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How can I make my calves smaller?

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hi alana rose, when you get back home from your surgery will it be winter there? I would recommend planning your trip inline with the seasons. imagine having to wear bandages or stockings in summer *yiks* that said, its still do-able in summer, just maybe a little uncomfortable. plus during winter you can wear pants or long skirts to cover up bandages if your still on them like me!!!
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Hi everyone -
It's day 10 and I've just been for my second asperation. It's strange - the procedure is ok on my left leg and painful on my right, but sooooo worth it. Dr Park was suprised at how much fluid had built up since yesterday, so as expected I'm back in tomorrow for more asperation. A little worried about how I'll get this done when I return home though.
Walking is getting much easier but I'm trying not to overdo it, as I'm still a little unsure -how much, is too much ?
Feel I'm improving a little everyday, so hope I can keep it up - only got 3 days left in Seoul.
Just wanna say thanks to Alana Rose & Baby_Yoshii for the support & advice, it's much apreciated.
P.S Alana Rose at least by January you'll have a better idea about our recovery & results (and hopfully the flight prices will go down).
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Hi everyone!
I am brand new to the Forum and decided to make an account after reading this thread. I have been reading it for a while and I just wanted to say you guys are amazing for keeping up with posts and such during the whole procedure and everything, it has really helped me in my decision with calf surgery. I have humungooo calves as well and its so neat to see eeveryone is getting this! I'm not alone ;)
If all goes well I am hoping maybe a July 2011 surgery...
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Hi Again,
Day 12 and my last full day/night in Seoul - we leave at 11pm tomorrow. I'm walking well and I'm far happier with my recovery than I was on day 6/7.Had my 3rd aspiration yesterday and my 4th at 2pm today - It's far less painful now and I'm feeling better each time. Dr Park said the results are far better when you continue aspirating when you return home, so I was a little worried about how/where/when I'd get this done in England. Problem solved thought - my husband said he'd do it - so he actually practised on my left leg today at the clinic ! He did a great job and Dr Park said he's a fast learner, so I guess I've hit lucky there.
My big concern is discomfort on the flight - I'll just have to pray for a seat with leg room and try to elevate my legs whenever possible.
Wish me luck !
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Hi bluesy, your most welcome! Glad to hear your improving. Interesting, I was the same with my apsiration. My left calf felt fine when aspirating but right was painful. But then my left calf actually had more removed, maybe that had something to do with it? When i asked Dr Park he just said recovery is different on each calf, so I wasnt really quite sure exactly what caused the pain? As my swelling subsided over time my aspiration became much easier. Im so over aspiration, it must be my bad luck since i hate needles and I'm still having to do it cuz i havent read anyone else on this forum that has had to do it as much as me!
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Hi bluesy, how was your flight home? so very lucky to have your husband help you do the aspiration! how many aspirations have you had so far? before i left for seoul dr park aspirated me 5 times, and since ive been back home ive had 3 done. So thats 8 in total. I still have fluid :sad: so im needing to continue to do it until there is no more fluid! *argh*
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Flight was very, very ,long - I'm glad it's over - wasn't painful but was soooo hard to get comfortable. Relaxing at home now, with my legs elevated - it's bliss.
I was also aspirated 5 times before leaving Seoul - Dr Park just said to continue once a week for about a month - hopefully all the fluid will be gone by then.
Are you starting to be able to see your end result now or is your fluid buildup still effecting the size of your calf ?
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Hi Alana Rose, I see you've decided to go in Jan now. I've booked my flights to go end of July and I am so nervous and excited at the same time. I see from Bluesy and baby yoshii that the pain increases at the beginning of the 2nd week - that's right when my husband goes home and i'll be alone with baby , ahh! So scared but this is the only time I can do this so I'm going ahead with it, otherwise I will prob regret not doing it for the rest of my life!

Thanks so bluesy and baby yoshii for sharing their experiences, it really helped to convince me to go ahead!

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Hi baby_yoshii. I can't believe you are still having to aspirate!! Is the fluid getting less and less each time you do it? How many weeks has that been now? How are you feeling- glad that you went through with it?
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Hi Bluessy. Hows things progressing? Worth the pain? I suppose it is too early to know if it has made any difference. I'm also dreading the flight. When I was looking for flights, it was hard to find one that you didn't have to wait in an airport for 8-10 hours between connecting flights. Thats a long time added to the journey, especially on the way back home with sore legs!
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Hi gymbo, yes I have decided to go in January. It was proving to be too rushed for the end of the month, and my options were then or January. I wish I could've gone and got it over with, but I suppose with our nice weather at the moment it's maybe a blessing in disguise that I can't go just now. I don't relish the idea of wearing compression stockings in this weather! Don't worry about taking your baby as you have obviously thought about this, and as you say if you don't do it then you will probably regret it for the rest of your life. It's like anything else, you will manage if you have to. Whens your op booked for?
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Booked for end of July. Such a shame we won't be there at the same time. It would have been nice to have some company.

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hi bluesy, im about 6 weeks post op. i can definitely see my calves have gone down in size, i think ive lost about 4cm. walking and stretching gets easier by the day, but i must admit its been had to do my stretches so I try to fit it in when i can.

i am finding that when im walking or standing alot thats when my calf starts to swell up. but when i rest it or sleep on it over night it goes down in size by the morning. that said, i still continue to do my normal routine, swelling or not as my calves will eventually have to get use to it!

in terms of fluid up, i thought was i doing well until my last aspiration were the amount of fluid extracted actually went up slightly again. that was a little disappointing for me but im really hoping that my last aspiration will be a success. I would tend to agree with a previous comment made on this blog that your calf size does vary as it has for me in these 6 weeks. im keen on it stabilsing now but know its still probably a few months away.

how are you coping now? can you walk normally yet?
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not a problem gymbo. i dont mean to scare you, but those first 2 weeks will be tough, so be not only physically but mentallly prepared as with any surgery. but after those first few weeks and especially being back at home it only gets easier, plus you really have a fantastic team looking after you at the oz clinic. it will be worth it in the end! :smile:
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hi alana rose, im 6 weeks post op. yeah i know, im wondering whether im abnormal or something cuz i havent read anyone who has had as many aspirations as me! or maybe their out there but i just dont know aobut it! hehehe

the amount of fluid really does vary from aspiration to aspiration. i find if im on my feet the whole day and then i aspirate later that day, the fluid build up is more. i might try aspirating in the morning to see if my theory is true. :smile:

yes, i am glad ive done it. though that first week i was wondering to myself why i put myself through this vainity! hehehe but now that the worst is over and im back to normal routines it gets easier and im eager for summer to come! hehe but i wouldnt say that im fully back to normal yet, i still have a niggling sore tendon behind my knee which when not stretched well causes me to limp a little which has held me back from doing my regular exercises. dr park did say to me, dont try to run until you can walk properly. so that is the motto im taking. im trying to remember that this is a slow and long recovery process so being patient is the key!
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