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How can I make my calves smaller?

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missus_jung I'd love to hear about your surgery, please let me know. Also, your calves get bigger right after surgery and then they become thin gradually. And the size fluctuates for about a year, lol
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Loveliy, I think a month is more than enough rest! You should get it done then~ I'm actually doing it without any of my family/friends knowing about it. My boyfriend will absolutely kill me if he finds out about it and I'm meeting him in a month's time! So I think 1 month is more than enough to recover?

Pichia, I just came back from OZ! I had an overnight stay there! Guess what? I talked to Amy last night and she was saying that you had a very bright and charming character! She said you looked pretty too! Haha~ Anyway, my feet's all swollen nowㅠㅠ but amazingly, the stretching isn't painful! I thought it would bring tears to my eyes kinda pain, but I was able to do it pretty easily~ so yeah, like what kok79 said, everyone has different recovery rate. I could walk to the bathroom by myself and all!

Anyway, thanks for letting me know about the size of the calves after the surgery. I've been staring at them and wondering why they are still the same size! Or bigger! I even asked Dr. Park if he removed a lot of muscles just to confirm that I really did do the surgery! Hahaha :P Oh and my toes stilll have that icky brownish/yellowish stain from the surgery. I wonder when it will fade off!

Still, I can't believe I did the surgery! Woooohoooo~~ I'm checking back in OZ on Thursday to remove my bandages and I'm diligently doing my stretching exercises every 30 mins haha :biggrin:
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thanks kok79 and missus_jung for replying~
i wish i could get it done but i only had enough guts to tell my parents when it was too late. the tickets are like sky high now!
also, no matter what i say, my dad thinks there's too little time to recover, so i am going to get it done straight after my exams next year~~
i wish i didn't have to tell my parents too. i could of gotten when attendance at school didn't matter as much. I hope one month is enough time to recover too.

good luck~~

(looks like i have to live with these club legs for another year T.T)
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Yay well at least the most embarassing part is over - that yellow stuff that Amy rubs on you has a bad smell and colour hey, and you can't shower until the spongey stuff are removed so you gotta wait till Thursday? Amy said that about me?:blush:, well she and the other nurse are also very pretty aren't they. Anyway, your feet and legs remain swollen for about 3 days and they get bigger O_O but stretch and it goes down. Remember to elevate. Also make sure you're doing the stretching exercises properly, the lower belly has to touch the wall and the distance between the wall and feet should be at least the length of your foot. Also ask Dr Park questions thoroughly esp. about your healing process and what to expect - he is like a toothpaste, you squeeze it a bit and some comes out - he drops little bits of information and I did a lot of guess work. It's good you could go to bathroom by yourself! I didn't stay overnight though cos I was getting bored and needed TV (that's my motivation haha). Please ask Dr P how many grams of muscle he removed from you. What's your original circumference and height?
Oh, also the calves don't just become thin, like mine (2 weeks post-surgery) is only slightly thinner becos I still have swelling. He gives you these tight-as-heck compression stockings to wear 24 hrs for 3 months and eventually they will become their thin state. So you gotta be patient :biguns:

And how irritating is their doorbell!!:noggin:
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i like your description about Dr Park.. like toothpaste..its so true, you kinda have to dig information from him. I didn't stay overnight either, i was lucky i had my partner with me, so Dr Park allowed me to go back to the hotel and rest. It took me about 3 months to see the true result of my surgery. i must admit it was the best thing i did and only wished i had it done earlier. I had a very hard recovery, i was in severe pain for 2 weeks and wasn't able to do my stretches... i had to rely on a wheelchair at the airport to get around. Anyway, it has been worth it...I am now so much more confident with my body and can stop hiding my legs in long pants. I am still getting tightness in the mornings and i have numbness on my right foot. The numbness was quite severe after surgery and but it less now, but it hasn't fully disappeared yet. I have lost 3-4 cms on both legs but the main thing is my legs look a like thinner and straighter. I am happy with my result.
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I actually showered yesterday! I'm the kind of girl who needs her daily shower or my hair gets really gross! Anyway I bought 2 stools before the operation - one for me to sit on it, the other for my legs, and I wash only the upper half of my body haha :biggrin: Anyway, the yellow stuff actually made me choke! I was coughing badly cox of the smell and the anaesthecian asked me if I caught a cold :P

Anyway, about the stretching exercise, Amy taught me to do squats in addition to making my belly touch the wall! The squats are so strange cox I've never heard anyone talking about that in forums! I feel that the squats kind of push all the swelling down to my foot too... or is it just my imagination? haha :P anyway, my recovery process is going too well that I'm actually kind of scared! People usually complain about how painful it was and everything, so I'm worried that my calves wouldn't shrink as much ㅠㅠ I'd better go check with Dr. Park tomorrow about how many grams of muscle he removed! How much did he remove from yours? My calf circumference was about 35 I think.. my right calf was slightly bigger than my left.

I have numbness in my left foot! I hope it disappears with time... About the stockings, I think I'm going to choose black! hahaha what colour did you all choose??
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i choose black and beige. I actually hated wearing the stockings, i found them really uncomfortable and they would hurt the back of my knee. i found out after a few weeks from dr park, that i could wear the bandages instead of the stockings. Had I known this from the very start, i would have worn the bandages on the plane back home. I dun actually dun how much grams of muscle dr park removed. never really thought about asking him this question. From my communications from other girls who have had the surgery, everyone's results varied, but most have been happy with their choice to have the surgery. My recovery was going well for the first 3 days but by day 4, i started getting spasm which prevented me from stretching for about 2 weeks. Even today, my left calve is still very tight in the morning and during the day, i have to keep stretching it out.
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Wow it took you 3 months to see the true results O_O! After he aspirated my calves, they were really thin, but then swelling came back and now they don't look that thin, so it will be about 3 months before they go back to how they looked after aspiration? I mean swelling isn't permanent, so without body fluids there the muscle remaining would look like they did after aspiration? I'm sorry you had such a hard recovery kok79, the more your muscles contract by themselves after day 4, the more you should have forced yourself to stretch. I was also in severe pain and didn't stretch for 2 days but then Dr Park forced me to stretch, he pushed me against the wall x_X
Though, I'm very happy that you're happy with your results! So after 2 weeks you had to learn how to stretch again from the beginning?

The stockings also hurts the back of my knees! And they are a mission to put on, my poor finger nails! Strangely enough, they always wake me up in the middle of the night due to a severe pain on the heels of my feet which feel like bruises, so I have to remove the stockings when that happens, no idea why. I have a black pair and a beige pair too. I don't think bandages would have the same effect as the stockings, I mean the stockings are sooooo tight.
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I'm actually having problems picturing you on these stools and showering, lol..
Well after surgery your throat feels like crap hey cos they shove a tube down there.

They already told you to do squats this early? Wow, you are a fast healer. For me, the squats were more painful than the teletubbie exercise so I couldn't put all my weight onto them cos I did feel like it was pushing everything down. And it made my knees and arms tired, so I actually stopped doing that exercise altogether and now I only do it for like 2 seconds quickly every now and again. Don't worry, a fast recovery is a good thing wahaha, actually my day 3 or 4 my recovery was also fast, but watch out by day 4-5, remember don't stop stretching! He removed 450g from me, but I have really short calves = =
I also had numbness in my right foot, he did something to the nerve there that's why it's gone numb. Don't worry you regain feeling there, I'm slowly regaining sensation.
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Haha both of you chose black and beige! I think I'm gonna go with 2 black! I'm looking forward to wearing the bandages actually... seems more like an upgrade from bandages! :biggrin: Anyway, I'm actually really hoping I'll get the spasms because it seems that everyone who gets it has a better result! How long has it been since you did the surgery? I can't believe you're still stretching!
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Pichia, you did the aspiration and the swelling went down, but it's swelling again now?? I hope I get to see my really thin calves after the aspiration! I got the foam removed today, and they wrapped new bandages around my calves so I guess I can't bathe properly for a few more days ㅠㅠ My bathing position is kind of like an L, if you can picture that! So I'm sitting down with my legs straight in front of me haha I told Dr. Park today that I showered and he laughed :P

Anyway, Dr. Park said he couldn't remember exactly how much muscles he removed from me, but he said it's about 400 - 500g. I don't know if you guys stayed in Korea long enough to go to a Korean meat restaurant, but he said it's like the portion of 2 person's worth of meat that people order hahahaha what a strange way to express it! Before the operation, I even asked him if he would set aside some of my muscles to let me take a look at them and he was like, why?!?!?!!!! :P

Dr. Park was pretty amazed at my recovery speed too.. He even asked if I was really flexible to start with (even Amy asked me if I did Yoga) but I'm about as flexible as a block of wood to start with so I have no idea why the stretches are easy to me. Things are going too well that it's strange! It's the end of my 4th day soon, so I really really hope I get the spasms! Hahaha I hate the squats! I only do them for 30 seconds! Dr Park didn't specify how long I have to squat for anyway :biggrin:

Oh yeah, do post up pictures of your pre-op and post-op results! :biggrin:
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He only gives you 1 pair and the other pair you have to buy for 60 grand. I now wear bandages when I go to sleep cos these stockings have woken me up every night except one and forced me to rip them off.

Swelling comes and goes, like the other girl said it took her 3 months to see her true results. The doc told me the shape of the legs will be changing up to a year. Swelling lasts a long time, this isn't some instant pudding. The nurses will be changing your bandages every visit, you have to shower and wash your legs, remove the bandages when you shower and put them back on yourself.

He said squats are about a minute so maybe you should listen to him. If you're not getting additional symptoms then you're lucky, you're a fast healer.
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OMG the stretches are a pain in the ass now!!! :shocked: It started getting a little bad yesterday, but this morning was hell!!! I had to force my belly to the wall and that took me like 15 seconds! My calves are so swollen now that I can't even put my 2 hands together around it :cry: Makes me feel like I've gotten fatter haha :P At least I know it's because of the swelling! I'm going back to OZ tomorrow, so hopefully things will get better...

Anyway, I'm actually a university student here in Korea.. decided to do 2 years here before going back to Canada! I'm an overseas korean, so that's why I can take up jobs like teaching English and all, or else it'll be illegal! Those are more like tuition jobs, so it doesn't take up that much of my time. Thank god it's the holidays now so I don't have to go to school!

I'm not too sure if I should remove the bandages cox it's taped? I was thinking if I untape it and tape it back too many times, it will just fall apart.

Are you still experiencing difficulties in walking? You are about 2-3 weeks into your post-op right?
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I told you... now you're feeling it. This will remain for about 4-5 days, the mornings are hellish but it gets better day by day. You're swelling this much O_O, whoa, are you elevating your legs? Yes you untape your bandages, roll it up, take a nice long shower and wrap it back around neatly and tightly. Make sure you wrap it properly or else your swelling becomes disproportionate wahaha, actually that's more funny than serious.

Oh! You're a gyopo or whatever it's called. So you are fluent in Korean then? I've actually been studying to Korean for some time but it's like so hard to pronounce. I had no problems learning and pronouncing Japanese and Chinese but Korean is like a tongue twister D-:
Anyway I'm trying to get a job for me and my friend for February next year in Seoul, maybe will run into you :graucho:

And actually I experience no difficulties in walking at all, only the first step in the morning, but after stretch no.1 it's all better. I can even skip a bit (a poor attempt at running) and I'm sure I can jump (but landing might be painful) and I can stand on my toes (for a short while) and almost cross my legs.:smile:
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