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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Hi jackkki, you said you had a bulge in your lower leg and a depression in the place where they removed the muscle. Now that you've been recovering for some time is this starting to even out? Wish you a speedy recovery!

Gsykes, how is your recovery coming along?

Would anyone be willing to post or email their before and after pictures? My email is [email protected]. Thank you for all your detailed posts. They're super helpful to someone like me who is still in the decision process. I'm 5'2 and thin but I have these giant calf muscles that measure 39 cm around that make it impossible for me to wear many things, and I really hate it. So I'm really happy to have found this site with so many brave ladies who have already had the surgery. But I'm still worried that the results might not be the same in reality as they are in my mind. I want to ask all the girls here who have already been through the surgery: would you do it again?

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I am 5'1 and my calves were 40cm and now 32.-33.5cm. dr park said the bulging in the lower side is the tendon which swollen and will become go down over several months. the upper is depressed and will fill out over time. therefore I do have the bulge and depression still. it changes in size though depending how much i've been walking, elevating, and aspirating. Even though results may not be perfect, my small calves look a lot better than 40cm. I guess also depends on what your goal cm is. if goal is only to remove 1 or 2 cm, i don't think its worth it. in terms of whether I would do it again, I would have to get back to you in a couple weeks because I am having a tough recovery compared to everyone else. don't get me wrong I am happy of how my calves look now compared to before but walking is important to me and it has been a challenge for me the last 3.5 weeks.
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@oh laa: hi i'm new to this forum but read all threw and wanted to ask when did you go to korea for surgery because i also plan to do calf reduction surgery at OZ with Dr.Park ! In wich hotel do you prefer to stay and from where do you arrive?

I plan my trip in mid of July...

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I'll be in Korea from early July to possibly August. I'm not sure if I'm going to be staying at a hotel. I have family in Seoul that I can stay with...but depending on how convenient it is to go back and forth for check-ups, I might stay at a hotel for the first phase of recovery.
I'm from the States. Where are you traveling from and how long are you planning to stay?
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If it makes you feel any better, in this forum at least, girls who have a harder time recovering have a history of getting amazing results!
What are some difficulties you have when walking? Is it fatigue or actual pain? It's something that I'll definitely have to consider as well, as my day to day requires a lot of walking.
I hope you feel better soon!
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Oh ok very good that you have family there . I will sadly travel on my own and want to stay at young Dong Hotel for 10 to 14 days. I'm travelling from Germany to Korea.

Do you have a virtual simulation from dr.park and when yes, what did he told you about it ?!

I like my virtual result very much and he sayed that the real result would look close to the virtual result in case. I would be so happy with that.... :graucho:
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today i am 27 days post op and it's my second day at work. I work in the hospital and am on my feet for 8 hours working with patients. I I take breaks here and there for 15 mins and sit down throughout the day plus my lunch breaks. today my ankles are even more swollen and even my feet again after work. my legs are not too painful. it's more my heels that hurt from all the weight and soreness and tightness in the calves and behind the knees. My legs do get tired from the limping. The limping I feel I cannot control. I do try not to limp to look normal because I am tired of everyone at work asking me what happened. But it's like my legs and feet are learning how to walk all over again. I am taking slower steps than before surgery so it does take me a while to get to the end of the hall. Everyone's recovery is different. I just happen to fall under those who are having a slower recovery.
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That's great news! I didn't know he did virtual simulations for prospective patients.
I think my case may be a little different from the others. When I sent Dr. Park my photos, he first told me that I don't need surgery. When I told him my calf circumference (40 cm), he was really surprised. I don't know what it means but I think it might be because I have a lot of fat as well as muscle so maybe the fat hides the muscle?
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I have a question to you about the surgery : did you had general anestesia or spinal? because i'm a little bit afraid of the anestesia.

How was the operation and how long took the surgery?

In wich hotel you stayed?

Thank you so much
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dr park does spinal anesthesia but since the anesthesiologist had a hard time finding the site in my spine, he had the to do general. The operation takes 1.5-2 hours I believe but I did not wake up from the anesthesia in the recovery room until 4 hours later . I stayed at recommended hotel youngdong. I also recommend it because the shuttle is convenient since you will not be able to walk very well after surgery.
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does anyone have a picture or video they can PM me of the aspiration. The problem is that when I got home, I washed out the red marking where to aspirate and kind of been guessing the site. However, not much blood is coming out. I know we are suppose to do a 90 degree angle and push needle all the way and in and out to find the "spot" but I keep failing to aspirate much blood. Does anyone have any advice. I emailed dr park and he seems to not have anything he can send me. He just keeps saying try again next week.
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Ok thank you for answering that quick. Does the spinal anesthesie hurts ?! I'm not afraid of the operation either then from the anesthesie! :-/

Did you had Wireless Lan internet connection in the Hotel Room?! Because i dont want to use my phone!
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the spinal hurt for me because they tried several times to find the epidural spot but failed. yes the wireless internet works in the hotel. I was on my laptop in my room majority of the time
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Hi everyone,

Wow it's so great to return to a busy forum. Thanks so much to jackki and gsykes for all your personal updates regarding their surgeries. I wish you both speedy recoveries. Ooh_la, I emailed you recently so hopefully we'll be able to continue contact. I had no idea until now that you will be in Korea this July. That's great, you must be so excited.

As for an update on myself, work has just kept me busy so that's been my excuse for taking some time away from this forum. I hope to contribute more but it's been crazy. Regardless, I am going to try and check more often for updates from all of you. I actually had an informative phone conversation with Dr. Park just asking all the general questions that many of us already have some answers to. His confidence in his ability regarding the surgery gave me confidence. I still haven't emailed him my photos, I will this week ( again just been a crazy week). After reading some recent threads, I hope he can send me a virtual simulation as well. As soon as I hear back from him that I am a candidate, I will make my travel plans. For those of you considering the procedure make sure you let the clinic know one month in advance. This is what I was told. I heard the rate at the hotel with the shuttle service is about $80 to $90 per night. For those who have stayed there is this how much you spent? Was it nice? Does it just have the basic amendities? Is there a fridge, t.v.?

Gsykes and Jackkk:
Again thanks for all the helpful information and please continue to update. I know Jackkki went under general anethesia, Gsykes- which did you opt for? For both of you, were either of you able to sightsee or shop or do anything else other than get the procedure during your stay in Korea. I was just thinking I will be spending so much on airfare, wondering if it might be wiser just to do all my sightseeing and shopping before the procedure than after. Jackkki I know you're having a tougher recovery- was it difficult getting back home for you. As has been mentioned, for what it's worth, women who've had tougher recoveries ended up with great results. So good luck. Gsykes, you sound like a tough cookie and inspiring. If and when I go through it I plan on bringing flats too and fighting through the pain as well. Thanks for the encouragement. I hope you're recovering well.

Ooh_la- I'm excited for you. It sounds as if you have made definite plans already for July. I should know by the end of this month what my definite plans are. I really haven't been procrastinating just busy. But if all goes well I hope to be there by the end of July and part of August. You will probably be getting over the worst of it as I prepare for mine. I would really love to meet up with you and share experiences. Can you tell me when you plan on leaving Korea? I realize it may be tough to meet up since you will not be at the hotel but with your family. Nice to have extended family in korea.

If there is anyone else planning a trip this summer (July or August) please let me know.

Best of luck to everyone and talk to all soon!
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The hotel young dong was 90,000 won if you stay for at least 10 nights. so whatever the conversion rate is of USD to won. The hotel room does have a fridge and TV. TV only has about 2 english channels. I did not choose general anesthesia. Dr park had to do GA because the anesthesiologist was unsuccessful in finding my epidural spot after several attempts so they had no choice but to do GA. So Dr park does spinal anesthesia now because it's faster recovery unless there is a problem like they had with me. I went sightseeing the first two days upon arrival and then did the surgery. I had trouble walking for too long so I generally stayed in the hotel and went to clinic for my followup appts. HOwever, i know some girls that did not have a problem walking and went sightseeing after a week. But their goal of muscle removal was not as much as mine. I went home my 11 day post op. I took a taxi to airport. A week before leaving korea, I went online and requested wheelchair assistance from my airlines and I am so glad I did. I can't imagine walking through the whole airport and standing in line at TSA and customs. Basically wheelchair assistance takes care of you during departure and upon arrival. Also when I arrived in the airport, I requested a seat that was close to the bathroom because I still could not walk well and urinate often, and requested empty seats next to me to elevate my feet. I had three seats to myself near the bathroom. I told them I had surgery so they did their best to accommodate me. If you ask me if it was worth it, I cannot answer yet because I am still limping and my feet and ankles are swelling up like a ballon. Therefore, I am having trouble standing and walking 8 hours at work. I have never had trouble walking ever in my life. I've never sprained or fractured anything so this is really a challenge for me. Walking and exercising is very important to me. I can only answer this question when I am fully healed. However, If you ask me if I am happy so far with how much muscles were removed and if my calves look better right now then before then yes I am happy with that.
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