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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Hi Bluesy. How are you feeling now? I'm guessing that this is day 5? Going by what the others say, you get quite a bit worse around this time before picking back up. Whats happening with you?

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Hi baby-yoshii. Are you back home yet? U doing ok?
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Not feeling too bad actually, very swollen and tight but no worse than it has been. Went to see Dr Park today and he says everything seems normal, but he told me to expect more muscle tightening and pain over the next few days (something to look forward to).
As for getting around, brought a wheelchair with me, so I've been able to see a little of Seoul. Walked for about 10/15 mins a couple of times yesterday - acually felt quite good to stretch my legs but was worried about overdoing it.
All in all, cant complain but I'm very aware that this may change over the next few days. Just got to keep doing the stretches, elevating the legs and hope for the best.
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i am going to go for this surgery for sure this year! i have made up my mind, but dont have anyone to go with.
i think the best idea is to go with someone, who is getting the surgery done, as they will know what u are feeling, and it will make the whole experience a little bit easier..

anyone who has done the surgery, is it possible to send some before and after pictures
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hi julie

ashmi posted some before and after pictures a few pages back..

I'm looking for a buddie as well and sent you a private message. Make sure to check your mailbox on purse forum. :biggrin:
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Hi Julie and Marshmallow. I was intending to go at the end of the month as if I don't do it then, then I'll have to wait until January, but the cost of flights have gone up drastically. When do you intend going. I think going with someone is a good idea. My husband is insisting that I take someone, but it's a big expense to take someone with you, so it'd be a good idea to meet up with someone else getting the surgery done too.
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hi alana rose. yes, im back home and reality has sunk back in being kept busy with work and house chores! a nice distraction actually from thinking about your calves. im about 3 weeks post surgery now and feel am doing well though there is still swelling and pain and a little limping. it really is amazing how the body recovers itself in such a period of time. i really cant wait til im fully recovered though...

flight back home was bearable. i was walking or should i say limping throughout the airport. i found stretching a bit difficult on the plane cuz i was feeling tired so slept and then found it hard to motivate myself to get up and stretch fearing that initial pain. so i was trying to stretch in my seat. still had the issue of fluid build up after returning home (had to aspirate another 2 times, so im up to 7 aspirations *yiks* and likely another few) but over the last week amount of fluid has reduced alot and can already see results as my calve is not so puffy. im still on bandages though cuz of the fluid and now im eager to change to the stockings cuz i find the bandages causes swelling/pain between the bend in the knee and the start of the bandages. has anyone else experienced this?

my left calve is a little bigger than the right cuz i had some asymmetry to begin with and more muscle was taken on the left. i know there is still some swelling at the moment, but i do hope it evens out even though im aware that it cant be perfect. i just hope it doesnt look too lop sided in the end.

walking wise, im alot better than say a week ago but am still limping a little. i am finding though that the more i walk, i get a more bruising on my feet. it is starting to improve but just feels uncomfortable cuz it produces that tingling feeling for me. dr park says that time is the key to recovery which i would say equates to patience as well. so if you can hold on, im sure the reward is worth it!!

oh just another note, i wanted to reconfirm the comments that everyone else had on how great dr park and his staff are. i was so sad that i didnt personally get a chance to thank him and his staff because they were busy when i left the clinic but be sure that anyone who plans on doing this surgery that you are in great hands. =)
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Hi Baby_Yoshii,
Glad you got home safe and well and without too much trauma.
I am 1 week post surgery and I'm having a terrible time. Was feeling fine from day 1-5, painful but nothing I couldn't handle. Then from day 6-7, I now feel I have gone severely downhill. I'm having real problems even doing the stretches correctly and I'm in agony. I know Dr park said to expect some tightening and muscle spasms around this time but I find it hard to believe I should feel so much worse 1 week after surgery. Just wanted to pick your brains about weather you think this is normal or not. Seeing Dr Park at 2pm tomorrow anyway. Any advice would be much appreciated.
Hope you continue to recover well x
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Hi Bluesy. I've noticed that everyone seems to get worse around this time, they seem to go right downhill but this seems to only last a few days. I'm sure you'll be ok. Keep strong knowing it won't last much longer. Take care.
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Just had my first asperation today and feel far better for it. It hurt a little but once it was done my calves were much less tender and I'm finding it easier to move around. Going back tomorrow for more of the same. Also have been told to massage my calves along with the stretches - think it's to prevent lumping.
Hope that's the worst part of the recovery period over with - will keep you posted so you know what to expect x
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hi baby_yoshii. Hows things going? Are you managing with your day to day routine ok? I hope your aspiration situation has calmed down now, it can't be easy doing that yourself, yuk. Let us know how you are doing and also if you notice any difference in your calves yet ( I know it's early days )
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Hi Bluesy, I'm glad that things are starting to get a bit better for you. I have decided to wait until January to book my surgery. I can't wait!
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Hi Bluesy, hang in there! I promise that it will get better. It may have also been around that day 6 mark where i felt like my pain wasnt improving or getting a little worse, i think i even mentioned on a previous blog about it as i was getting very concerned. In that first week you can sort of see results cuz you can see bruising goes down, and then that second week i felt like the bruising was getting worse which caused the pain. I think for me it was perhaps cuz I was trying to walk more. There was a time where I was so afraid to be standing upright cuz i could feel the blood rush to my calves causing little jabbing pains in my calves. I would agree with some of the girls here that the first couple of weeks are the toughest, not just physically but mentally as well. So in answer to your question, i dont think its anything abnormal, it is just your way of body slowly recovering. Hang in there and tough it out because over time your pain will slowly subside.

Thanks for the well wishes as well! I do feel like my recovery is improving slowly, though i still get those days where I feel like nothings happening but I guess recovery is a slow process so patience is the key.
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Hi Bluesy, thats great news! I was told that the aspiration doesnt usually hurt and I read on the blog some where that most girls feel alot better after aspirating, so your definitely with the majority here. My first aspiration experience was a little different. It was painful coupled with my fear of needles! I think it was made worse as my calves were still very swollen and tender. Then after asipiration that night, i tried to walk and felt little stabbing pains again. So i was getting worried, but then it seemed to clear up and was fine the next day. So your much stronger than I am!!
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Hi alana rose, thanks for asking :smile: Im day 24 and feeling so much better! I think i said it before but will say it again, i am just amazed at how much the body repairs itself so quickly. the pain has subsided alot which has meant that I can stretch harder, but not as often as I like. Though i still feel tightness behind my knee area when im sitting down for a long time. i find standing or walking helps losen this tightness alot. Unfortuately im still limping a little which I hope over the next week or so will go away. but im basically back to normal daily duties and chores, though maybe completing them a little slower than normal, but nonetheless the chore is done :smile: *shudders* about aspiration! hate needles but unfortuately the aspiration process is what makes the results better. i think i still have to do another few more before i can change to the stockings, so im just going to have to stop being a weakling and tough it out.

in terms of results, i can definitely see it now. I was actually a little worried a few days ago cuz i saw that one of my calves was bowed making it look really lop sided and weird. one calf had a little more muscle removed so it was always more brusied to start off with but it didnt feel brusied, if you know what i mean so i was like, oh no its going to be like this forever. so then i decided to bandage it up real tight sleeping it off, and i was happily suprised to see the next morning that it had subsided to a shape more inline with my other calf. there is still some slight aysmmetry but not enough to make me worry as a did. anyways, im hoping that once i move to the stockings i will get better results cuz they feel real tight!!!
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