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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Yeah... even Dr. Park was saying that stretch while you can cox it will get worse. It feels like I'm paying for all the good days!:shucks: I am elevating my legs! You mean my swelling isn't normal? I'd better check with Dr. Park tomorrow. I wonder if he will do the aspiration for me if I ask. I saw the disproportion of muscles before! When the nurse removed the foam, my legs were soooo distorted!:lolots: I laughed when I saw it!

Yeah, gyopo is right. My Korean isn't that good, but I understand more than I speak it, so with my boyfriend, he usually speaks in Korean and I answer in English :P I actually think Korean is a lot easier than Chinese and Japanese! I learnt those two languages too, but I find Korean the easiest! Chinese is a horror.. gosh, every word is different! Are you gonna come back Korea to work as a full-time teacher?

Gosh, I hope I will be able to do that in 2-3 weeks time! My boyfriend's coming out of army soon for a holiday, and I wanna be able to go out on dates with him then!:biggrin:
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No your swelling is probably normal, don't worry swelling resolves with time. He won't do aspiration until at least 9 days or so. I hope you took a shower

Oh so you're a gyopo, I would be a huaqiao which is a Chinese descendent. And ya I'm looking for full-time teaching placement. Chinese isn't hard for me of course, Japanese is similar to English in pronounciation but Korean is still out of my league at the mo, hopefully I can pick it up soon like that Chinese guy in Super Junior wahaha

Don't worry you can def go on dates with your boyfriend when he returns, he won't even notice
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I'm doing the aspiration this Wednesday! I can't wait~~~:yahoo:How does he do the aspiration? Could you explain in details?

Wow are you a university graduate then? I've always thought that everyone here would be in their teens or early 20s or something... Anyway, how much of Korean can you speak? Are you learning it in a language center?

Oh yeah, are you still swelling? How bad is the swelling? I asked Dr. Park today and he said that even after aspiration, it can still swell if I walk around too much. He recommended me to elevate my legs for 1 month, but he said it would be good if I do it for 2 - 3 months! Are you still elevating your leg?
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You lie on your stomach and he takes a syringe which he sticks in your calf, the area where he took out the gastro-bla-bla muscle. He sucks and sucks and a hellalot of fluid gets removed. He empties the syringe but the needle remains in your leg, then he reattaches the thing and continues sucking, this goes on for 4 or 5 times. He them massages your legs, like squeezing everything out, sometimes (not to scare you) he moves the needle around inside your leg, which hurts a bit but not extremely. Ya, that's about it, if he feels theres more fluid that will develop, he will do aspiration a couple more times.

I'm 21 so I am in my early 20s but I'm a university graduate. What are you studying? There's like so many folks applying to S.Korea - I mean wth gimme a space! I don't want to go to the other places, only Seoul y'know. My inspiration to learning Korean was actually the music, hehe, I can sing it better than I speak it. I can say very very little...but I can read fine-ish. Reading's good tho, I can go to karaoke :yahoo:

Yes my legs do swell and it will take about 3 months for the results to be "remarkable". And of course I elevate my legs, as uncomfortable as that is... and those darn stockings
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Gosh, sleeping with my legs elevated is sooooo uncomfortable! I woke up around 3 plus and it's nearing 5 now! I'm still not able to sleep! My ass hurts from sleeping on it :sweatdrop: I usually sleep on my side, all curled up, so this is a very uncomfortable sleeping position. I can't believe I have to endure this for a few months!

OMG :wacko: that sounds painful! Were you able to walk immediately after the aspiration or was it still awkward and swollen like just a little? I feel that when I walk now, I kind of waddle like a duck haha

I'm doing International Studies right now (only English course in Korea universities anyway) but when I go back Canada, I plan to do International Relations. I hope most of my credits get transferred over! Hmm, I heard that it is a little difficult trying to get a full-time job in Seoul... Usually the vacancies are in the outskirts of Seoul or further away. Have you tried looking at Seoul Craigslist? Under Job, Education, you should be able to find something :smile: If you're American/Canadian, it'll be a lot easier for you :biggrin: They usually prefer North Americans. Yeah, Korean's easy that way. As long as you get the alphabets nailed down, you can read everything! I assume you're living in North America, since you mentioned you transited in Dubai... but seriously, karaoke is so expensive there! When you get here, you'll be crashing the karaoke places all the time!:graucho:

How bad is your swelling now? I'm hoping to resume my normal life, walking around and stuff, but after Dr. Park said that if I walk too much I'll get swelling, I'm kinda reserved about that now....
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I asked the hotel for extra pillows, like 5 more so i can tuck the pillow around the side which gives the body more support, i found this to be really helpful, maybe give that a good.
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Unfortunately, I'm not staying at a hotel! I'm living at my own place... don't have that many pillows and if I buy 5 pillows now, where am I going to put them later?? Hahaha but you know what? I tried stuffing my extra blankets around my sides and it really works! I felt better after that... I would definitely go out and buy those pillows if I know where to put them later! Haha :P

Anyway I did my aspiration yesterday and I'm going back again this Saturday for more aspiration! I have A LOT of bruising on my tendons, so Dr. Park told me to wrap a warm towel over them often, and massage them from time to time. He massaged it for me and I was like AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! He has superhuman might, I tell you. I decided to take the subway home instead of taking a cab, and I think the more I walk, the better I feel, though I'm not too sure if I wanna walk that much cox my feet are swelling a lot.

I went to work today too. Took the subway for an hour, walk, taught for 2 hours, walk, took the subway again and walk more. It did feel uncomfortable standing for like 20 minutes, but now, I don't get sharp pains when I walk anymore, though I'm still walking kinda slow. I wonder when can I walk normally..
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Good luck with all your recoveries! Just wanted to add something about the stockings. I believe I ordered some open-toed stockings as well as thigh highs. The thigh highs were really good because I could roll them down, just below my knee crease so there wasn't the pressure on the incision. In fact, I'm pretty sure my incision got infected because after I had been back a while, it hurt and I noticed fluid coming out of it. I just kept neosporin on it.
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hi there! i'm fairly new to the purse forum. i had an account a while ago when i came across the first postings about dr oz and couldn't remember username and password so i created a new one.

i'm really happy to read everyone's success stories - and especially so recent!

i had a few questions for you if you didn't mind me pm-ing you. moreso about price.

i'm a college student. 28 years old, 5'2, 140 and my calves are EIGHTEEN INCHES. i've known about dr park for a while but now i think i might finally have the $$$$ for the operation! i just e-mailed him asking for a quote, but my question to you guys that have successfully completed it is:

not including the operation quote, how much do you think you roughly paid for accommodations/food/etc? i think i'm going to try to go for 2 weeks because that has been suggested by most.

thanks!!!! :biggrin:
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i wanted to write you too just in case missus_jung doesn't check this thread anymore...

but my question was basically surgery quote aside, how much do you think you spent on accommodations and food for 2 weeks? $1000 US? maybe more? i would really appreciate your feedback! thanks :biggrin:
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i definitely agree - running does make them bigger- my calves were the biggest when i did track... and shrunk when i stopped running.... lol i still wish i had my track body back even if it meant having bigger calves... it was the one time i had the cut (in my abs)... lol
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were you short distance? i was a sprinter/hurdler (and i was also born with big calves), so mine are pretty monstrous.

my ex boyfriend was a long distance runner and his are so lean. it's definitely true that if you are long distance you are leaner.

i'm not sure if yoga or pilates would help - i'm sure it does, but it wouldn't give me as dramatic results as surgery would.
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hi everyone!recently my girlfriend want to do the calves nerves reduction.dou you have some advices about that.i saw your posts before.i feel the nerves reduction is bad.can you tell me some detail that come from your experience in korea!! thanks a lot in advance.
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lol yes i was short distance - threehundreds. i feel like most of the long distance runners in track tend to be longer and leaner naturally - most of the track people were already long and lean before doing track, and after quitting, still looked the same.
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