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How can I make my calves smaller?

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I would kill for your legs - even after surgery mine dont look as good as yours x
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In answer to your questions :
Fluid looks like watered down blood (probably coz that's what it is) - it seems to be getting lighter in colour as time goes by.
My husband (who is doing the asperation) said "you just know when to stop pulling on syringe" - you can feel the difference but he couldn't explain how, but he said it's easy to tell when there is no fluid left.
I've had no problem with the incision at all -can hardly even see it now.
Hope this helps x
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Sorry it took so long, to reply. I'm back to work and things are getting back to normal, although I find that my legs get tired quite easily. Unfortunately I'm still aspirating (12 so far) and it looks like I'll be doing it for quite some time. I seem to still have an abnormal build-up of fluid, but thats probably coz my calves were abnormally big (47cm). My calves have only reduced about 4/5cm, which is disappointing because Dr Park said he was aiming for more like 8/10cm due to there original size. I've just gotta hope that once the fluid build up settles down, things will improve (although I wont hold my breath).
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Hi Bluesy,

Thank you so so much for your answers! It's good to hear from you, and learn at the same time that things almost go back to normal now, except that you will have to be patient for some time to get your full leg strength back.

Do you think one could do the aspiration all by themselves in case no one else can help doing it? Does it hurt you, and do you massage your calves? Do you take any vitamins to help you recover faster?

I am also curious about the reduction results: you've come a long way, Bluesy, and I admire your courage for all the steps you are undergoing! But when you say that the reduction is only about 4/5cm, is it your personal assessment post-op, the reduction at the very moment, or was it something Dr Park measured/calculated post-op?
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Hi all, I had the procedure with dr park a few days ago and it has all gone very smoothly. Much less pain than I was anticipating and all in all much less dramatic than I had imagined. I can already see the new shape of my legs and am so excited to see the final result. I could walk in high heels on the first few days but now can walk with flat shoes, but only for about 30 minutes. I think the secret is to be very disciplined with stretching, ruthlessly so... I can also carry my baby whilst walking.

To anyone who is still contemplating whether to do it, I echo others by saying go for it, you will be in great hands with dr park and team.

Now I am just waiting for day 4/5 and hoping I won't find that period too painful since others seem to have experienced increased pain on those days.
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Hi all, I had the procedure with dr park a few days ago and it has all gone very smoothly. Much less pain than I was anticipating and all in all much less dramatic than I had imagined. I can already see the new shape of my legs and am so excited to see the final result. I could walk in high heels on the first few days but now can walk with flat shoes, but only for about 30 minutes. I think the secret is to be very disciplined with stretching, ruthlessly so... I can also carry my baby whilst walking.

To anyone who is still contemplating whether to do it, I echo others by saying go for it, you will be in great hands with dr park and team.

Now I am just waiting for day 4/5 and hoping I won't find that period too painful since others seem to have experienced increased pain on those days.
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I felt the same way as you. I didn't want to change the shape of my legs, just to remove the bulge when wearing high heels. I can't see the final result yet but am pleased so far. My legs don't look too skinny and seem to be in good proportion with my thighs and ankles.

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Those that have asked about doing the aspirations yourself...when I had the surgery, I did not do any aspirations myself. I believe Dr. Park only aspirated me once, or maybe twice.

I would not be worried about losing the shape of your calves. If you are all like me, even though everyone tells me my calves are skinny now, they are still too muscular for my liking and I still avoid doing any sort of calf exercises for fear they will get bulkier.
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Glad to here things are going so well - hope it continues that way - so pleased for you x
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Ah thanks bluesy, that's sweet, but day 4 today and... Ouch ouch ouch!!!!! Definitely 2 steps back today. Also I'm looking at my right calf and am worried that it's too skinny. Makes my leg look a bit bowed..?

Seeing dr later today, let's see what he says.

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this forum is really like a treasure. I’m so glad being able to read about all your experience and recovery process!! THANK YOU! you guys helped me a lot to just go for it. I booked my surgery with dr. park for september and I can't wait!! I'm so nervous and excited at the same time.

I will definitely share my experience on the forum!

How did you guys pay the surgery? Cash, credit card? Did you have to confirm your overseas limit first etc?
I’m worried my credit card will not work.

will there be someone else in Seoul in September (second half)? I’m from Europe.
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I believe I used my debit card and before I left, I let them know I would be putting charges on it in Korea, but I still had to call them from the clinic to okay it. It was definitely the annoying part!
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Without surgery.

Try speed walking everyday. Never uphill, they bulk up the muscles instead.

Don't wear heels that often. Try not to do so for a month. This relaxes your calf muscles and shrinks them.

Drink more water. Are you suffering from water retention?

Massage your calves in a circular motion when you take hot baths. I'm not sure if this works or if it's purely psychological though.

Stick to a healthy diet. More fruits and vegetables. Less salt and fat.

Good luck.
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Thanks for your answer, ashmi!
Debit card? I thought dr. Park would only accept cash or international credit card?

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