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How can I make my calves smaller?

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no i dont believe not everyones is genetic because ive been just sitting in the house lately and just watching tv or on the computer and they have shrinked. i guess when u exercise it builds up the muscles and makes them larger :smile:
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For most of the people whom calf surgery works for, our calves do not shrink by doing no activity. In fact, our muscles are genetic and do not change due to exercise.
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Hi gymbo. I've not been on lately due to school holidays and 3 kids!!! It won't be long till you go now. It is a shame that we won't be there at the same time, but don't worry you'll be fine. You'll be well on your road to recovery and I'll still be sitting waiting to go. I was going to have to go the end of June or not until January and I wish I could've gone and got it over and done with but there's no point dwelling on it. I'm going to Egypt at xmas and it would've been nice to wear shorts and not feel like everyones staring, but at least it will be for the last time. NEXT SUMMER, is something to look forward to for me:yahoo:
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Hi Baby-yoshii. Surely you've stopped aspirating now?? I'm like you in regards to needles ie terrified:nuts:. How did you manage to do it yourself? Now that things are starting to settle down for you, are you glad that you went through with it? Has it made a big difference? Was the result the same as what Dr Park expected to achieve, cos I know that his virtual pictures are not 100%. I know that you've lost about 4cm, is that what you wanted to lose? I suppose its good in a way that I'm not going till January as I can quiz all you guys about your results.
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HI ashmii. I don't think people that have this problem understand what it's like to have abnormal size calves. For them their calves getting a little bit bigger due to exercise is probably no big thing, but for us whose calves are genetically big our muscles are out of proportion with the rest of our body, and exercise or not that is the way they are, and it is only with surgery that they will improve.
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Hi Bluesy. Hows things going with you? You are bound to be feeling a lot better now are you not? Have you stopped aspirating now? Hows things progressing? I'll bet you are glad that it's all done with now and you are back home. The flight is the killer. Some of the flights that I had looked at were 20-30 hours long as they were stopping for 9-10 hours. I want a flight that only has a 1-2 hour stop. I'll just have to wait and see in January whats available.
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I agree, Alana Rose! There are many women who think we are crazy because they would love to have some shape to their calves. They don't understand having muscular calves!
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Hi Sappyeyes, Hi Missus Jung,

Could you share pre-op and post-op pictures of your calves in here please?
I saw Ashmi99's pictures and I found them just amazing. I don't remember the name of the patient (Kok79? I am so sorry, I read so many pages of that thread) who had 36cms calves, and slimmed down to 32cms or something like that, but I have a 36cms calf circumference too for the moment, and am thinking about the calf reduction surgery with Dr Park from Oz Clinic.

I have been posting recently on the Cozycot Health Forum also, because I just came back from Seoul 2 days ago: I had a cheekbone reduction surgery at OZ that went just fine, and I trust Dr Park enough to do the calf reduction surgery with him as soon as I will save enough money again. I stayed at Young Dong Hotel with a special price (double room for 80 000 wons/night), but I did not like my room that much. I was on my own, and the very first days weren't easy because of the swelling and bruises, but as time went by, I felt much better and even went out shopping/discovering the city :smile:

Have you girls taken any vitamins or medication to help the bruises and swelling go down, or did you "just" take the antibiotics, pain-killers he gave you + stretch and self-massage?

Thanks in advance for your answers girls!
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Hi Alana Rose,

I'm happy with all the questions you've asked to Bluesy and Baby_yoshii (how are you girls?? I admire your courage and shuddered when both of you wrote about your hardest time in the recovery process), as I have exactly the same ones for them :smile:

Baby, are you doing the aspiration thing all by yourself?

When you talk about fluid, what color is the aspirated liquid? When do you know you have to stop pulling on the needle (sorry girls, I had to write things this way -__-" )

Did you have any infection behind the knee, where the incisions are, because of the bandages/stockings?

Is there a huge size difference between your thighs and your new calves also?
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hello, ashmi99! the reason i requested to be added to your contacts is because i wanted to seek help. i have very huge calves. i am not athletic. i guess i was born with huge calves, but last year i started walking a lot - it made my calves super bigger and it pains me not be be able to wear shorts or skirts because my calves are waaaay bigger than my boyfriends calves=( i want to know how much doed the surgery costs and the repercussions of it. thanks so much.
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Hi. If you read through all the posts in this thread, you will find out how much the surgery costs and any possible side effects. I suggest you spend some time reading and then write again if you have more specific questions.
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Hello girls, I am new!!
This forum was like a treasure to me when I found it :yahoo:
Thank you so much for sharing!

I really, really need help from someone who is in the same boat with me. So far people telling how crazy I am and how beautiful I am, but I want to do the surgery so much and stop hating my body. But the same time I kind of DO like my muscle calves, I like athletic looking legs, I find it very sexy...

I afraid to lose the shape with loosing the size :shrugs: I really need your advise or opinion on that one!!!! Only you guys see it with my eyes....

Here is picture from Dr Park: before and after...

Thank you!!
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Hi! I found the link to this forum on Dr. Park's site, and was hoping to meet some people who are planning to go to Korea late fall 2010 (or early winter). I will probably go alone to get my calves done, as my boyfriend is really busy with work. Hopefully I can meet up with someone who is in the same boat! :smile:

I'm actually quite flexible as to when I can go, I just chose late fall/winter because I assume wearing the stockings will be less unpleasant when it's not so hot out and it will maximize my recovery time before spring/summer skirt weather.

Thanks for reading!
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