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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Hmm I guess this is really more from genetics. Mine never really got big but I love how strong they are (and thanks to skating too)! Sometimes i even make my hubby punch them and he's like wow it's like a brick wall...now my abs? thats a different story :P
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If you dun get the spasm in your legs, you should be able to walk around for an 1 hr or so. Depends on how you recover, but I would say if you have a normal recovery, you should be able to get out of the hotel for a walk and a bit of shop. I was able to go to the mall on Day 3, but on Day 4 i started getting the spasm... my walking was very restricted after i got the spasm.
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Dr. Park had said that about 1% of patients get spasms, but sofar of the 4 people that I know of that had the surgery have all had spasms... coincidence? or is the chance of having spasms more than 1%? hmm
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I had a horribly slow recovery and was able to get out and do a bit of shopping and sight seeing. At first, Dr. Park will tell you not to walk more than 1 hour without taking a break. I could walk ok, just very slow. The hardest part was finding shoes that were comfortable. Because my calves were not strong, I was putting A LOT of pressure on the heel of my foot and found my feet got sore very easy.

We went to Shinsegae Station, which has TONS of shops and also the area by the US Army base.
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If it makes you feel any better i have the same problem, which is why i googled "how to make calves smaller" haha and this came up.

My calves are bigger than my thighs! well i think they are. I HATE wearing shorts and skinny jeans because my claves ruin everything!

anyway ive heard guys prefer actual legs to stick spider legs and thats the only thing that gets me to be somewhat okay with them

im pretty sure its is genetic b/c my dad has the same thing although id like to blame it on years of diving:P ohh well its whats on the inside that counts, right?
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The platform shoe doesn't need to be too high, as long as its a flat heel. This is what I wore during my two weeks in Korea.

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i had a virtual simulation of a before and after on my calves since i am considering having it done, let me know if you would like to see it, i do know that this is just a virtual simulation and may not even come close to the end results
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i just send oz clinic pictures of my huge calves and they did virtual simulation, the outcome is much better than i thought and yet i know this is not always the outcome, just the same i am determined to have it done sometime august i think
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