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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Even though your experiencing tightness, its not totally unbearable right. So still no regrets?

I spoke to Dr Park and he sent through a picture of what the shoes should look like. he said if i couldnt find a pair here then his staff could help me look for it over there in korea....

im getting very nervous now about the surgery but i cant wait for it at the same time.........
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Yeah i saw it from that website too. I asked dr park about it and he said that he sells sinnech but for US$100. i thought that was a bit pricey....

so ive opted for the local brand brauer, the one Kok79 used. its the only arnica available in australia, well thats what the chemist said. I hope its alright. Does anyone else know what can be done to help speed up recovery and reduce swelling/bruising post surgery aside from taking this?
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hello, perhaps you could post your questions on the forum. at least this way everyone can share their experiences and advice?

i havent been through the surgery yet, so dont have anything to add but perhaps i could help on some of your questions :smile:

are you thinking of dr park in korea or dr jung in taiwan? if you refer back to previous pages on the forum you'll see there has been much discussion on the topic........
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Speeding up recovery??? I don't know if there is anything that can speed up recovery, as everyone recovers at different pace. But I would suggest, to massage your calves with warm water, do the stretches and rest. The bruising is inevitable, my entire foot including toes were purple. It took abt 3 weeks for the bruising to disappear. Its part of the recovery process.
The Brauer arnica wasn't expensive, AUD $15 i think. Make sure you bring your laptop, if can be quite boring being in the hotel room all day.
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I am trying to work out how to use this messaging thingy lol. If you happen to get this, when do you intend on going? I am from the U.K too, and am seriously considering calf reduction with Dr Park.
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hello baby_yoshi

i'm thinking of dr park in korea, already had e-mail contact with him.
what about you? when are you planing to do the surgery?

sure, I can write on the forum. in that case, everyone has the chance to have a laugh because of my bad english skills:P just kidding:biggrin:
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a few pages back, you guys talked about the swelling after surgery.

I'm a little bit worried. A few years back I had a surgery on my knee. Oh my god, the swelling was so bad, my leg was huge! While being in seoul and sitting in my hotel room all day, I think I can deal with that, but what is when I go home.

Whats the extent of the swelling? The swollen calves, do they look like there was no surgery, like instead of the removed muscle there is swelling in the calves or is the swelling even worser? like you can't even wear normal pants and you look like an elephant?

How did you manage to stay in your room all day???!!! I already getting crazy when I'm having a day off and there's nothing to do.

I'd also like to ask, how thick are the compression socks and did you really wear them for 3 months straight?
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there is no difference if you are asian or caucasian, calf surgery will produce swelling and the compression stocking is not bad, i have used it during work as stockings. the difference is that it is so much tighter as opposed to the regular stockings. It prevents the swelling, after muscle is removed a pocket is created from the missing muscle therefore water takes its place and it is aspirated after the surgery. When you get back to your home base and have the swelling best thing to do is to keep your legs propped up and stockings 24 hours a day, this will reduce it. The pain is according to your tolerance.
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hello sappyeyes
thank you for the answer.

what is when I fly home and there's water in my calves again? did you have aspiration in your country?

I'm also worried about the stability since I had problems with my knee before. What is when I get older? Older people loose muscle mass. hmm
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I have a question to missus_jung, Kok79, Pichia, ashmi99, sappyeyes and all the others who already had the surgery.

I'm sure Dr. Park did make a virtual simulation for you before surgery.
I'd like to know are your post-op results pretty much the same like the virtual simulation? (I know, it can't be exactly the same.)

He did virtual simulation for me when I raise my heels and I absolutely love my after-picture. I am a little bit worried though since he said that he recommends only 2cm reduction.
But the difference in my before and after picture looked more like the pictures of the lady on his webpage who got almost 5cm reduced. I asked him about that and he said that the effect of 2cm reduction is the same like the effect oft reducing the waist for about 2 or 3 inches. (“If you are wearing 27 inches jeans, you can wear 24 to 25 inches jeans after 2 to 3 inches reduction of waist.
This is similar to 2 to 3 cm reduction in calf.”)
I’m confused..

But since I think the worst thing on my calves is the side view, I also did one virtual simulation by myself because he doesn't do simulation while standing flat. I have these roundish-shaped calves that I want to disappear and I send him the virtual simulation to check if my ideal calf would be realistic. He said that my calves will look like my virtual simulation after the surgery.

Ladies, tell me. What’s about your virtual simulation? Did you achieve it after the surgery? Which effect had the surgery on your side view of the calves?
If I can really achieve the virtual simulation he and I did, I would totally go for the surgery, and the money would be a good investment.

But if it doesn't make a noticeable difference and I can't achieve a reduction like in my before and after pictures, I think the calf reduction would even make me feel more worse about my legs and even more disappointed.

What's your opinion on that? Please help me and share your thoughts and experience.

Thank you girls!
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I am interested in undergoing calf reduction, and have read many of the posts on this forum.
I am allot more comfortable now, knowing that so many other people are undergoing this procedure and there have been no bad side effects.
Could somebody please message me, with further info, and maybe some before and after pictures.
Also how long it took before you could see the finally result

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