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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Hello !! I am just curious to know, how much did Dr. charge for surgery??

Thank you !! WHen are you having the surgery? Good luck =D
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Hi nyckitty and happymeow,

yeah it kinda died down so i didn't check the forum often! anyway i paid 6 million won for the surgery because i stupidly did the nerve ablation surgery a few years back (waste of my money!). anyway, i'm actually living in korea so i don't think i'm the right person to answer about accommodation/food. Are you coming alone or with a buddy? If you are coming alone, I actually wouldn't mind offering my place to you, if you don't mind staying with me :P that is if you wanna save some money! if you choose to stay at the hotel dr park recommends, i don't think 1000's gonna last for 14 days. hotel would cost you 840 for 2 weeks, and if you order takeout/eat out every day, i seriously doubt it. you still have to set aside some money for your extra pair of stockings!

anyway, my calves are down from 35cm to 32cm! it doesn't sound like a big difference, but it is obvious! like it looks a lot better. i'm actually hoping it'll shrink more ^^;;

xiaowudi123, i did the nerve ablation surgery before, and i DO NOT recommend it. Unless your girlfriend has a generally thin calf with just some bulging at the top, tell her no. what nerve ablation surgery does is to smoothe out the bulge, that's all. it does NOT decrease the size of your calves. trust me, i threw $2500 down the drain for that. in terms of safety, i would say it's probably 90% safe. the only advantages of the nerve surgery are quick recovery and its cheap pricetag.
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congrats missus jung! I'm happy you're seeing results so fast already!!

i have time off in the next 2 weeks and really want to get the surgery done. i e-mailed dr. park and he said my surgery would be 6,300,000 won. -_- there would be no additional cost, and the compression stocking is free. i don't know... it seems expensive to me... because i didn't get any prior surgery done on my legs. what do you guys think? :/ i'm thinking whether i should question him about the prices.... since in his website, it did say between 5,300,000-6,300,000 won....
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well, i'm 6 weeks post op! i'm a greedy person, so i'm actually not thaaaat satisfied with my legs yet! anyway i think you should ask him why, cuz i did it too!:P btw, the first compression stocking he gives you is free, but you have to get another one cuz you'll be wearing them 24/7! you can't always wear the same pair! wash one, wear one, and switch. i had to get skin tapes from him too, so extra stockings+skin tapes = 78,000 won
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Thanks for the tip missus_jung. ^^ I'll keep that in mind. BTW, did you lose any weight from the calf reduction? just curious :P

Well, I e-mailed Dr. Park and got a reply from him. He said the cost is dependent on the circumference of the calf. So, the bigger your calves the more expensive the surgery will be... but the highest it gets is only 6,300,000 won. The good news is that if you pay in cash, he'll give a 4% discount. LOL Oh my... I wouldn't even know where to stash all that cash and bring it to him... probably need a carry on or something. hehe So, with the 4% discount, it'll be under 6,100,000 won...

I'm only 70% certain that I'll go through the surgery though... kinda scared just thinking about it. But Summer is not too far away... and everyone is gonna be wearing mini skirts and short shorts... *sigh* ><
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I did lose weight! Like about 2 kg? Actually, after the operation and till the day Dr. Park aspirated my leg, I didn't have that good an appetite. Maybe because of the pain? :P So I guess that helped too, but I'm sure losing all those unwanted muscles helped the most! :biggrin:

HAHA well, I guess if you are in Korea, you can probably use those 100,000 cheques. That would be a lot better than a suitcase of 10,000! Anyway, if you are paying in cash, I'm pretty sure you can bargain it down to 6 million!

Seriously, just do it before summer comes! To be honest, I kinda regretted doing the surgery when it got reeaaaalllyyy painful stretching/walking, but now, I'm really glad I did it. I'm even wearing boots that end in the middle of my calves now, and the best thing is, I'm confident wearing them! I even catch myself looking at my legs every time I walk by a mirror! Anyway, it's not really that scary. I did it alone, and went through the recovery process without anyone supporting me, so I'm sure you can do it too! ;)
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I didn't read through all the posts on this thread, but my trainer just told me today when I saw him that there are different exercises you can do to work different parts of the calf. If you do exercises that focus on the top part of you calf it will work that muscle and slim it down without bulking up your lower calf near your ankle. That along with really stretching your muscles out well a few times a day and combining pilates or yoga should help.
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what specific exercises work the top part of the calf?

I've found pilates helps a lot, by the way!
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He hasn't given me specific exercises yet. I will make sure that I post what he told me as soon as I find out. Mine aren't big, I'd just like them to get more shapely without getting bulky, and he said that he would show me some that make them smaller and give them shape. I met with him for a sesson yesterday, but just talked to him today so when I see him again next week I will post what he said.
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Awesome, thanks!
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Man, I wish I could get this surgery now! But only being 19 and in college in a town that's in the middle of nowhere, it's nearly impossible to get a job and all my money has been goin to school so far. I have started saving up for it, but I don't think I'll have enough by the time Christmas rolls around unfortunetly
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Accommodation would cost about $60USD a night (depending on exchange rate). Food is quite cheap if you order from the hotel menu list. You have to ask the front desk for the menu. Which would be about $1o USD a day. $1000 USD would cover it.

For me personally, I found the recovery quite tough, and even today, i wake up with tightness in my calves but after a few minutes, it goes away. I think this could be permanent, but I dun regret it as i am so much happier with my legs now. I can wear skirts and shorts and be more confident in my own body.
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Soooo...I plan on going to korea to get the surgery too and from reading previous
forums dr. park is the way to go...
I was wondering if anyone else was going to get the surgery too-I plan on doing it
this april eek!
But I was wondering-if anyone else decided to not only get their calves reduced but also their thighs?! cause my whole lower body is soooo disproportionate to my upper body and not only do I have thick calves but I also have thick thighs :sad:
and was wondering if anyone did lipo on their thighs too or what not!
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Would you recommend bringing Korean won or US money when paying the hotel?
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Hey!! how are you? sorry i abandoned this forum i got caught up with gawddam work m= ="m
Are you already noticing a big difference with your legs? How many cm has it shrunk? And how are the scars?
My scars are still a dark color, but eh, doesn't bother me too much.
And my calves still fluctuate in size, but not significantly. Can't wait for mid-march!\(^o^)/
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