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How can I make my calves smaller?

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What is hematoma? When I spoke with Dr. Park he mentioned aspiration, did you have to do anything like that?
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Hematoma is the reason why you need to do aspiration.
By definition, a hematoma is a collection of blood outside of a blood vessel. It occurs because the wall of a blood vessel wall, artery, vein or capillary, has been damaged and blood has leaked into tissues where it does not belong. The hematoma may be tiny, with just a dot of blood or it can be large and cause significant swelling.

For myself, I only needed to be aspirated once in my left leg by doc Jong. So in my opinion, aspiration is needed case on case basis.
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Hey Dottydots,
I am planning on going next year in September. Is that around the time you are planning on going?
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Oh okay, I see. Will wearing things like compression stockings help with that?
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I just wanted to share this with you because I also was really unhappy with my calves size: I did a lot of cycling because I thought this helps me to reduce my calves size but I stopped doing any type of sports for my legs some months ago. I am also stretching a lot sometimes more than twice a day (I believe this really works) and I also lost a little bit of weight. I have lost more than an inch and now my calves are 13 inches. I really measured it and I believe it´s because I stopped cycling and I am stretching a lot. Hope that I can still lose an inch or more.
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The idea of wearing compression stocking is to reduce the swelling post op.
It doesnt help with hematoma which is a mild stage of bleeding within the muscle tissue.
I believe different body will react differently to the surgery. Therefore different degree of aspiration is needed. If you have hematoma in the legs, aspiration will help you to recover faster not compression stocking.
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Hi guys
I’m very happy to find out this topic. I am 1.6m and my calf is 42cm
:sad:(. thanks you all for very useful comts
@ Jackkki, I am exciting to see Dr Park this December. I learn a lot from your post. if it ok then I would like to have your email. my email is [email protected]
Many thanks in advance
Anyone will go to OZ in late Dec for the operation ?
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I will. Have you already contacted Dr. Park?
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Wooaa, it sound great! I have email and got feedback from him already. May I have your mail add so we have more thing to share :smile:
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Sure! Let's PM each other our emails.

Also, what is the recovery like after three months? Are the scars and bruising still apparent?
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  • 3 weeks later...
Are calf muscles genetic??
I have a feeling they are....I was very unfortunate and got my fathers horrible legs.
Ahhhh.... I would love to get the surgery but they amount of immobility after the surgery seems long!

Do they take out a vein in the surgery to do it or something?

and also if you get the surgery done, will the muscle come back?"
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Unfortunately, calf muscles are genetic :sad:
I haven't yet had the surgery myself, but I've done a bit of research. If I'm correct I think you can walk a few weeks after the surgery. It's running that might take some time. You won't be bed ridden or anything like that. I have flat feet and apparently lack muscle at the front of my shins making me overuse my calf muscle. I was afraid that because of this, if I had the surgery it would just grow back. Dr Park assured me that once its cut out, it cannot grow back. I hope he was telling me the truth and not just trying to get my money!
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Oh okay, I see. I wonder if my GP in Australia would be able to aspirate for me? I really can't be away from work for too long :sad:
Teenagedirt, would I be able to email you with a few questions please?
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Hi, I really want to do the calf surgery. I am from Canada. I wanted to ask if there are any surgeons that would perform this type of surgery in America. I have emailed about this type of surgery to some of the Surgeons from the States. Apparently, they all advise me not to do so because this surgery is very dangerous. I really hope this surgery is a safe procedure. I've heard someone died from this surgery from a forum or something. I really want to know where you guys research about this type of surgery. I can't really find much information on google. Please help me out! thanks!
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