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How can I make my calves smaller?

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For those who have taken the plunge and undergone surgery please can you tell me..... how long would you waitbefore going on holiday, to allow for bruising and swelling to subside so that it isn't noticeable to others?
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Girls, due to a banking error, I have a huge amount of Korean Won. Does anyone need? Im in London and I can sell you at below the rate. And now, I have to figure out what to do because I do not have any Korean Won when I fly on Tuesday. You see, the money is available to collect only on Tuesday! Any advice, pls PM.
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i'm pretty sure this has been asked before but how long after the surgery until you can exercise? there's a dance class i want to join but it starts about 2/3 weeks after i'm hoping to have the surgery :oh: hmmm...also how long did everyone wear the compression socks for? do i really have to wear them 24/7 for 3 months!!! and good luck scaredcat!! please keep us updated :smile:
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I don't mind the questions at all! My before measurement was around 35.5 or 36 (I can't remember exactly anymore). Since then it has ranged between 32 and 33cm. I still had a bit of swelling until about 13 or 14 months post-op, but very little relative to the first few months immediately after the surgery. The visual difference is huge! I really noticed the difference when I went from not being able to zip up knee high boots to having them be slightly loose when I tried them on.
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My bruising was not too bad and it was gone after 2 to 3 weeks but the swelling lasted for longer. I probably wouldn't have been comfortable going on holiday until about 4 months after the surgery because I think keeping my legs elevated as often as possible and continuing to wear the bandages and compression stockings really helped with my recovery (and it's hard to explain wearing the stockings if you go to a tropical climate!). The worst of the swelling was probably over for me after 10 weeks so any time after that would have been fine
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Thanks for the reply! :biggrin:

Did you get to choose how much muscle you wanted to remove or was this Dr. Park's choice?
And do you never get swelling anymore? Even after you've been standing/walking for long?

I'm really confused about how the empty space (from where the muscle was removed) disappears. :confused1:
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He decides. I think most people would automatically opt to have as much removed as possible but he goes for what he thinks would look best and proportional.

I get minimal swelling at the end of the day, but I think that happens to most people regardless of whether or not they have had the surgery
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How noticeable is this swelling? :/
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good luck on the surgery. keep us posted
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Thanks for your reply..... sorry to ask so many questions though it is so helpful speaking to someone who has had the surgery ......how long is it since you had surgery .... do you have any regrets.....do you still have pain and swelling .... can you walk run jump to the same extent or is exercise now limited?
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I had the surgery done 16 months ago. No pain, no noticeable swelling (I think a little bit of swelling is natural after running, hot weather, at the end of the day, etc). No regrets. Yes, I can go hiking, running, high impact exercises etc. Any swelling that occurred during my recovery has never come close to what my calves looked like pre-surgery
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