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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Hi Marshmallow! Congrats on surviving! I had problems with one of my incisions after I returned home. It got very red and tender. I kept neosporin on it, and also lowered my stocking on that leg to below the crease so that the stocking wasn't putting pressure on the incision. It healed in no time.

Please keep us updated on your progress!
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thank you for sharing your story here, I'm glad you are having a speedy recovery!

Can anyone discuss a little more about long-term effects? I'm most concerned about walking endurance, sometimes I like to walk a few miles in a day and was wondering if anyone had more soreness/stiffness/pain etc. years after the surgery.

Thank you!
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Hi marshmallow. Thanks for the pics, they are a huge help in knowing what to expect. I'm assuming u will be home now. How was the flight? By the way, I didn't think there was anything wrong with your original legs. I would be happy if mine were like that to start with, but I suppose it's all about how you feel yourself. Keep us up-dated with your progress and thanks again for sharing your experience. Take care x
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Hi marshmallow, im new here... but ive been following this thread for quite sometime now... i really want to do the surgery... :smile: but im saving up 1st... its quite pricey. hehe.. could u send me b4 & after pixs... i would greatly appreciate it. thank you very much. my email is [email protected] :smile: will be waiting for them.. :smile: i hope ur doin well now :smile:
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Hey chico, i was just wondering if u r from the u.k? when do u think u'll manage to save up by?
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Thank you marshmallow for the pixs... wow.. i really wana have these calves of mine done. I so dislike them sometimes i wana chop em off! haha :lol:

Alana, im actually here in UAE... & im a newbee, just startd working. :balloon: so its gonna take me some real long time to actually come up w the money :shame: but i aim for NOV2012... or hopefully earlier than that... :sad: im so sick of pants! i really wana b able to wear shorts & skirts :crybaby: im cursed w these horrible big calves.

i wonder if Dr. Park accept installments ... hmm :dots:
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hee hee, that's good! Wouldn't it be good if he gave interest free credit. I'd be on the plane tomorrow. I think all of us on this forum dream about being able to wear shorts/skirts. I can't wait to get mine done. My kids are going to be sooo embarassed, having a mother who wears mini skirts in the freezing cold weather, just because she can :biggrin:
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Cool Mom! :woot: My moms stems are really beautiful... & she wears skirts and shorts(not so short though) but damn! hers are like really wow! amfufu, i wish i could have inherit that :cry:

Well, good luck with everything Alana... :biggrin: & please do update us! :P
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi everyone,

Im new to this forum.

I read from the internet that calf reduction can be done thru Radiofrequency. It says :


Radio-frequency energy can be used on the gastocnemius muscle complex to cause localized destruction of tissue within the calf for the purpose of reducing excess bulk and contouring shape.

Radiorequency current is applied directly to the muscle at selected locations. The RF energy causes "coagulation necrosis," or tissue liquifaction and death.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia with sedation. Recovery is relatively rapid.

Most patients are able to resume non-strenuous activity within a few days to one week. Functional disability with walking, running, or jumping is not common after healing but such activities may feel painful.

The change in calf circumference can vary from 0-6 cm depending upon the number of areas treated and the amount of RF energy applied. Reduction of muscle volume is not fully predictable or controllable.


Has anyone tried using this Radiofrequency before to reduce the calves and if so, which clinic did you go to?

I have done fat reduction on my calves many years ago n it didnt really help. When i first did the operation, i cudnt walk the next day n the surgeon had to get a physiotherapist to guide me. Now i also feel some tightening of the calves at times despite years after the surgery.

Hence, because of this experience, im very afraid to go for the reduction of the calf muscle surgery as im very worried whether it wud affect one's ability to walk, etc n perform the normal activities. I mean there are risks in any surgery so im very concerned.

I read that alot of the forummers here have gone to Dr Park in Korea. Has anyone been to Dr Jong in Taiwan? He seems to be good from his website although im not sure at all. In his website, he has seen patients who had previously gone to korean surgeons and did not get a good job done.

But if radiofrequency can really help to reduce calves, i wud probably like to try that first before opting to go for the surgery as the surgery seems quite a major operation.

Cud anyone share? Thanks!
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Hi babyangel. I don't have direct experience with radiofrequency, but have heard that both it and nerve-cutting are not effective methods. Maybe someone else has more info.
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Hi Ashmi99,

Thanks for letting me know.

After posting the above msg, i happen to read Miss Jung's reply to one of the forummers that she had tried the nerve blating before n it didnt work so im not going to try the radiofrequency then.

But the calf reduction surgery seems like a major surgery n because every surgery carries a certain risk, im so worried whether it wud affect one's abilitiy to walk as per normal, etc or cud there be a slight chance of any side effects including whereby someone mentioned any strength loss in the legs during old age.

Ashmi99, may i check what kind of anaethesia did Dr Park use? Is it GA or LA or thru spinal anaethesia?

Im also looking for anyone who has gone to Dr Jong in Taiwan before n wud like to hear the experiences. I saw his website n the results seem not bad. His website is www.lrclinic.com.tw. It is not so much the cost of who to go to that is affecting my decision but because besides having big calves, my calve areas are also fatty besides being muscular including the ankles. And Dr Jong has replied my email long time ago that he cud do lipo at the same time to remove the fats.

The other thing why im a bit hesitated to go to Dr Park because i read somewhere in the forum that a forummer (was it Petals??) had gone to him for several surgeries n they were a failure n badly done that she was very disappointed with his service. But of course having said that not every surgery would be a success even with the most famous surgeons.

If anyone has gone to Dr Jong for calf reduction surgery, cud you help to share your experience?

Many thanks! :smile:
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Hello babyangel11

Am really happy you've brought up Dr. Jong of Taiwan once more. Am also really interested in knowing people who've been to him as i was very comfortable with him after reading through his website. I've also communicated back and forth with him and really wish i could finally talk to anyone who's been to him for the surgery. Pls let me know if you get any info on that
Thanks alot
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