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How can I make my calves smaller?

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@ Marrob
hello there, I had surgery with Dr. Park on Feb 23rd. 2015. It was my only surgery, and I researched 3-4 months prior to scheduling with Dr. Park. I appreciated his expertise, he answered all my questions promptly, he was very patient and kind; on email. I met Dr. Park and his team Ami and Susan in February and they were just as amazing and friendly. They helped me alot with emotional support and stretches. I spent around $10,000 USD flying there, hotel, food, and surgery. It is the greatest investment of my life for my body. I don't regret it one bit. Korea is a beautiful country filled with open minded people, who are very kind and understanding to tourists. It was the best 2 weeks for me. Hotel Young dong was so wonderful too, the drivers were always ready to give me a ride to clinic, even taking me to buy groceries. Good people all around helped made my experience in Korea getting surgery a good one.
About surgery, yes, you will need pain and antibiotics medicine. they will give you. However, I brought extra pain medications for myself. For the two weeks, I did alot of resting and stretching. To this day, 5 months later, I still stretch a minute or so every morning. I walk normal now. I'm able to run a lil bit. I've went dancing in short dresses. My boots fit beautifully. My scars behind the knee are still there, it should fade away in a year or so.
Between Dr. Jong and Dr. Park... I chose Dr. Park, for his extensive expertise, professionalism. He had gained my trust through email, also during the surgery, and his kindness after surgery, keeping in touch with me, making sure I'm doing well. I'm thankful for Dr. Park, his skills has made a big difference in my daily life. I'm able to live and dress the way I want, not wish I could.

@Love.chanel; limping is normal at 14 days post op. Probably up til 2 mos for some people. I wouldn't wear heels yet. Stretching and elevating your legs, massaging your legs daily helps alot.

I was a size 36.5cm, I'm now mainly a size 32-33cm. Dr. Park did well. I adore the whole team, they are small company, but compassionate, personable, and kind. I wouldn't choose another company for my calves.

have a good day everyone!
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Hi Forumers,

I had my op with Dr Jong. I have written about my experience below.

Consult one day prior to operation:
I arrived at the clinic for my consultation where Dr Jong used an ultrasound machine to check precise thickness of leg muscles. He drew markings on legs and ran through operation and provided opportunity to ask any questions. Also took lots of photos and a video of my walking. He said he will also do lipo around knees to provide better contour of legs. Consultation ran for approx 1.5hours. I felt he was very thorough.

Op day: everything ran smoothly, It took a long time! Had operation under spinal. Spinal needle was relatively painless and took effect quite quickly. Op went from 10:30-4:00, fell asleep during procedure I was so so relaxed. After procedure no pain. Had to lie completely flat for 24 hours. Clinic provided meals for the entire 2 day stay.

Day 1 PO:

AM: Slight pain behind knee. Achy feeling in L leg (similar to big session at gym). Tried to straighten foot and felt a warm burning sensation so stopped! Drains collection blood although not a lot which I'm told is good.
R=36cm L=37cm
Started Arnica tabs and Dr Jong gave panadol and riboflavin tablets 3 times per day.
After noon- some burning pain in my left leg when pushing down. This is apparently nerve pain. Dr Jong informed he removed 150grams of muscle from left calf and 150g right calf.
Fell asleep at 1 am, trouble getting comfortable because of drains and catheter tubes in the way!

D2 PO:
Last morning at clinic. Walking very slowly with wedges. Dr Jong removed drains... OUCH! At least it only took a second or 2 to pull them out but I did gasp.
Back to hotel, walking flat on right foot with some tightness still on toe with Left foot.
Did not need wheel chair or walking aid to get back into hotel- just walked very very slowly and rested for evening.
Still taking Aneca, panadol and nerve pain tablet. Seems to be doing the trick. Some hip pain from odd sleeping position.

Had a sponge bath and decided to get out of my hotel room. Legs quite tight (similar to big session at gym). Practiced my walking up and down hotel room. Still can only walk on toe on left leg. I started to feel frustrated because I am impatient and just want to walk normally again ASAP but then realised I need to be patient! Went and sat by pool for the day which was great to change the atmosphere. Decided in the late arvo to head to the supermarket so went out for an hour in my wedges. Initially my walking was quite slow but the more I walked the easier it became. No one would have been able to tell I had an operation, I was confident my walking looked normal by end of shopping trip. Legs did feel tired upon return. Dr Jongs protocol is to rest for one week and only walk to bathroom or when necessarily... I can't sit still for more then 5 minutes so this was tricky for me. Occasionally during my shopping trip I would get pins and needles in my left foot (sometimes it was a warm burning pain that lasted a few seconds) but I made sure I was careful with my walking and didn't overdo it. Back to the hotel and rested for the remainder of the night. Before I went to bed I tried walking on flat feet and was suprised I could with little tightness. I have been taking Anica religiously every 4 hours as well as riboflavin tablets. No pain killers though since I left the clinic because I haven't had any pain.

Morning: Woke up and where my stitches are felt a bit itchy and sore (may have slept in a certain way that put pressure on them). As soon as I woke up to go to the bathroom i walked flat footed. A little slow and tight at first but the more steps I took the easier it became.

Had check up with Dr Jong today. He used his ultrasound machine to check for hematoma and seroma and change dressings. Everything was fine and swelling at a minimum. Went shopping for about 1/2 hours then went back to the hotel and rested. I will be leaving tomorrow to head back home. It's been a short stay here but and enjoyable one.

Morning: Woke up a little stiff this morning. Went for an appointment at 9:30am with Dr Jong, I walked there all was fine but a tiny bit of discomfort in my left leg. He changed dressings and examined with the ultrasound machine. I have some fluid built up in my left leg so he aspirated this for me. He attributed this to me being on my feet shopping for too long yesterday. None the less this is my last day here so he ran through post operative care instructions for me back home. He also took measurements and assessed my walking. I can now walk flat footed, takes a minute or so for the tightness to subside but once this does I am fine. He has recommended that I start doing stretches after 2 weeks when he said the muscle starts to contract. He has asked me not to push myself until then and to not walk too much as this will give my legs an opportunity to heal. I flew back home that afternoon. Because I couldn't elevate my legs I found it a little uncomfortable on the long plane ride home but none the less just distracted myself by watching movies. Getting around the airport preflight was absolutely fine as I wore my wedges.

My legs more a little more swollen then usual from the plane flight. Have been walking around my home in flat slippers. I feel a little stiff when ever i get up but within a minute this subsides. Took my stockings off to sleep last night as it was a little more comfortable... Bliss :smile:

Can't believe it was a week today I had my op... Seems surreal that's it's all over when I think about it. Walking is still fine with the usual tightness when I first get up. I have been resting and not walking when not necessary. Dr Jong told me he sculpted my legs to each be 35cm, currently my legs are sitting at 37cm each but I know this is just swelling and I'm not to focussing on measurements during the post operative healing process. I've told myself I'm letting my body heal for at least 3 months before I focus on measurements.
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How many times did you have to aspirate before seeing any results? Did you see results at day 14? Because I can't see any results
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@ Love.chanel;
I aspirated twice with Dr. Park, and then once again in the US. There wasn't much blood left, so I stopped.
before leaving Korea, which was 10 days after my calves operation, we measured my post op calves, they were a 33/34. I continued to massage, elevated, and wrapped my legs daily. The smallest I've seen my calves were 32/32.5. Again, it will be swollen on and off, so be sure to elevate with pillows. I apply lotion often, since the calves are usually wrapped. I only wear heels sometimes, when needed, and it looks great. I'm able to wear short dresses and skirts. I see a BIG difference. I'm thankful to Dr. Park, the operation with him, the experience I had; made a big impact to my life.
You are at 14 days, its one of the hardest time. I believe you will do well, just hang in there. Wrap your legs at night or when you are at home. After two months, I stopped wrapping my legs when I go out for a few hours, I quickly wrapped them calves up when I get home though. So don't stress. Take good care.
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Thanks Everyone for posting your experiences. I'm still trying to decide where I should get it done. I read Dr. Jong works on the Sol muscle. Does anyone know if this makes a big difference?
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Thanks for the information. I'm kind of concerned about the amount of pain. What kind of anesthesia was used? Local or general?
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@Black Caviar
Thanks! I'm wanting to go with Dr. Jong now, but it would be more convenient since I'm in Korea.
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Is there some kind of special technique done in Korea vs the states for calf reduction? Seems like there are very few docs out there that can do good calf reduction in the West. How long will you have to wear compression?
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Hi everyone, I've been following this thread very rigorously for the past week. To begin I just want to say thank for those who have shared their amazing results with us. I'm planning to do the surgery next year around Feb, March or April. But I would have to see with my schedule.

From what I have learned here on the thread, there are two major doctors who do calf reductions. Dr. Park from Korea and Dr. Jong from Taiwan. A big decision factor between these two doctors are the length of the scar and the advanced technology equipment used in whole procedure. Dr. Park's post surgery results in a shorter length of scar compared to Dr.Jong. While Dr. Jong has more advanced tech equipment used in the procedure. Vigorous stretching throughout post op is very important, no matter the doctor. Except Dr.Park requests your legs to be lifted up and on the other hand, Dr. Jong asks for the legs to be down. Also, self-aspiration is needed for Dr.Park's post surgery recovery. (If you are like me and don't know what that is, it's putting a needle in your cut, and sucking the pus out in your leg. But I read it sounds worst than it really is.) Time of recovery seems to be a year. Measurement of ideal calf seems to your height and times is by 0.20 (Dr.Park's measurement).
But after my research I still have a few questions and wonder if any one with experience or knowledge on them can answer.
The activeness you lifestyle after post op to continue with the size of your calves and avoid change in shape is a blur though. Some of the experiences says that there shouldn't be an active lifestyle after operation, while some say the active lifestyle can continue after a few months after post op. This is quite confusing and misleading, if anyone would like to clear up this blurriness, please do so, thank you a lot!
Lastly, most of the experiences I've read, the correction of calves are usually 3cm. Now I have calves with different measurements on different size. My ideal calf is at 29cm. But my right one is 34cm and the left one at 32.5. Now does anyone know if I can take away 5cm on one leg? Cause I have not read about an experience taking away more than 4cm. And with the 4cm, there was only one person here with that experience.

I'm sure there are more questions, so if anyone wants to pitch in, feel free. The more information here, the more beneficial to everyone who wants to know more about calf reduction. Thank you!
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In terms of one leg bigger then the other, I have read in earlier posts that someone went to Dr Jong for this problem and he was able to correct it. I am sure both surgeons would be able to.
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If anyone is considering going to Korea for procedures other than calf reduction, I highly recommend Koun Clinic. Dr. Im has done way over 10,000 liposuction procedures and is an expert in her field. I had the worst saddlebags in the world and now they're gone. Yay! If I can just get these calves taken care of ^^
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Hi! I have heard of people getting botox injections (in Korea) for the front thigh muscles. It supposed to make the area look smoother. I'm not sure about back of the knee though....
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