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How can I make my calves smaller?

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hmm but how tall are you, i am 5,7" and i think that would be perfect for me
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Im 5 ft. :sad: I dont know how that is going to work for me. Dr P kept saying it will look ok. I dont know what to do now.
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My calves are 33-34cm (before and after swelling) and all my friends say I have skinny calves. I'm 5'2"

So it should be fine?
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did dr park tell you WHY he cannot remove more? How much cm did he tell you via email he would remove or your goal before your consultation in korea?
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Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that.
Did the doctor give any reasons as to why? I'm worried myself because my calves are around 40 cm too.
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hello girlies, im back!!!!! hurray! i will answer all the questions for sure, one by one, but right now, let me update you girls! first of all, thank you everyone for encouragement. i didnt want to write too much because i was afraid i would back out last minute and everyone would be discouraged as well!

ok, i had it done yesterday. as you all know from my posts 2 days ago, main problem for me was the reduction only to 36 cm. so, i didnt sleep all night thinking about it. but i decided to do it anyway because i am paranoid and didnt want to wait till i lose a few cm by myself (yes, as I had put on...ok wait for this)

ok, so i said to Dr P: you know, 36 cm is the BEFORE of many girls on the forum. You should see his face. He must be thinking: oh dear another one. But girls, you MUST MUST ask him if you were ever in my position because HE IS VERY PATIENT! one has to be to deal with me!

anyway, we looked at pics of before and after and there was one of a girl who was like 37/38 and i tell u, it looks fine! she had short legs too like me. so i said: that's ok! then i saw another one of 35 cm and i said: that's better! please can i have that??

Dr P said ok. So we went ahead. i shamed myself because i was shaaaaaaking so much. in my earlier posts, i kept asking about anaesthetic right? cos i am SCARED of that. so poor anaesthetist (sweet man that he is) was doing his best to comfort me. I think for me, the worst was getting ready for the surgery. and a lot was in my imagination, looking at the nurses get ready. i mean, so if you do not have an overactive imagination, i think you will do fine.

anyway, the anaesthetic was actually comforting. it made the lower body feel fuzzy and warm. of cos i was scared still so i said to him-

OK food's here. got to eat to eat medicine. will continue later. will post this now in case lose the page.

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eating n typing now. to continue, i said to anasthetist i could feel still. of cos, i never had any form of anasthetic so no idea if i was special and need double dose. so he pinched me here and there to test! i think he was rather amused. anyway, as i said, i was shaking. really shaking. Dr P said: you are shaking too much. :/

So he put his hand over mine to stop the shaking and i think my other hand was in nurse's hand. all in all, im glad i dont understand Korean because I am sure i am the worst ever they have seen. to have to wait till i stop shaking! And I kept telling them i wanna go to sleep! So anaesthetist said: ok, 5 mins.

and then i think i went to sleep. it wasnt really deep sleep but it felt like only 2 mins. im sure it went on for an hour and more. Next thing i knew, someone (prob Dr P) was carrying me into the room onto the bed.

another humiliating thing was that i was so scared of the anaesthetic that i could not move. so even when they wanted to turn me over, i could not move!

one thing's for sure. Dr P has a great team. I was thinking whether it will be tough coming alone. i think it was on the plane because i was thinking. but, once here, not a problem at all. in fact, im quite glad im alone so i dont have to worry about someone worrying about me, makes sense? the team is so great you never feel alone. and, i also thought of the hundreds before me and my competitive nature kicks in and i say: if they can do it, so can i! i think Amy (nurse) must have noticed that because whenever i resist doing anything, she said: other people......and then i will say: oh, other people do stretches at night? and can walk at night? and then i do it!
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Aw, I'm sorry to hear you were so scared, but people have different degrees of reaction to going under the knife.
Did Dr. Park recommend lipo along with calf reduction? You mentioned something about him offering you a discount.
I hope your recovery is going nicely! Please keep us posted (:
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Hey hey hey, sorry I haven't been online in ages! Very happy to know u did it!!!!!!! Xoxo
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Hi there,
Just found this forum and very interested in the surgery and the Oz clinic. I'm still in the process of reading thru all the threads. Just curious if Ashmi99 and kok still contribute to this site. I would really appreciate if I could email and/or message those of you who have recently received this surgery and those of you who had it done years ago. Thanks!
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I'm still working through all the messages re the surgery. I'd actually like to contact Dr. Park at some point for a phone/email consultation. Just curious for those who have had the surgery recently- could someone estimate what the price of the procedure currently is? I believe I read that it depends on the size of the calf (mine is give or take around 34 or 35 cm). Could someone verify this too: is it true there is a discount if one pays in cash and is this a procedure that does not include tax?
At this point there are many of you I'd like to contact (still currently making a list). I have many questions and would love to see before and after pics! If anyone is interested in sharing please message me.
Also- I was planning to possibly have the surgery this August (2012). Is there anyone considering the procedure in August? Please let me know, we could give each other mental/ emotional support! Who knows, maybe even meet up there too.
Well hope to hear from many of you soon. Thanks in advance.
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Hi Sunflower,
I'm also considering getting the procedure this August! If you could PM me your email address, I'd love to keep in touch and share research.
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