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How can I make my calves smaller?

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I'm also planning to get my calves and nose done by Dr Park this September. It sounds like the recovery is very painful... for those who had the calves surgery already, was the pain unbearable and how soon were you able to walk? I really want to get my calves and nose done on the same day but worried that the recovery pain from having 2 surgeries would be too much to bear! Would appreciate your advice :biggrin:
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Hello, You're going to be in pain and stuck indoors for a week or two anyway with the calf surgery, so you might as well have both operation done during the same time. The calf pain isn't that unbearable, it does it hurt and will have trouble walking... you will get better. Good luck
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Hi skyline, I also had the surgery done in March from Dr Park clinic, korea. so I'm one week short to my 4 months po! I didnt have any progress or huge change like kok79, mine is only went down 1cm in circumference. I noticed my front look a little straighter but not much change from the back. i have very chubbyand wider calf, especially the lower calf, i think for those who have calf similar shape as mine wont get much change in shape from this surgery as Dr Park wont touch the soules muscle at all.
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Hi Queenslander, My lower calf is also quite big so after reading your post, I wonder if this surgery will make much difference to the shape of my leg. Do you now have regrets for having gone through this surgery? Also did Dr Park give you realistic expectations based on your calf shape? From what I've read from his website, I was under the impression that there would be at least 2-8cm decrease in calf circumference. I really would not want to go through all this pain for just 1 cm difference.
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Hi Goldfish18, Dr Park is only working with gastronemius muscle, mainly the MG and the LG.
The lateral part of calf is not gastronemius muscle but another muscle which is important in leg function and cant be removed.The lower calf is related to the soulus muscle which is s.t Dr Park wont touch it. In pre op consultation Dr Park reassured me that after cutting the LG, will make my lateral part calf look straighter, unfortunately my leg had not much progress at all after nearly 4 months po, my inner calf look a little straighter with minor depression, no change from back view. My legs was quite straight to start with but was hypertrophy and look wider from mid calf down to lower calf.
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I'm 25 days post op today. Sorry it took so long to get back to the thread. So far I have a great result from LEFT 37.5cm and RIGHT 37cm and now down to 32.5cm on both sides. I still have some swelling and my walking is not quite normal yet. In regards to the question if the operation wil change the shape of your leg or not- Well it won't change the size of your cankles. But definitely if you have muscly "calves", it can give your legs more definition and look slim ie not look so chunky.
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I actually went through every page of this topic and I'm disappointed to find few tips actually answering the question ): Mostly talk about surgery? ughh, unfortunately I am not the person who ever wants to get surgery for cosmetic reasons D:

has anybody seen results with pilates? I guess I should stop doing calf raises...
I've been working on cardio since my calves are mostly jiggly (lol) I'm assuming that's fat! :P
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unfortunately pilates, weight training, cardio and losing weight did not reduce the size of my calf. So as a final resort I had surgery- but it is drastic so I know most people don't want to take it that far. I did pilates for over 3 months, my calf circumference did not reduce. I lost about 5 kilos and was doing a lot of cardio, still no improvement in my calves. My calves used to jiggle when i walked and also when I sit down too. I thought for a while that it was just fat. But since I have done the surgery, they no longer jiggle so I guess it was muscle all along. You can't do much else to reduce the size of calf if its MUSCLE. If they are fat, then yes you can do something about it but most people don't get fatty calves.

Most people on this thread have tried other ways, but found them ineffective. Sorry can't help in the way you want.

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thanks for your answer anne_pag : ) It seems calves are very stubborn eh? I will continue cardio and pilates and see how it goes, but if there are no improvements in my calves I will just live with it lol. I've just always really liked thin legs, growing up with influence by Asian magazines/models (they are walking on toothpicks, I swear!)
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Hi everyone, I was wondering if I could get some information;

My skin scars very easily - the smallest scratch will result in a hair like scar , and my father had liver surgery and his scars are still quite pronounced after over 20 years ! I have read that the scars from the surgery are red and raised for a few weeks afterwards? How was your scarring?

Also, I've read that you should wear the compression stockings for a month or so after the operation - I'm planning to have the operation in summer so I was wondering if this is compulsory 24/7, or should I consider a different date?

I'm 18 years old, will this be a problem ?

How long before the surgery should I contact Dr Park?
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Your age isn't a problem. Yes. you have to wear compression stockings or bandages for 3 months. I would suggest having your surgery in Winter would be more ideal.. the bandages/stockings will keep your legs warm over the cooler months.

As for my scar, its still quite prominent after 3 months.. it will take a good 6-12mths for it to be less obvious visually.
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yeah, I could never do surgery! thin calves would be great, but not worth the price of (and possible complications due to) surgery.

Pilates has helped my calves get thinner. I have muscular calves, not much fat. I saw a definite difference when I did pilates for many months. I did some cardio as well at that time.

However, these days, I'm doing less pilates and more cardio, such as spinning, and more strength training. I am sure my calves have gotten bigger due to all of that spinning, but it's an exercise I love so much that I refuse to do without it!

Good luck!
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Haha yea, surgery is going too far for me ):

Hello again everybody :smile:
I just wanted to update on my calf issue and second what shoe gal said about pilates! For 6 days a week, I've been doing 30-45 minutes of light cardio (jog/walk intervals at incline of 6) and pilates after every session.

I have actually already lost half an inch circumference on my legs!! It hasn't even been a month. I am very happy ^_^ I know that fat burn goes to the place most recently gained, so I doubt my legs lost any fat... Pilates really did work in making my muscles thinner!

I cheaped out and just used a youtube video (lol): YouTube - Pilates: How to get legs to die for

good luck everyone :biggrin:
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