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How can I make my calves smaller?

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i was told by my mom that by wearing heels, my calves will gain more muscles thus building up thicker calves...is this true? I mean I DO wear heels everyday. to school, i'd wear 3 inches, out for dinner/lunch errands i usually wear 4.5 inches...I actually don't need to wear heels because I am quite tall 5'7 but i just love the way heels look!! my parents hate it when I wear heels, don't know if they're saying this to scare me or what!LOL but it makes sense that you're putting pressure on the top of your feet--> muscles...any thoughts?
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sappyeyes, Dr. Park told me about aspiration too and it sounded so painful! Did it hurt when he was doing it? Also, was the fluid builup and swelling painful?

madem0iselle, I'm not too sure how true this is, but I heard from a doctor that 2-inch heels are like the best shoes to be in because you don't work your muscles a lot, but the higher you go, the more your calves get to work out. I was really surprised because I'm a sneaker-lover, and I thought flat shoes were the best. Well, apparently not!
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madem0iselle: do we have the same parents?! i too, am 5'7" and everytime i wear heels to see my parents, they both complain that i look "too tall" and don't need to wear heels. i've told them time and time again that i don't wear heels to look tall, but rather because i love shoes and think heels are beautiful.

as for your question: i wear heels EVERYDAY at work and have found that they give me a great calf workout! i even asked my chiropractor, and he told me that high heels actually hold the foot and leg in a good position and that heels often get a bad reputation for no reason.

hope that allays your concerns!!

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I got aspiration done yesterday and again today, I dunno why he is doing it over 2 days but anyway, it doesn't hurt at all and it should be the least of your concerns. Becos seriously the recovery process of this surgery is hell on earth and I half died, I don't think I've ever been through this much pain before in my life, but hey, guess it's worth it and it's only 2 weeks of your life anyway. have fun
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I had aspiration again today, so like 3 times lol.

I had my surgery on Monday and was out shopping on Friday with no problems really. But you must remember that on the 4th or 5th day after surgery your muscles begin to contract by themselves and you get this strange fatigue-like pain. Keep doing the stretching exercises even though you feel this and eventually the pain decreases. For me, I thought the pain was from walking too much so I ended up not doing exercises and staying in bed for 2 days- biiiig mistake. So by day 6 or 7, you should be able to go back to work. If you have a job that requires a lot of standing, you will probably be tired very quickly and should sit every 30min, if you have a sitting job you should stand and move around every 30min. Do you live in Korea? The worst part is waking up in the morning and taking that first step and doing the first stretch- whoooa paaaaiiiinnn
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That's strange! Why did Dr Park do aspiration for you again??

Gosh, the exercises sound sooo painful! I've been reading about how everyone described their exercises and omg, it sounds scary! That's probably the only part I'm worried about now... and of course, scarring! But that's later on, so yeah ^^

Well, I'm a tuition teacher (Aren't most foreigners here in Korea working as that?? ^^;;) so I can probably get my students to do stretching with me every 30 mins! Hahaha ^0^ I'm worried about the standing part cox I'll be taking the subway everywhere I go, and Korean subway can be a horror at times. Will my calves actually give way from standing too much??
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I have no idea why he aspirated me 3 times but I'm glad it's over. I'm on my 12th day post-surgery and travelled back to my home country on a 2hr+9hr+8hr flight plus 6hrs in Incheon airport plus 3hrs in Dubai and climbed down a flight of stairs with luggage and my legs haven't given me much problems lol. So I don't think your calves will just give away, trust me.

Scarring is not a problem cos he stitches inside and not outside. The swelling isn't bad, just elevate your legs when you sleep. Stretching exercises can be a pain but they become easier gradually. You look pretty funny doing it so you prolly wanna do it in private. It's like when Telletubbies stick out their bellies. On day 6/7, subway surfing might be a lil hard becos of the balancing, stiffness and pain. It's nothing unbearable though, you should manage. You can talk about all this with Dr Park, you should ask him questions thoroughly.

When you go for your surgery, tell him Shelley says thanks to him and his nurses and I miss them very much :yahoo:
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i thinking of doing calf reduction surgery at oz clinic too around the end of this year
however, i'm in grade 12 right now and i'm afraid that the meds will affect my marks. -- you know, make me feel sleepy, have headaches, etc
does it? or am i being paranoid?


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Aww, I will tell him that tomorrow!

Wow, a 19 hour flight? I'm guessing you live in North America? Anyway, I'm a little worried about the swelling too, so I'm actually planning to confine myself to my bed and elevate my legs all day! And of course, only leaving the bed every 30 mins for that stretching exercise! :biggrin: Are the exercises that weird?! Cox some of my classes are like 2 hours straight, so I really think I need to do some stretching here and then!

Anyway, I'm soooo excited cox today's the last day my ugly calves will get to see this world! Yay!! :yahoo: I can't believe this is happening to me!
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If you are in Grade 12, I would suggest you do it after your exams... cox you will be out for a while, and don't you need to go school?

In any case, I don't think the meds will affect you!
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i'm thinking of getting it early in my holidays (my holidays starts at the 16 dec, ends at the 30 jan).
if i get it before the end of the year (around the 28 dec) do you think i will be recovered enough for school?
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I had my surgery 7 months ago, and I would definitely recommend do it during your holidays. 4-5 weeks post surgery recovery period would be best. For me personally, i needed at least a month to be able to walk properly. Everyone's recovery is different.. worst case it will take a month to recover. Good luck.
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