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How can I make my calves smaller?

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I am thinking of visiting South Korea to undergo 'calf reduction surgery'. I have very muscular calves (47cm to be precise!) Can you give me an idea of what is involved with this type of surgery, e.g. Recovery time, amount of discomfort, restriction in movement and overall satisfaction with Results.

I live in the Uk, so it will be a long journey and I will be quite a way from home, therefore I am a little aprehensive to say the least. Nevertheless, I am pretty sure this is the right procedure for me......I just need a little reassurance/advise from patients who have undergone this surgery

I really appreciate any feedback you can give me and look forward to hearing from you soon

Many thanks
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when you bought the arnica tablets did you have to get a drs prescription or could you just get it over the counter from the chemist?

your very lucky to have your partner there. i can only imagine how difficult and inconvienent it could be not having someone there you could trust and rely on. though from what i read on the forum, people are saying that the staff at the oz clinic are really kind and helpful. did you find this was the case?

also why were you shaking when you woke up? were you cold or something?

i wanted to ask, how did you manage to elevate your legs when sleeping? did you use like alot of pillows and did you manage to get any sleep at all. im guessing that the first couple of weeks would have been very difficult?
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hi, im going to have this surgery at the oz clinic. for information about surgery and recovery process i suggest you read back on older posts in this discussion. thats how i did my research as well as from dr park at the oz clinic. you'll find that different people have had different experiences but as you would expect, after surgery is very painfull initially but once this is over it gets better and easier. it is a very slow and long recovery process but so far all the people that have done it (well of what i read on this forum) have said it was worth it and had no regrets.... i cant wait for mine though i am scared about the pain and recovery process and the fact its in a foreign country. but reading peoples comments who have undergone the surgery have given me assurance that this is a safe procedure. good luck with your research and what ever decision you make. =)
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Hi, like it has been suggested, read all the posts in this forum, then if you have specific questions, feel free to post or PM me.:biggrin:
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When I went for surgery, I brought Sinnech. Do a google search and you can order it online. Yes, the staff at Oz is VERY helpful. When you wake up from anesthesia, naturally, your body is very cold, so you will be shivering. I think this is the case with everyone when they wake up from anesthesia.

When I slept, yes, I tried to elevate my legs by using pillows. It is not that comfortable at first, but you get used to it. You are so tired from the trip and surgery, you will be exhausted, so getting sleep was no problem for me!
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thanks ashmi99. before you went on surgery and got the medication did you seek a local dr's advice, like tell him/her that you were gonig to do this surgery. im thinking i should just in case. like if i get fluid build up after i get back home, im hoping my local dr will be able to help aspirate....

did you have to aspirate after returning home and if you did, did someone help you or you had to do it yourself...

also i think its been about 3 yrs now since your surgery? you would have been at fully recovery sometime ago, has there been any side effects which has been lingering? kok79 mentioned that she still feels some tightness in the mornings after a year post surgery...

also wanted to ask about the shoes to bring. dr park suggests something with 1-2" flat heel. does dr park sells shoes as well?

also how long after surgery were you able to drive a car?
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I am new on this thread.
I would like to do calf reduction by radiofrequency end of May. Anyone had it done before?
It´s non invasive procedure, I don´t wanna cut my muscle...:d
It is done by Samsung clinic. Has anyone heard about this clinic before?
Any infos would be really helpful!!!

Missus_jung, are you still in Korea? Maybe we can meet up?:smile:
I am going to stay there for about 2 weeks and don´t now anyone there:sad:
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hi ashmi99, im just having a look at getting the arnica tablets. kok79 said she used a brand called brauer so i did a search for it. and then i had a look at sinnech which seems to be surgery specific tablets. looking at the brauer brand it seems more for sports injury related. i know both aim to do the same thing like help with pain and reduce swelling but im tending towards sinnech cuz it mentions for people who have undergone surgery. would you know if dr park can provide this if i cant get it?

would you recall which website you got your tablets from. i found this site but its from the US. does anyone know where i can get this from australia, would the chemists have it here and whether i would need a dr's prescription?


thanks for your help in advance :smile:
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hi whitesnow, interesting. where are you doing this radiofrequency treatment?
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hi there

Please does anybody know anything about doctor Jong of Taiwan's Lih Ren clinic. I hear he also does calf redduction. Does any body have any idea about him? pls let me know
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I did not seek a local doctor's advice before going to get the surgery. Doctors in the United States are not familiar with this procedure at all and most likely would tell me not to do it. I did my own research before going over and felt confident in my decision.

No, I did not have to aspirate after I left Korea.

As for results from the surgery, yes, I would say tightness in the mornings still occurs at times, and especially after using my calf muscles a lot (like if I do a lot of calf raises or walk in high heels for long periods.) Additionally, I do notice my calves get tired quicker than they did before the surgery.

Hmmm...I was able to drive a car when I returned to the U.S., which was about 2 weeks after surgery.

As for the shoes, when I had surgery, Dr. Park did not sell any shoes, but I think I heard from patients after me, there was a specific shoe he could recommend that you may be able to buy. I would check with him.
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Dr. Park recommended Sinnech and also asked me to bring him some extras. I ordered them from Alpine Pharmacy. I am not sure about the other brand, but would ask Dr. Park if Sinnech is available to him.
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So glad I found this thread! Thank you so much for sharing!

I'm from Europe (Switzerland) and planning to do the calf reduction surgery in fall.

I'd like to send a PM to some of you, but how can I do that? Is this because I'm a new member?
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