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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Hi everyone, I'd like to recontour my entire legs too. Thinking about lipo for thighs and resection for calves bc I read not so good reviews on calf lipo including on this forum.

Has anyone thought about getting both done and if so, is it recommended to get them done in 1 trip to Korea? If not, any opinions on which surgery would be better to get 1st/2nd? I don't like the idea of using my thighs as a reference for how thin my calves should be made or vice versa, a lipo PS not thinning my thighs as much to keep them proportionate to my calves
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Have you tried daily stretching? I used to have big calves that made boots too tight to wear, but after stretching (and some weight loss) they've gotten very slim.
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So I have heard Dr. Park's muscle removal surgery for years but never had the guts to really get it done.

Alternatives such as RF or other nerve removal surgery doesn't seem to work for the long run as the compensate muscle grows out after a year or two.

I am wondering if anyone tried non-invasive methods for fat removal. Although the calves is mostly muscle, removing the fat and that little cm reduction will make a big difference in appearance. Anyone tried cool sculpting (freezing fat to kill 22% of fat), ultrashape / liposonix (using ultrasound to burn fat) or vanquish? They have good results on tummy and hips but I don't see much references on the calves :sad:
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Black Caviar,

I saw that you did a selective neurestomy surgery in which you cut the nerves to reduce the muscle size. May I know how is that going after 2 years? Did you see any compensatory muscle hypertrophy?

I am new to this forum and it doesn't allow me to see all the threads you posted, forgive me if you already explained the situation!
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Hi Cotton118
Yes I had a selective neurectomy. Initially I liked the results but a year later my left leg grew back to its original size and my right leg had depressions all over it and looked bowed/ weird. I do not recommend selective neurectomy. I recommend partial resection of the gastronemius.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Black Caviar,

How are you doing now? Can you give us an update? I'm interested in going to Dr. Jong myself.

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Majority of my swellin has gone (about 90%). Very happy with Dr Jong- I would highly recommend him. Scars are also healing very well. I have returned to all of my original activities without any issues.
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Hi Black Caviar,

Thanks for the reply!!

I trust you did a lot of research before getting partial muscle removal after the nerve blocking surgery, may I know why you didn't opt for RF 'burning' muscles directly to reduce the size? Seems less invasive but more effective than nerve blocking! I can't find a lot of info on RF burning muscles in English and tried searching in Korean using google translate, but it's not working too well so far.....
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Hi. I had lipo done on my calves. It depends on the amount of fat you have on your calves. I had a lot of both fat and muscle. After lipo, the overall circumference decreased a little and it just gave me a more defined look. If that is what you're wanting, I recommend lipo. I also highly recommend it for slimming ankles. If you're more concerned about the shape of your calves, lipo won't make much of a difference. I'm going to get the muscle reduction soon since my problem is due to large calf muscles. I also had radio frequency and botox, which was a waste of money.
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I didn't do the RF because I have heard there is a chance of muscle growing back and after previous experience with neurectomy i wanted to make sure that my next procedure ensured permanent results. I also told that if you have RF then if you decide to have partial muscle resection, the results won't be the best because of scar tissue RF creates. If you want something wihh permanent result I would recommend partial muscle resection. For me post op recovery was fine, had no issues at all
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Thanks for your reply! Did the hard lump/fluid thing go away eventually? And did the surgery affect your leg flexibility in any way?
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  • 2 weeks later...
I had my calve reduction surgery done by Dr. Jong in Taiwan. Today is my second day post op and it went really well.

Dr. Jong is amazing, unbelievably care Doctor. I had a few plastic surgeries in the past and I have to say he is the most caring doctor I have even seen so far.

I live in Indonesia. I communicated with him through emails. since the first time I sent him email, which is about a month before the surgery, he always replied and answered all my questions in detail and patiently.

3 years ago I had liposuction on my calves in attempt to reduce my calves size with another surgeon. However, this was the biggest mistake I had ever made in my life as the procedure made my calve muscles looked even more prominent and the surgery left irregularities on my ankle and calves, overall it ruined the shape of my legs.

After doing a long research, I found there are two doctors who is able to perform partial gastrocnemius resection, Dr Jong in Taiwan and Dr Park in Korea.

I sent both Dr Jong and Dr Park emails and explained about my problems. But only dr Jong that willing to fix the irregularities in my calves from the previous surgery, while dr. Park was unable to do that. I finally decided to choose Dr Jong.

First day, he measured and took pictures of my legs from every angles. He put me on a swirl chair, used an ultrasound machine to look how thick is my calve muscles. He did it thoroughly and took about an hour and half to do the examination. I also have varicose vein on the right calve and needed to be removed.
I also requested to do the whole liposuction for my thighs as well. In total, I have 2 major surgeries: 1) partial muscles resection of my medial & lateral gastrocnemius and lateral soleus, 2) liposuction of my ankles, medial & lateral thighs. Also 2 minor surgeries: 1) varicose vein 2) fat transplant to fix the irregularities from the previous liposuction.

After the examination, he gave me a special mobile phone that I can use to communicate with him. The surgery is scheduled tomorrow morning at 9 AM. I return to the flat I rented from Airbnb which is only a few blocks from the clinic.

Day 1.
In the day of surgery, I was a bit nervous but seeing the Dr Jong is very care with me, it calmed my nerves a lot.

There were 5 nurses assisting him during surgery. Although most of the nurses are unable to speak English, they are very care, friendly and helpful. I had a spinal anaesthetic plus the sedation to put me in sleep.

The surgery took about 6 hours and it went really well. I was awake most of the time and sleep half way through it. No pain at all and he put the drain on my calves to avoid hematoma.

Day 2.
He changed the dressing and all are looking good. Still no pain so far. My calves feels a bit tight that's all.

That's it my experience so far with Dr Jong and I will post it again tomorrow to tell you more about it.
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I done calve lipo and it made my calve looked much worse. The muscles bulge looked more obvious and they looked so masculine, I was embarrassed to wear a skirt since then. It was the biggest mistake I've made. Better you go for partial muscle resection straight away and I really recommend Dr Jong. He is a super skilled doctor in this field. You would never regret it. The only thing I regret is why I didn't do it sooner.
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