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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Hi Bluesy, I just got a quote from Dr Park. He told me that the surgery was going to cost me from 6300,000 - 6800,000 kw. This is more expensive than what he quotes on his site. Did he give you a quote? If so, how much? I am just about to email him and see what he says as his prices are supposed to be until dec 2010. Do you think he is just trying to get more money? This has put me off. Anyway I'll see what he says. What date are booked for? It's good that your hubby is going with you.
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Here are pictures. Before surgery, 1 month post-op, 5 months post-op, and then about 3 years post. Dr. Park said I ended up with fantastic results. I am very happy. As you can see, it did not correct the slight bow in my legs.
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hei ashmi!
thank you for posting your pictures! I'm glad you are happy with the results and I think Dr Park did a great job.
Do you have pictures from the back or the side view too? I'd love to see:smile:
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I arrive in Seoul on Sunday 6th June and my surgery is 10 am the following morning. I've been quoted 6,300. Maybe he has increased the prices due to popularity, but his website still says 6300 so you shouldn't be paying more than that.
Lets just hope it's all worth it x
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hi everyone, im in seoul now and had my calf reduction surgery with dr park yesteday.

i had to stay overnight at the clinic. for anyone who is planning on doing it, i would highly recommend bringing lots of things to occupy you if you so happen to need to stay overnight. its not only boring but feel almost useless cuz you cant walk or do anything in that little room.

its day 2 and im back at the hotel and OMG, the pain is like what someone on this thread said before. a pain in my calves that i have never felt before. for those who did the surgery on their own, how did you do it cuz i dont think i could have ever done it on my own.

my calves are so swollen now. i find it so hard to sleep and have lost my appetite. the stretches are ummhh well exhausting and very painful. i can feel my calves are so so tender and bruised. dr park said i could shower today but im too afraid to take the bandages off so i'm going to tough out another night. can someone tell me how long their bruising lasted? my biggest fear at the moment is still feeling this pain when i have to fly home.

also for those who have done it, did you continue to take the arnica tablets as well as the medication dr park gives you?

the pain is so exhausting that Im wondering if its worth all the pain now.....
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Hi Baby, Poor you! Just think of your new calves though. You shall be able to wear shorts and skirts without getting commented on. As they say "no pain, no gain. If you get the result you were looking for I'm sure the pain will have all been worth it. I'm sure that in a few weeks you'll not remember the pain as being so bad. Can I ask you how much Dr Park has charged you, as he seems to have quoted me higher than anyone else. This is actually putting me off getting the surgery done. He told me between 6300,000-6800,000KRW. I don't know if for the sake of a few hundred pounds I should just go ahead, but I hate the thought that I am being over-charged. What do you think?
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Hi, I'll bet you are nervous and excited at the same time! I wish it was me, but I'm a bit peeved that he is quoting me higher than others. I don't like to think I'm being taken advantage of. My left leg is 38.5cm and my right 38cm, and my ideal is 33cm. Did you pay a deposit, or do you pay in full once you have your consultation? You better check your quote as he has told me that calves above 15.5" (39.5cm) is charged at 6800,000KRW. Won't be long now. Just think in a few months you'll be able to show your legs off without being self conscious. I can't even imagine that. I don't think I'll even be able to hold off to see how you get on, as once I'm 100% sure I'm going to book for next month.

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Congratulations on going through the surgery. I know where you are coming from, you will be shocked when you see your calves, but just remember, it should be expected that your calves will be swollen. Muscles have been removed so bruising is expected. The bruising will look scary, my entire foot turned purple as well. The bruising will last for abt 3 weeks. I found out that the girls who had more pain actually had a better result at the end, so just try to think of the end result. It will be worth it. Stay positive.
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well actually before i left for my surgery, i sent a picture of my calves and my circumfrance to dr park. he quoted me $6.3m won but when i had my initial consultation and got measured up, he said that it would now be $6.8m because it was larger than he expected. i was surprised and upset, especially just arriving in the country that morning, exhausted and having originally budgeted for $6.3m won and then being sprung with this news. but i spoke to dr park and he was so kind to meet me half way as it was partly his mistake in quoting me incorrectly, so we agreed on $6.5m won. i think if your calf size reaches around late 30/early 40 or more inches mark its only fair more is charged cuz more work is required. in my case I just wasnt prepared for the new price he quoted especially after arriving in the korea.
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thanks kok79. i really hope i dont feel anymore pain, it really is just exhausting. today hasnt been to bad. i was stretching really hard yesterday and i think it seemed to help today. i have been religiously doing my stretching and it seems to be helping because i feel like i can stretch a little further, still as painfull as ever.

i had my first shower today, after 2 days. boy was it difficult. it is doable but it just took a little longer than normal.

im feeling some slight tingling in my feet every now and then. is this normal, did you guys feel this too. i wingle it around and it seems to go away after a while.

im going a little crazy stuck in this hotel room so dr park said i could go for a walk but not more than 30mins. i hope this walk wont come back and bite me in the bum and cause further swelling/bruising because it seems that by day 4 other people who have done the surgery seem to be experiencing quite substainial spasms or pain. i really hope i dont get this cuz my pain threshold has already been put to a limit.

anyways, thanks for your encouragement cuz i think i need it. i hope it is all worth it and i already cant wait til its all better...
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thanks alanna rose. i need all the support i can get....fingers crossed each day gets easier and easier....
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Its hard. I had my partner with me for the first few days, and I couldn't imagine doing it without him. It was just so hard to walk around and I sometimes i get random fevers in the middle of the night. So to be on your own, your very brave. But as least you know that there are many girls on this forum who are happy to share their experience and give you support.

funny you mention the tingling, because i had the same feeling on my left foot only. I think its some nerve damage because I still occassional get that tingling feeling in my feet, its not severe but its noticable. I suppose its just one of those potential risk with the surgery.
Have you got a food menu from the front desk? Because I had severe spasm from day 4, i found it really hard to walk so I would pretty much stay in the hotel room, watch movies on my laptop and order from the menu. I found the menu to be quite good actually.
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thank you, i think i need the support. i went for a walk tonight to get some dinner. i really needed to get out of the hotel. i went to that place next to the hotel, yummy thai. and already i was feeling my calves were getting tight. when i got back to the hotel i could feel that my swelling has come back a little, perhaps too much blood rushing to my feet at once and so finding have to stretch hard to get it loose again. its still quite not there yet.... =( *argh* its so hard not having free movement like usual.

can i ask those who have done it how long was it before you could walk normally again. dr park mentioned that after 10 days, some girls actually went on tour but im wondering if they applied to anyone on the forum and at what stage did they feel they were getting better.
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The worst part is over!! If you keep with your stretching, you will see slight improvement each day. I think I had the longest recovery of anyone I have heard of. I could not walk normally until about 3 weeks post-op. However, I also ended up with great results, so it was worth it to me!
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