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How can I make my calves smaller?

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hello everyone

I'm sorry it's been a while since my last post because my mother is sick.

It's been over 3 months now. There is still some swelling but of course it is not as bad as before and I can still fit in my shoes. I am switching between the bandages at night and compression stockings during the day. I bought some compression stockings online from a different brand. dr park said to get 30-40mm tight. You have to buy more pairs because you can't use the same every day. I bought some knee length which I prefer for work, and some thigh length for when I wear skirts. They are kinda expensive. dr park said you only have to wear the compression stockings for three months, but in my opinion, you should wear it for as long as your legs are still swelling. I mean that is what compression stockings are for anyways, to relieve swelling. Everyone said that then shape of you legs keep changing from 6-9 months and I think the compression stockings will aid if final result. the size of my calves are the same, 32cm-34cm. I do still have bowed legs. Kinda weird looking with my thick thighs. But can't really tell if I wear knee length skirts. But again it is way better than before. I am sorry, I cannot find my before photos. I am excited to wear short skirts because I haven't worn one in 12 years as well as look so much better in skinny jeans and tights without having my calves bulge out really bad. overall, I'm happy with results so far. There is still some tightness when I first get up from lying or sitting for a while. And also my heels do still hurt when I am on my feet for hours during work. Probably it is because the achilles tendon still healing. let me know if you guys have any questions. One thing that crossed my mind is that this procedure has not been around too long, and there is not much evidence, I think, on long term effects of the procedure i.e walking when I'm old, etc. I mean there are not much studies and doctors that perform this. Oh well, It is too late. I did it already. Sometimes vanity wins.
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Being a ballet dancer I can tell you one extremely important thing! It is all about stretching and not just the calf, you have to stretch out your whole leg that way the other muscles pull on each other which makes the legs leaner and beautiful without bulk. Trust me.
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Hi everyone again,
Today, I'm 13 days post op. I can limp my way around and receive tons of sympathetic looks when walking on the street.
I stayed in Taipei 12 days in total. I didnt experience any fluids built up in the calves at all..only a little bit on my right calf ( ard 6cc) that was aspirated by Dr Jong on my last day at Taipei (Monday). On day 3 and 4, I experienced discomfort when sleeping at night. However, it all went away after I took vitamin B12 (given by Dr Jong). I did experience some discomfort due to the tightness of compression stockings when sleeping though.
3rd day post-ops onwards, My boyfriend started wheeling me around Taipei. Sitting on the wheelchair not only pained my butt but also made my calves swell a bit more ( from 31 post op to 33cm). But it didnt result in hematoma so doctor was ok and we happily wheeled around all tourist attraction places. And I have to say, I must look like the most happy sitting on wheel-chair girl in Taipei for period 10-22 Aug *big grin*
I started to walk in the room slipper from day 9 onwards. It was definitely not comfortable at all. I walked in crab-style :sad:, my knees were not very straight but I just pushed myself to get used to it.
The long walk (30min) from check in counter to boarding gate made my legs really really swollen last night. Today I walked a bit from my workplace to a supermarket. A 6 minutes walk has now taken me 15 minutes.

@sunflower: wow..u walked for 2 hours!!!! Really admire you for that. After that 2 hours walk, did your legs get swollen?

Wish everyone who went through this operation a quick quick recovery!

@ppoi: all the best and be brave girl! Wish u have a beautiful leg in no time ^^
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Hi Jakki

your update has always been clear, really appreciate that. how is your scar? is it very obvious? seems like your swelling exists quite long. when you mentioned about long term consequence, it really scares me. what u have said is true, since there is not much studies about this, the op may affect walking function when gets old. but i still want to go for this operation i have been wanting to do it since i was 15 but my korean friend asked me not to do it because i was too young and my parents did not allow me to do too. but im 20 now and im glad to find this forum cos i was kind of giving up to do sth with my legs. i have to save up as my parents wont approve me for doing this. they will surely be mad if they found out about this. but ill keep an eye on this forum and go for it when im ready. should be by next year. thanks again for the update.

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Hi teenagedirt

haha funny receive tons of sympathetic looks. im happy for you as you had your bf when u were in taipei for the op. i dont know if there is anyone going for the operationwith me. but still going for it. hope you are doing well and wish u a quick recovery.

yeah i hope i will have nice legs in no time.
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i am almost 4 months post op and you can see the scar still but the incision goes with the crease behind the knee. yes there is still swelling. of course not as bad as in the first month. I can still fit my shoes, but it is tighter, and i look like i have cankles if i take compression stockings off and walk for a couple hours. other forumers say that this swelling can take 5-9 months to disappear. so no wearing shorts or shirts yet without thigh high compression stockings. also, it does hurt behind the knee if i wear heels more than 3.5 inches after walking. I went to the club two weeks ago and wore 5 inch thick wedges. behind my legs, not my feet were hurting while standing for more than 1 hour. There is still tightness behind the knee still when getting up after lying or sitting for more than 45 minutes which causes a limp for about 10-20 seconds. yes the other forumers were not kidding. this is a very long process. if you are wanting to just remove about 2-3 cm, honestly i don't think it is worth it. As a 20 year old, you have to do it when you do not have school or work. YOu will be limping for more than 1 month. behind your legs will get very tired. and if you won't have any support to aid you physically like from friends or family, the recovery may be difficult. furthermore, if you parents are against you doing this, I think they will be angry, shock, and freak out bc they are not knowledgeable and cannot find out info like what is normal for the recovery process. I mean I would react the same way. so my advice is if your gonna do it, make sure you stay in korea for at least 14 days to recover and do not see your parents another two weeks or more until you can walk normal. But if you live with them, then I do not know. I just know that there will be consequences. just keeping it real. good luck
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anybody here have before and after picture?

@summershimmer : if i could, ill would definitely go with you but i dont think i can save up by then and i also dont have a long holiday in january. im planning to go in july next year, which is like a year more (:
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hi teenage girl, would you mind if i ask for your before and after picture? u can send it to me to [email protected] i also want to know why u decided to go for dr jong? thanks in advance and will wait for your response.

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Hi Poi..I have sent u the before and after photos. After photos are 7 days post ops. The reason I chose Dr Jong is because Taipei is very near to where I stayed and he publicized lots of pictures on his website regarding this surgery..i feel more comfortable.
Another very important factor for me to choose Dr Jong is that I got in contact with Cute snoppy ( member of this forum also) by emails and she was so so nice to share with me details of the procedure as well as other useful advices.
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Hi teenagedirt

Thank you for answering my qns(: Yeah, im now considering to go to jong. The reason im still hestitating to go to dr jong or dr park is that dr jong touch the sol muscle and im scared that would affect my walking fuction. I have not received your photos yet. My email is [email protected] there is a dot between the "p" and "poi" could you please send them again? im really sorry to disturb you. may i know how many cm your calves are reduced to?

thanks in advance(:
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yeah but of course everyone will be different. it took me 6 weeks to walk without limp and. the initial extreme swelling goes away in one month. but slight swelling that goes you cankles goes away in 5 months--this is what i heard from other forumers.
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Hi jakki I have read many of your posts which are very informative and helpful to me and others thinking of going through this. I wondered were you advised that your recovery may be slower due to having so much muscle taken off or is the pain likely to be the same no matter what. Also you have mentioned how it has impacted on your walking .... do you think it would be possible to return to doing a non weight bearing exercise such as swimming.
Good luck to you in your recovery... please keep posting on here.
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