetic surgical game for far too long to care, if no one was gonna say something I will lol. How would you like it if you’re going through recovery and you open this thread which is supposed to be your source of comfort and being said “well yeah, Park is a butcher, look at this one woman he butchered”. I could say that because I have evidence of people going to park and Not being successful. I also can gather that for every doctor probably. I certainly have enough in with Dr Jong to make my informed decision. He also showed me all the possibilities in his case. So just stop. Please and thank you.

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^ umm thanks. How can I get in touch with you?

I am at Dr Jongs clinic now. I am supposed to be dispensed today but he’s keeping me for another night (3 nights now!) because he took out a lot and theres a lot of blood! I was 42.5cm in both legs maybe 42cm on the lesser one. I had my surgery on Monday.

There’s a lot of pain and honestly, been feeling so down and crap. Reading this forum really didn’t put me in a better mood so thanks for the encouraging thought. Surgery was about 2 days ago and he measured me this morning and said 38cm, I know it’s too early but it’s hard! My SO gets here tomorrow so hopefully things will be better. Can you PM me please? I don’t know how. Thank you
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I created an account to post my experience here but since this place basically shut down anyone who went to Dr Jong I just left it and recovered on my own. It’s ok, what doesn’t kill you make you stronger haha. And last night was painful as hell but today is better already
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