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How can I make my calves smaller?

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I was wondering what the hotel is like? There was only 1 review on trip advisor, and it wasn't that good. Does anyone actually have the e-mail address for the Youngdong, as I need to email them for a quote. How much has it cost you for the hotel Baby Yoshii, if you don't mind me asking, and how long have you booked in for. I was intending to get a quote for 15 nights.
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thanks ashmi99. i hope it will get better cuz theres been alot of tears and pain and i hope from now on in it will only get easier and better.

i woke today with some soreness where most of the muscle was removed. i think its slowly regaining some strength and healing and thats why its getting a bit sore. i removed my bandages to take a shower and saw there was some flatness on my calves which i'm hoping will fill out over time.

i have my first consultation with dr park today post op so i'm hoping that when he sees me he will give me some good news that im recovering well.... i think half the battle is with the bruising and then the other half is the stretching which causes the uncomfortableness to walk normally. the rest is trying to be able get a comfortable good nights sleep with legs elevated....
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hi alana rose, the hotels email address is [email protected]. im in a double deluxe room and thats costing me 90k won a night for around 15nights. the rate includes their discount as being an oz clinic patient as well as a discount for staying longer than 10 days. the hotel so far has been very good. they are always prompt with their free shuttle service to the clinic, always calingl up the day before to confirm what time i need to be there. house keeping is great too. its clean, the conciege does speak english, a little but enough to understand my questions.
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Hi baby_yoshii. Its been a few days since you had your surgery, how are you feeling? Im going to book my surgery in a few days for the beginning of July. I wish I was you, in the respect that you have been through it already, in fact I wish I had been through it and back home again:biggrin:
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Hi Bluesy, not long to go now eh. I'll bet your stomach is in knots. I'm going to book within the next few days for the beginning of july, and my stomach is in knots!! I'm so excited but scared at the same time as I'm sure you will be too. I'm going to be going alone but if thats what a I have to do then thats what I'll do. I think that when you have lived with this problem for so many years (I'm 36) it's sooo exciting at the thought of being able to wear a dress without people staring or commenting.
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hi everyone, day 6 and it is slowly getting better. ive been finding it hard to sleep last few nights, feeling a bit feverish and slight headache. i think i was tossing and turning in bed for like 3 hrs before i feel asleep. *yiks*

todays been a bit harder for some reason. i walked out yesterday across the hotel to a korean restaurant for dinner. walking was slow and calves get tight fairly quickly so was a uncomfortable. but i think cuz i walked yesterday the muscles in my calves are contracting a little more today n making stretching a little difficult. but legs are still holding up, just have to force yourself to get up and stretch stretch stretch....

i had my check up with dr park couple days ago and he said i was doing well. didnt aspirate just rebandaged my calves. showed me a a new sqwating stretch. when i was there in the lounge, i meet 2 girls who also had the surgery about 2 wks before i did. from what i could see they were doing great and walking well which made me very optimistic about my prospects for the coming days. it was great meeting this girls in real life cuz i felt like i wasnt the only one going through all this and that we could relate.

i think the first few days is the hardest. cuz you feel like your in your own little world recovering. but starting to get out again a little and meeting people makes you realise to look at the bigger picture and hopefully in the coming days and weeks i'll be in a better position.... =)
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you must be excited but a bit scared at the same time. first few days are difficult but just remember to stick with it and imagine how you feel when you can be free to wear whatever you want =)
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Hi inezsandi. I planned on going in July2010, but since deciding this. the price of flights have almost doubled, so I'm going to have to wait until they come down again. I have decided to go for it, so I just want it booked and be done with it. I'm not good at playing the waiting game, ha ha. Where are you from??
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hi alana rose, thanks for asking. yesterday and today has been a bit harder. for some reason i feel week and my tolerance for the pain has been less making stretching more difficult. ive been stretching but not for as long as dr park recommends and not as hard as i was first couple of days. i think im getting tired maybe thats why ive not been pushing myself as hard as well.

im a little worried as i feel my recovery is going backwards or even just halted. i was hoping it would get better but this is not what is happening so its making me a little sad. i think the most pain is from the bruising and swelling. i still have a quite a bit of it especially on my left leg which is what causes the pain when i try to walk. and then when im not walking, standing stationary the calves start to get tight.

dr park aspirated me for the first time yesterday, the sound of him emptying the fluid out from the needle made me a bit squirmish *yiks* and i was worried as well because he said usually aspiration doesnt hurt but it hurt heaps when he aspirated one of my calves. then after that, the calf hurt heaps that night again, maybe it was the fluid building up again but i could feel my calves swelling up.... *argh* im so over it already but i know i still have at least 2.5 mths more of this before it starts to feel normal again.......
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Hi Bby-yoshii. Are you feeling any better? Does Dr Park say that this is normal to feel worse after a few days? Are you wishing you hadn't gone through with it? On a scale 1-10 what would you say your level of pain is? My husband is starting to worry about me getting the surgery, as I'd be alone he is thinking that I wouldn't even be able to get up to go to the toilet on my own, what do you think?? I hope you are feeling a bit better. Take care x
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This is an amazing thread. Thank you so much to all who have volunteered advice.

I am planning to go from the UK to Seoul in July to have surgery with Dr Park. I am excited but actually more petrified! I have a baby who is travelling with me. My husband will accompany us in the first week and then it will just be the 2 of us in the 2nd week. For those who have been through surgery, is that too much of a risky thing to do? I know everyone's recovery is different, but am I just being too optimistic here?

Also I've read that people are looking for a significant shrinkage in calf circumference. Mine is currently c. 31cm, but they are muscly. I am wondering now whether it is worth me doing the operation. ie will the procedure solve the muscly look? I'm not sure whether I should be aspiring to have them any smaller in circumference, otherwise they might look odd..?

I'm so amazed how many people have or are considering this. It makes me feel kind of normal! Part of me feels so selfish considering this when I have a baby to look after, who means the world to me. Mostly I'm scared of any negative impact this might have on my baby's life, eg if I can't share in sporty activities with her in the future.

I'm also amazed that there are people from the UK.

What a great thread! And thank you everyone!
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