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How can I make my calves smaller?

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No offense, but please do some research before posting on this topic. Calf muscle resection done properly by an experienced surgeon will not result in being unable to walk or being in a wheelchair.
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I'm considering the surgery, but I was wondering how long it takes to be able to go out running again? I love being active, so I wouldn't want to ruin that with this surgery. I'm sure it varies from person to person, but does anyone know the general estimate of how long it takes before you can do things like go running again?
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cassandra, i'm not too sure about that, but i think ashmi knows cox her previous posts kinda mentioned how active she is now!

anyway guys, i'm actually in Korea right now, as in i'm living here, so i'm dropping by dr. park's office like in 1 hour's time! :biggrin: i'm sooooo excited cuz i've been following his website for 4 years, researching, hesitating, researching more, hesitating more etc. haha i'm just going for a consultation. i kind of have this ideal leg that i wanna achieve (been living too long with these ugly pair of calves that i was born with) but i wanna check with him to see if it's realistic.

oh, if anyone wants to come to korea to do the surgery, i'm actually more than happy to put you up at my place! :biggrin:
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  • 2 weeks later...
This thread seems kind of dead but I thought I might as well just write about it.. After consultation with Dr Park and everything (he said I'm greedy cox I was showing him the ideal calves I want!), the operation date is tentatively set around 14th December.... I'm kinda excited about it, but REALLY nervous! Like omg I can't believe I'm doing it kinda thing...
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If its too good to be true, then it most likely is... anything that you rub on your legs to make your calves become smaller is ridiculous...

Working out, eating right, and drinking water... My calves have always been muscular from working out, but after doing less lifting on my legs and more cardio, they have slimmed down a lot!
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Hi missus_jung!

How much will your surgery cost? I actually had a consultation with Dr. Park back in October, and he said it would cost $5000. I should've asked him the price in won instead. My calves are currently 39.5cm (left) and 39 cm (right):crybaby:. He said it's possible for my calves to go down 7 cm though. It's sooo tempting to get the surgery while I'm still here in Korea..... I have vacation for 2 weeks in January... so I'll 'probably' get it done then... or get jaw reduction (botox). hehe... I don't know yet!!

Wow, December 14th is just 2 weeks away. I'm excited and nervous for you too. ^^
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Hey daisy1985~

Mine's 6 million Korean Won! It could have been only 5 million, but I stupidly had the nerve ablation surgery back in 2007! I was tempted by the cheap price and quick recovery rate... but I totally regret it now ㅠㅠ It delivered ZERO results AND I paid $2500! Worse, I have to pay an extra 1 million Korean Won now because I did that surgery! :sad:

Anyway, I think you should so go for the surgery! I mean, it's not available anywhere and he's the only one in Korea who's good at it! :biggrin: I forgot my calf circumference haha I'd better ask him when I see him again to do the blood test!

Gosh yes, I can't believe I'm finally getting rid of these horrors! I can't wait for the day I can finally start wearing skirts and shorts without being so self-conscious that people behind me may be *****ing like, gawd, why is she trying to show off her legs when it's hideous?!
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haha yea, it sounds too good to be true, my legs haven't slimmed at all from cardio, but pilates has helped just a little, it's weird though because my whole body is slim, i'm 5'2" and 110 lbs but my calves are humongo!
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I had a very slow recovery. I think you can probably do active things within 6 months, however, you will notice you will fatigue quicker and will not have the quickness yet. For instance, I remember playing tennis and my quickness was not there yet. I would say a good 9-12 months before you are back at "full strength" to do your normal exercise. You will be able to do activities like walking and spinning sooner than jogging.

As stated, this surgery is NOT for those who think they will have smaller calves overnight. The recovery process is probably one of the most difficult things I have had to go through. But I am so happy I did it.
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Congrats! Best of luck and please let us know how it goes.
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I suggest let Dr. Park do the job and do not expect perfect legs otherwise you will be disappointed. Dr Park makes sure that the size of calves is consistent with your overall size. He is the best. I had my surgery Aug 25th. I was walking but very slow a few hours after the surgery. I was able to walk around the area where I was holed up in buying meals and necessities. I did get tired from long walks during the early stages. I am going on my 3rd month christmas day and have had no regrets. My calves are probably 1.5 to 2 inches smaller. There are days when I will swell but very minimal. Dr Park gave me a more realistic outcome and he says most of the swelling and healing will take 6 months. I can run, walk without a limp. I do feel soreness in the morning when i wake up but a little stretching relieves the soreness. Just like ashimi says, everyone's result varies on each individual. Good Luck
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Yeah... I unfortunately have curves going on everywhere... more like J-Lo curves and I'm half asian and half american, I wish I was blessed w/my mom's genes whose only 5'2 and about 110 like you, but I'm blessed to be who I am and thats really all that should matter...:biggrin:
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I think someone may have posted this answer, but long distance running and pilates. If you look at runners who run many miles everyday, they have lean, skinny legs. When you run for a long amount of time, your body taps into fat and burns it all away. You will develop a bit of muscle but it's usually the lean kind. My boyfriend, who comes from a family of runners told me this and I didn't believe it at first. Then last year I went to a running convention and was shocked to see how every long distance runner had lean legs. There were thousands of long distance runners and not a single one with huge bulky legs! Ever since then I've been running and the results are awesome.

I personally don't do pilates, but I've heard great things about how it stretches your muscles. A must-try!

The one thing I do know that bulks up muscle is weight-training.
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Well, I was a long-distance runner, but it only served to bulk up my existing huge calves!

Anyway, thank you sappyeyes and ashmi99 for the encouragement! I'm actually just really nervous/excited/worried about the whole operation cox I'm gonna be alone during the recovery period, plus with all the stories of how painful the first 2 weeks were, I'm a little scared! I want to go back to work on the 6th day, but I'm really worried that I won't be able to!
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