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How can I make my calves smaller?

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i spent around 10k for the ten days i stayed at the hotel, i moved to a friends house for another 8 days, that does not include my shopping money. I was very pleased with the outcome and will do it again regardless of price. Dr Park and staff were just awesome. I was very skeptical but Dr. Park put me so much at ease. I have 8 doctors in the family so I have a good feel about the bedside manners of doctors and Dr Park has very good if not excellent bedside manners. As in any surgery anything can happen but you have the best cosmetic surgeon in this field. Good Luck

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Hello !!! just some info for everyone wanting to use the credit card. I travel quite a bit and I do know that everytime you travel there is a transaction fee for foreign exchange which may be costly so I brought cash with me for the surgery and a few other thing, i belive the only amount i charged was under 500 dollars. With regards to lodging, I suggest you mention that you are undergoing surgery at the Oz clinic and there is a set fee for his patients to include a use of the hotel vehicle to and from clinic free of charge. Once you arrive, take the special bus and go the the Hyatt hotel, from there a cab to the oz clinic is cheaper as opposed to the cab from the airport to the hotel which will run around 80 US dollars. When you leave you can do the same thing, you can go to the hotel and catch the airconditioned bus for around 14000 wons, very cheap, on time and very clean.l Good Luck
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Are u male or female ???
some of us are Asian female and in our opinion, a small and lean leg is always attractive. In opposite, a big and muscular leg will be a big problem, we can not wear dress, always in trousers :sad:(
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i am a female and for me i dont wear short dresses because of my small and thin legs, i am always in pants
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there is really nothing wrong with your legs. they look slim and toned. if i had legs like you i would wear skirts and dresses every day lol. i know that what i am saying will not help as nothing that anyone says helps me to feel better. my calves are 16 inches and i cry about it every day. the rest of my body is slim. i NEVER show my legs and would'nt even be brave enough to post a photo:sad:

i think u have lovely legs so go on girl!!! show them off:smile:
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My calves aren't huge, but they are muscular and bulky (genetics & running). - And I love them! Have actually received a lot of compliments on them (from men) over the years. So love your calves, is my advice, nothing wrong with a little tone and shape! ETA. I practice a lot of yoga too, but the genetics and running rule, I guess, LOL!
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i read alot that runners have big and muscular calves, so i started running to build my calves and nothing is happening i'm afraid i'm making them even smaller
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come to Asia and you will be a model :smile:)
In our opinion, beautiful legs are straight and slim with NO muscular calf:sad:(
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As long as you are fit, that is the most important thing! So much is genetics, just love what you have - confidence, energy is a big part of beauty and sexiness!
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hello everyone, new here. finally decided to join thread after following it for sometime now. so happy i found this forum cuz I thought i was the only one who was cursed with masculine calves. i wanted to thank everyone who has contributed their experiences on the calf reduction surgery with dr park at the oz clinic cuz your experiences have given me confidence to go ahead with the surgery.

i was initially hesitant and scared about the surgery. particularly the thought of someone in a foreign country (whom ive never met before) cutting muscle away from my body and then the issue of whether i could walk again not to mention the long painful recovery. but having read the comments of people who have been through it and successfully recovered, as well as my consultation with dr park, it has given me assurance that this is a safe procedure conducted by one of the best and most qualified surgeons in the world.

i will have alot of questions about the surgery and recovery process leading up to my procedure so i hope those who have done it can help. the pain scares me thinking about it =/ but i know in the long run it will be worth it..........

has anyone recently done the surgery with dr park?
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I had my surgery exactly a year ago. Each morning, I do experience some tightness but after 20 seconds of walking around, it goes away. I have written my experience on this forum, so you if search back, you will be able to read what I have written. If there is anything specific you want to ask, please feel free to send me a private message. Despite the initial pain, i have no regret, it was the best decision I have ever made for me. I am no longer insecure about my calves.
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hi kok79. thanks for your response. yeah ive been following your threads. you mentioned before that you had quite severe spasms, was this feeling like a calf cramp? also you mentioned before that you had a flat patch on one of your calves, has this filled out now?

so if your reaching a year post surgery, you should be at full recovery according to dr parks advice. do you feel like you have fully recovered aside for the tightness in the mornings? Have you spoke to dr park about whether this is permenant or will it eventually go away?

Im also from Aus as well and wanted to know how you coped with the flight back home, like how did you manage being on the plane for such long hours. Did you do the stretches on the plane every half hr?

Sorry i have so many more questions to ask? :smile:
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the spasm lasted for about two weeks, it was just severe muscle tightness each time i tried to stretch, but its not as bad as a calf cramp. Calf cramps hurt a lot more. The flat patch slowly filled out over a few months. I definitely say I have fully recovered. Obviously still have some tightness in the mornings and if I have been sitting in the one position for hours.

The flight home was hard, bc I was stil in quite a lot of pain, i didn't do any stretches bc it was still too hard. I actually had a wheelchair when at the airport to get around. I think I am a minority as most of the other girls I had contacted, were able to walk ok.
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oohh sounds like you were in alot of pain and discomfort on the flight back home =/ would you have done anything different re the flight back home to have made it more comfortable? im worried about this bit especially since im not usually a good flyer/plane person......

also dr park's website recommends that his overseas patients bring arnica medicines to help with the swelling. did you bring this or did you have buy this of him? if you did, is there something that you specifically used?

also could you explain how the whole surgery process worked. i mean, you had initial consultation with dr park right, and he took some blood tests. Is it at this time that he asks for payment of the surgery and then you come back another day for your surgery? I just want to know whether i should prepare myself for payment on initial consultation or later? When i spoke to dr park he said that payment was usually made prior to the surgery....
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No, I don't think I would have done anything differently although I would have liked to stay a few more days if time permitted, I was there for 13 days. I had my blood test done in Oz and sent them to Dr Park before my surgery. But there is an option to have your blood test done with Dr Park and then to have your surgery a day or so later. Dr Park would ask you start taking the Arnica tablets the night before surgery. You can buy the tablets in Oz. I bought a brand called Brauer which you can find in most chemist. I arrived in Seoul on a Sunday morning. I had my consultation on Monday morning, we discussed about the procedure and he drew some lines on my legs. Afterwards, I made payment and had the surgery done immediately afterwards. You are pretty much put to sleep straight away, and the next thing I knew, i was lying in bed shaking and in a daze. My partner was there when i woke up which was comforting. All i wanted to do was sleep. A few hours afterwards, the nurse ask me to try to get up and walk around. You legs are heavily badaged up, but i manage to get up with some help. She then process to show me how to do the stretches. After a few moments of stretching, I would start feeling light headed and dizzy. I would lay back down on the bed and rest. By evening, I was feeling better and bc i had my partner with me, they allowed me to go back to the hotel to rest rather than stay overnight. I much prefer to go back to the hotel than stay overnight at the clinic, although to my understanding, the nurse would stay overnight as well, so your not completely alone.
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