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How can I make my calves smaller?

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This sounds like a very serious surgery! After they take partial muscles out - do you folks (who have gone through this surgery) experience weakness in calves? I'm thinking as you age - will the muscles be able to carry you?

When the Dr. "Aspirates" your calves - what exactly does he do? Does it HURT? It sounds like a very Painful procedure - like removing liquid in the knee...
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The aspiration of the leg doesn't really hurt. The Dr. is taking excess fluid out, which actually makes walking a bit me comfortable. What he does is, sticks a needle around the leg and if there is excess fluid (blood) he will remove it. Its nothing to be too concern about. This is generally done around Day 10 of the surgery.

I'm at the 5 month mark since my surgery, and there is still some tightness, predominately in my left leg. The tightness is generally felt first thing in the morning or if i have been sitting down in the same position for a long time. In terms of my walking abilities, I was pretty much back to normal round Week 6. However, I have to say, I am struggling with full pace running. But I assume, my strength in the leg will build up over time.

I am please with my own result, despite having a difficult recovery, I'm glad I did it. It was definitely worth the money for me.
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hey kok do u have a before and after pic? am curious, wish i could say the same, forgot to bring my camera and have not taken any pics as of yet. you say you are on your 5th month, what was the size of your calves and what is it down to now? I feel the same way, i think I am just glad it is over.
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I was about 36-36.5 in both legs and now i am 32cms. The size of my calves remained the same from the 3rd month onwards. I don't have anymore swelling. I am using Cica Gel to help lighten my scar.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello, I just have a question about walking right after the surgery. Am I able to walk outside and into a taxi? How difficult/painful is it to walk right after?

I'm also curious on duration of swelling, how many days does the swelling last exactly? I was told 7 to 10 days, is that correct? I'm only staying in Korea for 12 days then I have a 19 hour flight :Push::shocked:
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The answer to these questions varies from person to person. For me, I had a very slow recovery. RIGHT after the surgery, you cannot walk. I spent the night at the clinic, then went to the hotel the next afternoon. I could not walk well, at all. I had to be helped into the taxi and up to my room.

Swelling can last anywhere up to 1 year. You will wear bandages and compression stockings for awhile after surgery to minimize the swelling.
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Thanks for the reply. If I stay in te clinic a couple o' hours I still wouldn't be able to walk? How many cm did you have removed? So there's no wheelchair or something to carry you to the taxi? What is it that causes the inability to walk - pain or no strength or swelling or bandages?

How can swelling last up to 1 yr, is that how long yours lasted? I mean 7-10 days and 1 year is a very big difference. Yeah Dr Park said compression stockings must be worn for 3 months.

Other than the slow recovery you didn't have any complications?
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This really scares me... They ran Plastic surgery stories from around the world and it's truly interesting to see what cultures obsess over...

USA - Boobs
China - Taller legs (they break the leg bones and "stretch" the bones out - painful!)
Korea - calves
Japan - "round" huge eyes (anime) and "westernized" implanted nose

It's just amazing what each culture considers "Beautiful"... In the USA - "toned" and muscular calves are coveted and in Korea its frowned upon... Why can't we all just be HAPPY with who we are!

What if in the future the muscle degradation of "aging" creates complications with "smaller" calves? Would you want to Suffer the rest of your life for a Quick fix of removing part of the calf muscle in your youth? Is it worth it?

I'm just worried about where this is all going. I really want us to find beauty in ourselves the way we are... yea, ideal but I know... not reality.

Just PLEASE think Long and hard about all these Plastic surgeries to change your appearance if its truly necessary.
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Like I said before, recovery time varies. You MAY be able to walk after a couple of hours, but most likely, not. I lost 1 inch on my right calf, and 1.5 inches on the left (I believe). My left calf was bigger to begin with. The pain is what causes the difficulty in walking.

Of course, right after surgery, you will have major swelling. Most of the major swelling will go away after a few months, however, my legs would swell when I wore high heels and changed for up to 1 year.

Nope, no other complications!
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As in surgery, healing takes time and even if you are able to walk with calf surgery, the healing process keeps going. I had my surgery August 25th this year and have been doing just fine. Still some swelling, some tingling and numbness in my ankle and foot but in time it will disappear. I do not expect to have an overnight recovery. I have lost an inch to an inch and a half depending on the swelling. I still have bandages that I wear everyday and just the other day, i walked about 2 miles at a fair. I was tired but yet I had no problems walking. I still elevate my legs whenever I can to speed up recovery and healing process. The swelling is caused by fluid build up in the area where the muscle was removed otherwise you will have an air pocket, in time the fluid is absorbed by the body and the swelling will go down. Patience is the key to this surgery and a realistic goal. Perfection is not what we aim for. As to complications, every patient is different, I believe a stay of 2 weeks is not sufficient, I stayed 3 weeks and I would have stayed another week but was very fortunate all went well and Dr Park was so competent it made every aspect of the surgery and recovery much better. For those planning on having it done, don't skimp on the time you allot to stay in Korea because there is no doctor in the US that can take over once you are back home or wherever you may live. If you happen to have any complications it is best to have Dr Park on hand to take care of the problem. If money is the problem or time, you best think it over cause you may have to take another trip to korea to correct the problem which will mean twice the amount and time spent. So far, everyone seems pleased with the capabilities of Dr Park. His very good natured and very caring physician. I am going to start my mile walk in the morning and afternoon and I have consulted with Dr. Park and he approves. I will still elevate my legs and continue to massage any swelling and continually do stretching when swelling happens. I am very pleased with the outcome of my surgery and do not have regrets at all. I do not have any limitations to my movements.
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this is so very interesting.. it totally makes sense.. i'm not anti-plastic surgery.. i think confidence is so important and people must do what they must do in order to feel comfortable in their own skin.
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  • 3 weeks later...
OMG I just googled calf reduction surgery pics. How HORRIBLE! Please don't do this to your body. I find it unbelievable that women would destroy their muscles for vanity! Don't you realize that this can prevent you from WALKING?! Think about when you are older and your muscle mass is minimal...do you want to be in a wheelchair?
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