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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Hi, Dr Park's specialty is calf surgery. I had my surgery done with dr park 4 weeks ago, if you go back a few pages, you will be able to read what I wrote about my experience. I have absolutely no regrets, although the first two weeks after surgery was very tough and my recovery period is quite long. But I must say, by week 3, i started feeling a lot better. When are u looking to get the surgery done?
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Yeah, i tried to stretch as often as i could and I am still stretching. When I had the spasm, i was told to rest up and not push myself too hard, but the spasm has now subsided. The stretching really does help a lot...if you dun do the stretches, i find that the calves will tighten up. Stretching is a must.
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hi there,

so ur surgery is on 30 may? how long are u staying in seoul for? I have my surgery booked in June 19. Wonder if we will bump into each other. :P

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Wish you all the luck.....don't worry.
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my friend went for botox jabs & it helped reduce her calves size significantly!!!

that said, she used to run alot, calves were muscular. thus the doctor recommended her this treatment.

The doctor advised that she probably needs to go through 4-6 sessions max & the size should stay permanent.
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Hi anne_pag and everyone else contributing to this forum!

Thank you for sharing your experiences ... I am so glad to have found this forum! I am from Australia and am travelling to Seoul to have calf reduction surgery done by Dr Park at OZ Clinic on 21 July. I am staying for 2 weeks, although I was hoping to leave earlier ... but having read what people have shared, I'm starting to get a more realistic expectation of what to expect.

I am very interested to hear how your surgery goes ... I will keep an eye on this forum. Good luck and thank you!
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Luna 28: Oh good luck with your surgery, if you have any questions, feel free to send me a private message.

I am now 5 weeks post op. My swelling has gone down a lot and the bruising has completely cleared up. My calves have improved so much, I have lost nearly 2 inches on both legs, there is a little bit of asymmetry but I have been told its not that noticable. Besides the slight asymmetry I am very pleased with my result. There is still tightness in the calves but its getting less by the day. I am still limping a bit. I am planning to start seeing a physiotherapist to help strengthen and massage the calves. I believe this will speed up my recovery.
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Hi kok79!

Thank you for your response and update on your recovery. I am so happy to hear that you are pleased with the result and are feeling better physically! I hope the physiotherapist helps too. Please let me know how that goes.

If I do have any questions I will be in touch. (I can't believe I didn't find this forum earlier ... I have done a lot of research over the past few months, but for some reason have never come across this forum ... it is fantastic to have found this ... thank you again!)

luna28 xox:biggrin:
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Skyylight2003 -

I so glad that you're recoverying well. I'm planning to have the calf reduction surgery sometime in August. Did you have someone with you for the first couple of days or did you go alone?

Was it your decision to stay at the clinic overnight? I think Kok79 went back to the hotel.
Please keep us posted on your recovery.
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I know what you mean, the recovery room can be quite lonely.

There's a small convenient store literally around the cnr from hotel in case you didn't know. As you walk out of the hotel, walk to the right and turn right immediately (before the car repair shop) and walk about 50 metres up the hill. This is the closest place to get your snacks/drinks. I only realised this towards the end of my stay. If you can manage, there is a place call paris baguette across the road near the traffic lights... the bread and sandwiches are really yummy!
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i too have plans to have calf reduction in August, do you know exactly when? I am in Georgia, where are u from? Skylight2003, am glad you are doing well. Before you know it, you are back home. Take Care
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