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How can I make my calves smaller?

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I've been trying to wear shorts and stuff but people's reactions really discourage me because I'm only 5'2" and the rest of my body is quite slim and when they see it, they're like whooaaa! :sad:
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to be honest I don't know why you're so worried? they look great! Like another member said, they're toned and shapely so I think you're ok. People stare when you can't tell where the calf ends and where the ankle begins.

I say go out and wear lots of shorts and skirts! ;)
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Hi, I have just had my calf surgery last week at Oz. I was recovering quite well up to Day 3, however by Day 4, i started feeling severe tightness in my calves, which prevented me from doing the stretches. On my next check up, I was given IV drip to relive the pain, but it didn't help. My recovery was going backwards, so i was really concern. Dr Park said the spasm in my calves is a reaction that only 1% of his patient get this. What Luck! Generally the spasm will subside in two weeks... but he also said that those who got the spasm got a very good result.
despite the amount of pain .. i can tell my calves are soo much slimmer.. in that sense i am very happy with the result to date. The pain that I am experiencing isn't totally unbearable, its just it hurts when i put pressure on the calves, I can't walk on flat at all... i could on Day 3 but at the moment, my movement is very restrict.

if you are contemplating this precedure, all i can say that hopefully you will be more lucky than I, and don't get the spasm reaction.
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Hi Kok79 ,

Thank you for sharing your experience . May I ask you some questions about the surgery because I will have my surgery at september too , now I am really concerned about it

- how long did you stay in korea for the surgery and the recovery after ?
- Was it difficult to manage alone after the surgery ? because I plan to go alone , so I don't know if after the surgery I can return to hotel by myself .
- What hotel did you stay there ? Do the hotel staff speaks english ?

I thank you so much for your information and hope that you recover well :smile:
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I am still in Korea. I have booked to stay for two weeks. Obviously, i have not fully recover within the two weeks, but i am still able to go fly home. I will have to rest and hope that my recovery will improve when when i get back home.

My partner was with me for the first few days which really help. I wouldn't recommend you to come alone, unless you have no choice and you are mentally very strong. I was in quite a bit of pain afterwards and found moving around the hotel room challenging, but thats me though. I think, after speaking to some other people who have had the surgery, everyone's recovery is different. I know of another girl who had a very good recovery and had no problems getting on her feet after a day or so.

Immediately after the surgery, depending on how you feel, you may go back to the hotel- if not you may stay overnight, i went back to the Hotel. Dr Park drove me back and I had my partner help me up to the room. I stayed at Young Dong. They are the recommended hotel by Dr Park. They have been driving me back and forth to the clinic which is very handy. Yes, they do speak a but if English, enough to get by.

You can order from a take out menu from the Front Desk (you just call from your room to front desk). Since I have been cripped, i have been ordering my food. The food has been great and its inexpensive.

Feel free to send me a private message if you want more information.
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Thanks for your answers . I have determined to go in september because I really want to have slim calves . But , you know , still have so much worries and concerns

I has received your message , but I can't sent you my message , don't know why . and I don't have MSN , I use yahoo messenger . my email is xxx , may I have your ?
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I had the calf resection surgery done by Dr. Park and I also got a muscle spasm in my calf. I was actually very happy when I found out I had a muscle spasm because it answered why my right leg was progressing so slowly. Dr. Park gave me some muscle relaxants and told me not to stretch the leg and to just let it relax. The spasm occurred about 4 days before I went back home, so I couldn't stretch it for awhile after I left Korea.
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I had the spasm in both legs... i was in quite a lot of pain, but yeah, it was a bit of a relief to be told that this was the reason why i am in such pain, and i too was told not to stretch and wait for the muscle contraction to subside before stretching again. Dr park said the spasm usually goes away in 2 weeks. As I said, he said only 1% of his patients got this. But I am really happy with my results so far... my legs are so much smaller and less bulky. Hopefully, all this pain will be worth it in the long run.
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Its going quite slowly.... i'm back home now which is nice. Its Day 16 for me, and I am still struggling to walk bare foot-i'm ok on heels. I'm taking it slowing as per dr park's advise. I have noticed that the bruising on my foot is spreading to my toe area now too. I am hoping in a week's time that would all be cleared up. The bruising behind the knee has definitely cleared up, so thats one positive.

Today, I have started to push myself to stretch my calves a bit... hopefully that would speed up my recovery.
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Thanks for posting your experience. I've always been self conscious about my bulky calves and have always wanted to have calf reduction surgery. I didn't know this type of surgery existed until a couple of months ago. I am so scared to go through with this procedure for fear that something will go wrong.

You're really brave and I hope you have a speedy recovery.
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Simple ballet barre exercises and stretches can really tone your legs...even muscles you didn't even think you've had. If you are willing, try an adult ballet class (they are popular for fitness purposes now). They are good for your thighs too. Otherwise, I agree with pilates and yoga.
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I would not go to anyone besides Dr. Park. Dr. Park is the foremost authority on this surgery. I don't know anyone who has had any permanent side effects.
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Be careful though. I have huge calves from taking ballet lessons for 15 years (and genetics)!
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I agree. I believe Dr Park is the most qualified surgeon for calf surgery. He has performed about 500 calf reduction surgery. From my personal experience, I felt that Dr Park and the nurse who looked after me were very good. Dr Park even called me a few times at the hotel to check up on me. I stayed at Young Dong Hotel and i was very happy with the service there. They would drive me back and forth from the clinic each day and the room was spacious and comfortable. The take out menu was great as well, since I couldn't walk properly, I ordered my food most days. It wasn't expensive either and the food was delicious. It was probably the highlight of my stay :smile:

I'm 3.5 weeks post surgery and my bruising has cleared up and my walking is getting better by each day. During my first two weeks in Korea, I was very concern that the tightness in my calves would be permanent, but I was reassured that by Dr Park that all his patients he has treated recovered. I have no regret so far and I am very happy with my results to date. I have lost about 3cm so far but i do still have some swelling behind the knee.
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