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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Hi Gymbo. When in July are you going? I really want to go in July, but the prices for flights have gone sky high. I am like you in regards to feeling selfish regarding how this is going to affect everyone around me. you are lucky as your husband is supporting you whereas mine has decided to tell me now that he doesn't want me to have it done. Your calf muscles are tiny!! Does Dr Park recommend this surgery for you?
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hi alana rose. its been a few days since my last posting. and since then ive pushed myself to walk heaps, even taking the subway to do some shopping and touristy stuff. im finding that walking is actually making my calves stronger and the bruising has gone down heaps. this mainly happens at night when you sleep. make sure you get really comfortable shoes though, even a size bigger than normal cuz your feet swell up. when you stand still i find that calves get really tight and uncomfortable, or even when your sitting and your knees are bent. it gets tight quick. how did the others manage this?

only downside to walking alot for me is that i have alot of fluid build up in my calves. dr park has had to asipirate me 5 times already and there is still alot of fluid =( i have to aspirate another few more times when i get back home too, so scared cuz i hate needles and this time its not dr park whose doing it!! i asked if aspirating so many times was normal cuz no one ive read on this forum seems to have had to aspirate as many times as i have, but he said recovery depends person from person and i had alot of muscle remove. *sigh*

but aside from that, pain has subsided alot and it is now more bearable and stretching is easier. so i guess there is light at the end of the tunnel... though there is still a long journey for me cuz i got my compression stockings today. Yiks, i felt it and OMG, they feel super tight!! i cant wear them though until all the fluid in my calves are gone which is probably at least a few weeks away.

mmhh in terms of your questions, whether its normal or not. well, he says recovery really is dependent on the person and how your body reacts. i think mine was probably painful because my body couldnt absorb the fluid as most can. there was definitely a time when i thought 'what have i done to myself' and the people who i have spoken to who had some sort of cosmetic surgery done would agree. i think its normal to feel a little like this when you are in pain. but now that it is has subsided alot and i feel like im recovering well im excited about the prospect of showing off my new calves in a few months time. =) pain threshold is probably about 6, i think and it was definitely pushed to the limit. when i see blood i get squirmish as well and feel a bit sick =/ you will force yourself to get up and do the stretches and walk, you just will. so if you need to use the toliet you will do it. dr park will also give you some pain killers so that helps with the pain the first few days.
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Hi Alana Rose,

I'm planning to go towards the end of July, but I'm a bit worried about a war potentially breaking out and I don't really fancy getting stuck in the country with my baby... I need to monitor the situation closely I think!

My husband totally does not understand why I am doing this, but to be honest, i think because he has seen me go through childbirth, he now kind of thinks he owes me one! I'm a bit concerned reading all about the pain post-op though (dr park said that the pain post-op is not bad...?) - if there is anyone who has had the procedure done and has a child, how does the pain compare to labour???! I really need something to compare it with!

Dr Park says although my calves are small, they are somewhat bulky and so the procedure is suitable for someone like myself.

I was relieved to see Baby Yoshii is now doing so well, yay! Hope the pain continues to die down.

By the way, i don't really understand what people mean when they say their calf tightens? What is that? Similar to a muscle cramp? Or pins and needles? Or something else?

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Hi. It's good to hear from you, I was starting to worry about you!! I'm glad that things have eased off for you slightly. Its good to know that the pain does improve after a few days. Like you, I hate needles. I think that must be the worst part of it? Are you going to have to do it yourself? Yuk! How long now before you go home? Are you dreading the journey? I've still not made any arrangements but i'm hoping to soon.
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Hi Gymbo.

I have the same issue as you do regarding the possible outbreak of war. I've already told Dr Park my fears and he reckons there is no chance of the North invading the South as the U.S are involved too. I knew that already but lets face it nothing is guaranteed! I don't think I'd take my baby with me though. Have you booked your surgery or flights? At the moment the flights that I have priced are extortionate, so I'm unsure about booking at the moment. Also what if I book and war was to break out? AAARGH just when I had myself all psyched up as well. Also, are you intending to stay at the Youngdong Hotel? I think it is cheaper if you book accomodation and a flight through the expedia website.
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Hi everyone,
Im writing to you from South Korea having had my surgery with Dr Park yesterday. Everything went well and Dr Park said I hold the new record for the amount of muscle removed (I had the biggest calves he'd ever seen at 47cm). Had to stay in the clinic last night as I fainted when I tried to stand up post surgery. In quite a bit of discomfort but thats to be expected. My main problem is lack of sleep because of keeping my legs elevated and I feel that I'm constantly doing stretches, which are evil ! Apart from that I cant complain, just sooooo glad I have my wonderful husband with me, couldn't do it without him.
Lets just hope the results are worth the pain.
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yes I do have children. 3 actually, but they are 15, 14 and 5, so it's not like i'm going to have a baby to look after. Do you have everything booked yet?
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Hi Bluessy, I've been wondering how you've been doing. Glad that you are doing not too bad, even though you fainted! I got bladder surgery done once and I almost fainted when I first stood up with that, I think it was more to do with having the surgery done than the pain though. Keep me posted. Take care.
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Bluessy, I was wondering what you thought of the Youngdong hotel?

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Hotel is a little gloomy but serves it's purpose. It has the added bonus of transport to and from the Oz clinic, which is a Godsend. My husband on one of his little wanders, has had a little look in a hotel called 'Tea tree' which is just around the corner. I've emailed them asking the prices just out of curiosity but I'm sure it is going to be expensive. Dont think I would bother moving hotels anyway, just being nosy.
Legs have swollen hugely during the night - quite scary to look at, lets just hope it goes down soon.
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