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How can I make my calves smaller?

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I have started reading some of the past posts and am keen to have calf reduction by Dr Park.

Gingersnap and all who have done the surgery. I would be grateful if you could send me the before and after pics via [email protected].

I am sending my daughter to school everyday and this surgery would be very disruptive to my schedule. I am weighing it and would only go ahead if the end result is all worth it.

Thank you so much...
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Hi girls, this is my last post because this whole experience has been rather toxic for all the wrong reasons. If you are like me and do not actually enjoy plastic surgery (haha) and is 100% natural except calves (that is, after surgery), consider bringing your baby, adolescent and young adult photos to show that your face has never been operated on. I have had people study my face and think my eyes are not real because I have double eyelids! And someone actually said Asians do not have double eyelids. Girls, the whole of Asia ok? No one has double eyelids in the whole of Asia. Think about that. So, only Americans and Europeans have double eyelids. Every Chinese girl you see with double eyelids has been to see Dr P. Think about that ok. That poor Chinese girl working for pennies in a factory has had plastic surgery to get double eyelids. I do not have a high nose but I warn you if you already have a high nose, I would imagine people staring at your nose. So, this is the kind of mental anguish you have to get used to if you are new to plastic surgery. I do not blame anyone for this because I guess it is natural for people to think that if you would do your calves, you would do every bit of you but I am just saying, be prepared if you are new to this. Other than that, everything is bearable.

Ok, I have been asked if I have any regrets. My only regrets relate not to the surgery and generally have to do with things I describe above and also problems like how do I explain my new legs! And, of course, I have always thought plastic surgery is silly BUT in certain cases (calves!!), I think they are necessary. So, it is just me and my head getting round whether I should have done this. I dont think anyone is interested in my moral dilemma so let me go on.

Do I regret the surgery otherwise? No. There is pain yes but the painkillers work for me. Dr P's team is good and if you do what they tell you to do, you will be fine. The aspiration is not what you imagine at all. It is like a needle prick or an insect bite. The worst pain I have had from aspiration is just the needle going a bit deeper. It is not more painful than your stretches and really Dr P's technique is great and so sometimes you do not even feel it. Just dont think too much and you will be fine.

My left leg is still the weaker leg but is going down a lot. Thanks so much for asking everyone. After aspiration, the legs go down a bit. It is very gradual so there is no point staring at them as I did the first couple days. The most difficult bit for me were the stretches and the monotony of it. Stretch, lie down, stretch, lie down. I do not know what else to say now except I think if you are looking for improvement in legs, you wont be disappointed. I am not. I am happy with the improvements. They do not need to look like the ideal that I have in mind. So, if you can accept that, I would say go for it. If I can do it, so can you. Wont be posting anymore but I will reply to the PMs.

thank you girls so much for the support. really good luck to those going.

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Hi Scaredcat,

Thank you for sharing. I've read your past posts and understand the dilemma you had gone through before. Well, at least you have gone through it and have no complaints to the result. Brave girl! :woohoo:

I am really tired of always wearing capri pants, business pants or jeans when meeting friends. We are young only once, and besides, I really want to have more comfortable options esp staying in Singapore.

My worry is whether the result is worth to go through the pain (like you, think I'll be shaking) and disruption.

I can't pm coz I am new. Could you send the pix to my email at [email protected] please. Thanks so much...
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Hi Ooh_la,
I'm still quite new to the forum, but as soon as I am can pm, I will contact you. I must say the more I read up on this stuff, part of me wonders why i never looked into it before. As scared as I am, I'm almost feeling hopeful to get the procedure done this August. I hope we can synchronize and maybe meet up there!

Thanks Scaredcat for your recent post-op update and encouraging words re the surgery. As for the your thoughts regarding plastic surgery- bottom line is there are lots of ignorant people out there. True, many Asians don't have double lids, but there are many who do. All my uncles and aunts on my mom's side have the double lids. It's not a big deal. I actually think the only benefit for women with double lids is to help maybe with make-up application. I have so many gorgeous relatives who don't have double lids, but very big, sharp eyes. But for many who don't have it are always curious what they would look like with them and vice versa. Honestly I'm not anti or pro plastic surgery. My philosophy is if there is something keeping you from living your life to its fullest potential and it's attainable with the help of plastic surgery and will help add to your self-confidence, one should just go for! Notice I said "only if it will add self- confidence." I think it's important to remember that the changes are only physical, u could be perfect looking ( whatever that is) yet still lack confidence. A person with no inner strength could get a ton of work done yet not feel any different no matter how externally beautiful they appear to be. Sorry! I'm off my soapbox now. People just do what makes u happy and confident with yourself because everyone deserves to have that!

Btw, Scaredcat, I hope it's okay to PM you when I can, I'd love to ask you some more questions and see before and after pics if available. Thanks in advance!
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Ok. After reading the past posts again, I am planning to do calf reduction w Dr Park around mid July n rinoplasty w Grand Plastic same time. Wonder which one shld I operate first? Any advice would be helpful. Tks!
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Hi all,

Still lacking the required posts to be able to use the pm function. I hope to get in contact with many of you soon. Keeping busy with work and have not had much time to read or post. There's so many of you I'd like to message, however until then if any of you would like to contact me, please do so at [email protected]. Still considering this procedure for this August. Advice from people who have been thru it already and information from those considering it are always welcome. Btw, this forum does seem to have gotten quieter. Hope to hear from you guys. Take care!
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Where did everyone on this forum go? Still trying to post daily until I reach the minimum so that I can pm many of you. This rule sucks by the way. I've been hoping to get in touch with Dr. Park tonight and at the very latest, early next week. Depending on his response, I'm hoping to have this procedure done in early august. I'm a bit scared too. I'm in my thirties, yet my parents who are both Korean are not completely supportive. I definitely look to this forum for encouragement. My parents are very traditional and skeptical. They immigrated to the U.S. many many years ago, prior to Korea obtaining their strong economy. I think my parents just have memories of old Korea where doctors were shady and not always the most ethical. I do understand their concerns for me and that it's based out of love for me. I'm still attempting to convince them that this is a procedure that has been established for a long time now. I'm curious if any of u out there are experiencing similar obstacles and how u explain in to those close to u.

I'd also love to hear from those of u who are planning to do this soon like anytime this summer. Oh_la, I'd love to hear from u soon. My email is [email protected]. Talk to all of u soon. U may hear from me very soon, need to get my 10 posts in! Lol!
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Sunflower100, I am new to this forum as well and have been trying to decide on a time to get calf surgery with Dr. Park. I am thinking about leaving mid-August. Where are you flying from and have you booked tickets yet?

For people who have done the surgery already, how long does the recovery process last? For instance, how long does it take before the bruises (and indication you had surgery) go away? Also, how long does the swelling last and how much swelling will there be?

My calves measure about 36.5 cm at their widest. I haven't contacted Dr. Park yet, but based on the posts in this forum I'm hoping to get them down to about 33 cm. How much swelling should I expect then?

Thanks in advance!
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Hello all,
I will be getting the calf resection surgery in about 3 hours from Dr. Park.
I met with 4 different calf reduction operation specialists over the course of a day and ultimately decided on Dr. Park due to his expertise in calf resection; he is the most experienced in this field in the entire world, so take that into consideration.

I checked out nerve ablation as well, but I wouldn't suggest anyone get this if they can afford calf resection instead. Nerve ablation doesn't always produce the desired results, and as the muscle fibers aren't removed in this procedure, you can actually regrow your initial muscle size, which is a huge let-down.

Dr. Park can only take off the amount of length that he feels would better suit your body image. The ideal calf circumference should be 20% of your height. For my height, my ideal calf circumference is around 34cm, and currently, they are 39-40cm. So I would be losing a lot of length. But he doesn't promise it will go down that much, as he wants to make sure it looks good and will better suit my body.

For anyone deciding to do the procedure under Dr. Park's care (OZ clinic), don't forget to purchase the medicine, SinEcch, before you arrive in Korea. It isn't imported here, but Dr. Park carries some, though at a more expensive price than if you were to buy it in America. This medicine helps to reduce swelling, bruising, and pain.

And he recommends that you wear wedge heels if you decide to go walking out for the first few days, because your legs aren't immediately able to stretch without much difficulty, but you must stretch and walk barefoot at home.

Good luck to anyone who decides on the surgery. Now, I need to go and prepare for my own.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Happy Memorial Day! Well for those of us in U.S.

Hi Summershimmer. No I haven't yet booked tickets yet. I haven't had much time to prepare just yet, I've just been so busy with work. I think I'll be leaving from southern California. I hope to be leaving in early August and plan to stay for a few weeks, maybe if you're there we can meet. Are you planning to have it done in mid- August? Support is always a good thing so I hope we can be in touch as we get closer to August. Hopefully we can pm each other after I meet the number of posts. My current plans still are to head out to Korea in August. I spoke to Dr. Park's nurse in my broken Korean but I haven't directly spoke to him yet. After I do, that will determine my next steps. I'll do my best to keep everyone posted with my plans. Please do the same.

Hi Gsykes,
Congratulations on the surgery. I would love to hear how you are doing post op. I would like to pm you too at some point later on after you've recovered a bit. I wish ya a safe and speedy recovery. Hope you're enjoying Korea.
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1)So ladies don't forget to bring 2 inch wedge heels the day of surgery and anything else you need like sinnech. They will not remind you the day before. However, there were a couple of girls I met that were able to walk with flats right after surgery but they only had 3-4 cm goal removed. My goal was about 7cm less and therefore more pain. YOu really never know if you can walk right after surgery or not so do not forget the heels. And do get heel wedges that are stable and that you can wear even if your feet got a size bigger because your feet will swell enormously post op. I saw one girl wearing wedge sneakers.I wish i brought that. I bought slip ons but i feet were so swollen, I could hardly fit them.
2) you must buy all the food, snacks, and water for all the days you are in korea for especially if you are going alone. I am saying this because again, you do not know if you will be able to walk to get food. HOwever, there is a menu that the hotel does provide. I had cup of noodles and other snacks enough for 10days. it was hard for me to walk the first couple of days.

3)I really do recommend staying in youngdong because of the car service to and from the clinic. I mean the hotel is not all that but it is clean and sufficient. you will also meet and talk to other girls who have undergone the procedure especially when riding to clinic.
4) you must stretch religiously. you are suppose to stretch every 30 mins for 5 mins. in the morning it's hard because behind the knees are tight. but as you keep stretching throughout the day it loosens up. When not stretching, elevate legs! Ask for extra pillows from room service.
5) ask all the questions you have before you leave korea because dr park and the nurses do not explain much. you must ask the questions yourself.
6) be patient. I did not see any changes in my legs until post op day 8. The initial swelling lasted that long. but it does go down as long as you elevate and after dr park starts aspirating. every time he aspirated, the legs got smaller.
7) I had emailed my airlines and asked for wheelchair service. although I left post op day 11 and could walk in flats with a limp, my legs felt faint walking far and standing in one spot. And ladies, the airport in inchelon is huge. I could not imagine walking far. get an isle seat so you can stretch. or when you reach the airlines counter or when you get in the airplane, ask for a seat that has empty seats next to you because you just had surgery. I was fortunate because when I got on the plane, I asked for empty seats near the bathroom. I had three seats all to myself. I elevated my legs the whole time.

I am 19days post op and still limp. Even walking for 1 hour, my feet are swelling the next day to the same size as when I first got the surgery even though Im elevating my legs the whole night. I don't know if this is normal. It looks scary. I have a job that requires standing for 8 hrs. I will be returning to work post op day 25. So I'm assuming the swelling will be worse.
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Thank you for the post!

19 days post-op and your FEET continue to swell? What about your calves?
And is your limp minor?

I hope you heal fast!! :sad:

BTW, I think you should email Dr. Park to discuss these concerns.
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